The dinging of a buoy off in the distance was barely audible inside the abandoned structure. Jared maneuvered his way through the old warehouse. The cities smog overpowered the faint scent of salty water a few hundred feet away. A thick layer of dust coated the old wooden shelving, busted boxes, and over the floors, with every step, he kicked up small clouds of dirt. The air in here was damp, cold, and musty.
It appeared to have been uninhabited for many years. Most of the windows were boarded over, however, the ones higher up were shattered. The near darkness didn't hinder his ability to see as he made his way up the metal stairs to where there had once been an office. A great window overlooked the vast emptiness of the building. The glass was cracked and a big chunk was missing from the pane. He could hear voices talking in subdued tones from within.
He paused for a moment to listen.
"By month's end," Mimeo stated.
"Why so long, I can deal with him myself?" A familiar woman's voice responded.
"No you have your own orders and this time you will not interfere with Jared's mission."
"Well he is too attached to this, I think you should send him back to the Facility."
"That decision is not yours to make and I did not ask for your input in the matter."
Fearing his master's disapproval for eavesdropping, Jared moved to the open doorway. The remnants of a bygone era still sat dust-covered in here. A metal filing cabinet laid dented and rusted on the floor, the rotting contents scattered over the old tiles. The desk was situated against the farthest wall, one of its legs lost in some unknown battle, it stood precariously on three. The two people in here paused their conversation and turned to him as he entered.
Mimeo was speaking with a tall attractive woman Jared's own age in appearance, he knew her all too well. She stood there picking her nails with a small dagger, snapping her gum as she peered up at him with big blue eyes. Her short blonde hair was pulled back in a stubby ponytail. The black skin-tight outfit she wore showed off her athletic form. His jaw tensed, Crystal's arrival was ill news.
"Jared, you have a new mission," Mimeo stated, "The elders want us to test the girl's abilities to survive with her avatar in stasis."
"Is that wise?"
"They give the orders, we simply need to follow them."
"If she dies, then what?"
"You worry too much, it's not as if they can't just breed a new one," Crystal piped in, "Oh yeah, the runt is human. Darn it all, I almost forgot."
Jared gave her a steely glare. She never cared for the outsider, most at the Facility didn't. But for him, this wouldn't be an option. He needed a new plan, one that would prevent the unthinkable from happening.
"Crystal brought your new missive," Mimeo told him, breaking his thoughts.
Crystal's lips curled in a vile grin as she slinked up to him with an ornate clay cylinder. Her silvery eyes flashed as he glanced from her face to her outstretched hand. Her being here had to be the Elders' idea, Jared was sure. The woman was a loose cannon, always had been, she enjoyed the hunt but loved the kill more.
"Yes Master," he did a half bow to Mimeo before taking the message container.
"You know before you set off on your little errand we should go grab a beer." she purred.
"No thank you." he kept his tone flat and disinterested.
"You used to like to party with me. What's wrong pumpkin, the runt won't let you out to play anymore," her grin grew more malicious as she winked at him. Crystal's green eyes flashed, revealing her inner emotions.