[Twilight Warrior Number 44: Paulette Janis Cartwright]
Age: 17
Weapon: Spear & basketball (Spear & Basketball / Freya's Spear & NBA Ball / Complex Number Spear & Ball)
Weapon Power-up Key Item: Honor Student's Spirit
Job: Mathematical Basketball Dragoon
A woman who, from the job name itself, is adept at mathematics, basketball, and spear usage. She can also cast hastening and slowing-down magic. Due to how some formula-based attacks work, she can be a game breaker, and she is even required to defeat the resident super-boss. She searches for an artifact called the "Emperial Transuranium Elemental" as a way to go home to the real world.
Innate Skills (+ Innate Skill Spells)
1. Subtraction Lancer
Type: Attack
Attribute: Physical
Reduce the HP and MP of an enemy. Acquired at the start of the story.
2. Algebraic Expression Charge
Type: Attack
Attribute: Physical