Chereads / How I accidentally joined the League of Villains / Chapter 3 - Meeting the league part 2

Chapter 3 - Meeting the league part 2

(Warning this chapter talks about some sensitive subjects and has some adult stuff though nothing too lewd.)

I sat at the bar listening to members of the league chattering at each other,  I had a small sketchbook drawing each of them and writing down names and random facts beside each one.  Toga was of course delighted and offered to pose for her sketch making me laugh.

My fingers smoothed over the lines of Dabi's sketch, glancing at the burned man who also sat at the bar.  He acted pretty quiet though I could see him always deep in thought.  The glass in front of him was water, I couldn't recall ever seeing him drinking alcohol.

Toga pounced me from behind looking at the sketch whistling with appreciation.

"Dabi looks hot in your sketch I could simp to that image Emi-chan." She giggled knowing that would catch Dabi's attention.

"It's not meant for simping... whatever that is, it's a record of the league and its members."  I could feel the heat coming to my face as Dabi's intense eyes turned to us before glancing at the sketch carefully turning it so he could properly look at his likeness.

"You have talent Umi...maybe I should pose for a more private sketch sometime." His voice husky as he leaned forward face inches from mine.

"Um...yeah sure...if you want, excuse me."  I slipped off my stool and tried not to look like I was running away.

Without realizing it I ran into a solid form in the hallway fingers caught my shoulders before I bounced to the ground.  Looking up I saw Shigaraki for the first time without that hand covering his face, caught in those red eyes I shivered at the touch.

He dropped his hands once I was steady on my feet.

"Something scare you Umi?"

"Just a little startled, I'm fine, just fine, heading to my room for a bit, that's all." I went to move around him only to be stopped by three fingers touching my hand.

"Who got in your space Umi."  That soft gravelly voice stopping me in my tracks.

"Nothing really happened I just got a little triggered that's all, please let go."  My voice wasn't much more than a whisper feeling the shiver starting.

He dropped my hand but insisted quietly that I follow him, he turned back the way he had come and took me back to my room making me sit before he sat on the other side of the futon looking me dead in the eye.

"Explain what's triggering the anxiety Yuna, you've been here for two weeks and I've noticed you shy away from Male contact but not female, why." The question was almost a demand, it made me frown and look away.

"You want me to tell my sob story Shigaraki, fine, while I was being raised in foster care I was sexually abused when I was 7, by my 12 year old foster brother, he threatened to hurt me if I told anyone.  After that situation I was assaulted at 16 by a teacher, someone I should have been able to trust. I don't want to be touched because it triggers my fear response and the memories of the abuse.

To make it worse my foster brother spread rumors that I was a little whore, so I couldn't be alone with anyone even briefly without someone asking 'when is the baby due.'

Children can be cruel, I didn't escape the abuse until I was thirteen.  By then i had become a solid hermit, escaping the only way I knew how, into books and my writing." I didn't look up shivering as the memories came over me again.

The floodgates were open, and now they wouldn't shut, he had wanted to know, and I would have bet anything that he regretted asking.  Instead I heard his voice next to my shoulder soft gravel sounding almost angry.

"What happened to these monsters, did they ever get what they deserved?"

Looking up I saw those red eyes so often detached looking like a burning inferno, I couldn't look away for a long moment.

"I never found out actually, the teacher I think was caught with another more willing student and lost his license. As for Rei... he probably grew up normally without a care in the world, had a wife and family...I didn't really care to know his fate..."  I hadn't realized that tears had started flowing down my face until a black sleeve touched my cheek making me jump slightly.

"Sorry I don't have a handkerchief or anything, but I don't like seeing friends cry." His voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh I guess I didn't notice that would Explain why I can't see anything." I wiped at my own face with the long sleeve of my own shirt.  "I hate crying it makes me feel vulnerable, something I promised myself that I would never feel again. I never told anyone that stuff before, I would appreciate that you didn't spread it around I don't want to be pitied or thought of as a weirdo."

That made him laugh softly.

"Have you seen some of the people we have here? You're the most normal one, hey do you like video games?"

The change of topic threw me off briefly but I found myself nodding.

"Not expert level or anything but I do enjoy playing."  I watched Shigaraki as he stood a grin on his face a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Come on, you can be my player two for the day, you look like you need a distraction."

I nodded again and stood following him out of my room and into his, turns out it was just across the hall.  We ended playing Mario kart the rest of the day. 

For a week afterward that was our thing and I found myself getting more comfortable around Tomura Shigaraki.


The desk was small but it was enough for my needs.  I sat at my computer, the sketchbook beside me as well as other notes I had made, mostly out of habit. I had been working for two hours writing the article for myself since it would never be published. 

The door to my room was cracked open revealing my shape in the darkness with the glow of the screen as my only light.  It was late and almost everyone else was fast asleep or at least they should have been.

I heard the creak of the door opening and then saw the long fingers of Tomura resting on either side of me pinky up, on the desk, I could feel his chest against the back of my head.

His soft gravel voice whispered into my ear causing pleasant chills to run down my back.

"What are you writing Yuna? Couldn't sleep?" His breath against my shoulder made my heart shutter briefly.

"The article that will never be published, it helps get my thoughts to calm down when the anxiety starts up."  I looked up my head still touching his chest our eyes inches apart. 

Quickly I looked back to the safety of the screen glad it was dark and he probably didn't see my blush.  The last few weeks had been eye opening for me, and my friendship with Tomura was certainly the most unexpected part.

"So are you ever going to immortalize my image in this book of yours?" He touched the sketchbook with two fingers carefully flipping the pages studying the figures inside.

"I wasn't sure exactly how to do that, you've always come off as a private person until recently.  I guess I probably should do a sketch of you too.  You are fearless leader afterall."  I couldn't help but smirk at the reference to a cartoon I saw as a child called Rocky and Bullwinkle, I doubted anyone else understood the joke.  Of course Tomura surprised me by whispering in my ear.

"Curse that moose and squirrel."  His breath against my ear as I felt him take a deep breath in.

"Mmmm, you smell good, Yuna, is that jasmine?" His nose slid down my throat to my shoulder, he felt my body stiffen before I forced it to relax.

"Bathbomb, I found it in my toiletries, so I decided to spoil myself and took a bath. Obviously you approve."  I took a deep breath reaching up to scratch his scalp feeling his surprisingly soft curls, he smelled good too, almost like cinnamon.

He hummed softly his arms carefully wrapping around my waist not letting all five fingers touch. A feather light brush of his lips to my throat caused a gasp of surprise to leave my lips.

Suddenly he was no longer touching me, instead he was facing the desk and me those crimson eyes looking concerned.

"I'm sorry Yuna, I didn't mean to upset you, are you alright?" His whisper almost sounded panicked like he was afraid of how I felt.

"It is okay Tomura, just took me by surprise that's all.  Should probably head to bed it is late, see you tomorrow."  I stood up and carefully touched his cheek to assure him that I was fine.

He nodded and silently left, I watched him go before I got ready for bed.

Sounds woke me from a rough dream, it sounded like, grunting? Sitting up I listened before heading to my door and quietly opening it.  It took me a moment to pinpoint the sound as coming from Tomura's room.  I was about to approach and knock when I heard his voice.

", Yuna."  He was groaning my name at that moment realization hit what was going on.

I quickly went back to my room and buried my face in my pillow.  It was a good thing ours were the only occupied room in this short hallway.  Fortunately he was quiet soon and I passed out.

That next afternoon we were in his room and I was trying hard not to think about what I had heard, but it wouldn't leave my mind.  Finally I spoke up.

"Tomura can I ask you a personal question..." I carefully didn't look in his direction.

"Sure Yuna, what's your question."  He glanced at me as we played co-op on Halo.

"I um..heard you last were saying my name...were you know...doing something..." I knew I was scarlet still refusing to look at him.

"You want to know if I relieved myself  while I fantasized about you?"

He paused the game carefully taking my face with two fingers so I would look at him.  I was struck by those crimson eyes that burned with an unnamed emotion.

"Does the idea bother you, if I did?"  His voice soft gravel it caused a reaction on my gut I wasn't expecting.

"Um...well it's perfectly natural to relieve oneself, but why me?"

Instead of answering the question he smirked and asked one of his own.

"Haven't you ever gotten yourself off to the thought of another person?  Do you have an appetite Yuna?" He stroked my cheek with the back of one hand almost making me moan.

I looked away trying to breathe calmly his touch and mere presence affecting me more than I ever thought possible.  The thoughts going through my mind making it hard to sit still only long years of controlling the inferno inside allowed me to answer him.

"My carnal side is stronger than most people due to the awakening of my childhood, however with that comes the feeling of guilt as if it's wrong.  No I have never touched myself like that.  I distract myself whenever it gets too strong." I felt my body shiver as Tomura got closer sitting in front of me, not touching but studying me.

"Do you trust me Yuna, if it's a no then we won't, but I want to touch you Yuna, make you feel good, give you something of myself. " he almost sounded shy those crimson eyes still burning with what I realized was lust.

"I do trust you Tomura, more than anyone else actually.  I want to touch you...want you to touch me...I've never wanted that before." I stood and started pacing feeling the fire within building worse than ever before.

Suddenly he was in front of me again pushing me gently but firmly against the wall my heartrate ratcheting up as I looked up at him his hands on either side of my head.  Realizing he was quite a bit taller than me I stared.

"Yuna, one word from you and I will stop, all you have to say is no, are you okay with this? I need to know you will be okay with this."  His voice had gone husky those eyes intense as they watched me.

"I'm okay, Tomura." My voice was shakey but not from fear.

As if my words caused a reaction he  moved his hands sliding down under my legs pulling me upwards against the wall as his body came closer pinning me there, our faces now inches apart as my legs and arms wrapped around him clinging.  I felt his interest against my inner thigh causing a moan to escape. 

Soon however his mouth was against mine swallowing any sound, as he kissed me a little roughly yet it felt good, I found myself kissing back as he began grinding his body against mine.

I felt like I was burning from the inside the animalistic hunger growing moment by moment. 

Soon we were on the bed fingers touching each other kisses on every bit of exposed skin.  I felt the gloves on his fingers as clothing came off.  I was lost in sensation the inferno consumed all thought.

I woke to morning sounds, a firm arm around my waist, I felt a warm body behind me, a full blush came to my skin remembering the night before. 

Lips brushed against the back of my shoulder and neck, lips softer than they looked like they should be.

"Morning Yuna, sleep well?" His voice morning husky as it whispered in my ear.

I carefully turned to look up at him, he adjusted so he hovered slightly over me.

"Surprisingly yes, no bad dreams, though last night almost seems like a dream...did we really do all that..." I felt the blush deepen.

"You mean did we spend all night touching and moaning, rending warm secrets together." He whispered against my mouth before capturing it in a kiss which I happily returned.

The fire from the night before lit inside of me my body wrapping around his as the kiss deepened with a soft moan.

"Does my player two need more attention from her player one?" His voice whispered into my throat as a soft whimper escaped my mouth with a meek nod.

He chuckled and one might say eagerly assisted.

Finally with showers we headed down to the bar separately.  I was immediately pounced on by Toga who eagerly started talking about some camp the hero children were supposed to be headed in a few days.

"We finally get to see some action Emi-chan, it's too bad you can't come out with us, it's going to be so much fun." She clung to my arm grinning those golden eyes sparkling.

"I wouldn't be much use without a quirk, it's safer if I stay here and await your return then you can tell me all about it."  I smiled at Toga who almost reminded me of an eager puppy just a dangerous eager puppy.

"Hey psycho why do you always hang onto Umi like that, she's going to get annoyed eventually.  You shouldn't hog all of her time."  Dabi spoke walking towards us his hand resting on the wall cornering me slightly with his body.

"I was tasked with keeping her company, besides why would she want to spend time with you?" Toga glared still clinging to my arm.

My eyes were locked on Dabi who studied me with those turquoise eyes, he smirked leaning closer causing my heartrate to increase.

"Hey Dabi, if you don't want more of your face gone I would step back from my player two. Now."  Tomura took that moment to enter the bar.

I felt relief as the tall man stepped back and I managed to make it to Tomura's side, he grabbed my wrist in a possessive manner pulling me against him.

"Ohhhh Shiggy and Emi-chan are a thing now, I love love.  I want that too, hey scarface, you wanna go make out?"  Toga giggled eyeing the tall scarred man who simply muttered and walked away.

Together the three of us sat at the bar as food appeared from a line of black smoke.

"Thanks Kurogiri." I said before digging into the ramen dish full of shrimp and clams.

(This story is progressing faster than I thought it would.  I'm getting close to random scenes time ones that have nothing to do with the main story, just alternate ideas that keep popping in my head. Next part is going to be one of those, an alternate meeting between Emi Umi and Shigaraki.)