Chereads / Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin / Chapter 31 - Diagon Alley Part 4

Chapter 31 - Diagon Alley Part 4

Inside we find an elderly woman peering at us through her spectacles. "Hogwarts students? First years by the looks of it. Come along now, the main fitting room already has someone so one of you will be taken care of by my assistants."

I look at Harry and get a shrug in return. "I don't think it really matters, they'll turn out the same either way won't day?"

I facepalm as who I presume to be Madam Malkin puffs up in indignation, the patterns on her purple dress swirling as she does. "Hmph! You obviously have no idea of the the quality of robes I produce. YOU will be taken care of by my assistants while I work on the little miss in the main room."

Harry rolls his eyes and follows the assistant that appeared from a door to the side. Meanwhile, I follow the angry old woman to the back of the store where I find two pedestals surrounded by mirrors.

On one of them is a blonde haired boy with a cliche superior look as he examines himself in one of the mirrors. Not sure why considering his robe obviously isn't done yet since it covers his feet.

I'm guided to the pedestal next to him and Madam Malkin magics a robe onto me before I can react. Then she leaves to go get her tools for refitting the robe.

...How does that make sense? She magics a robe onto me but can't magic her tools to her? Pft.

The boy next to me sends a self assured smile my way. "Hello there. Are you going to be attending Hogwarts as well?" His voice is smooth, with just a hint of an accent. Though I can't place where it's from.

"Yeah, you too?"

He puffs up his chest in pride. "Of course! My family have been proud Slytherins for generations. We believe it's our duty to keep the undesirables out of the magical word."

I tilt my head in confusion at his words. I think on them for a moment as Madame Malkin returns and starts adjusting my robe.

Then it hits me. 'He must be talking about the non-magical folk, the muggles!'

I nod my head at him. "It's not like they would be able to get here without help anyways. Only those with connections can make it to the magical world."

He looks surprised at my words. "Indeed, connections are everything. My father says that the connections you can make during your time at Hogwarts are some of the most important in your life."

I can't help but agree. "Of course, considering how long people attend, it's only right that you come away with connections. But you shouldn't let that distract you from making connections outside of the school as well. Or leaving previous connections behind."

He looks at me curiously before his eyes drift to the front of the store and gaining a disgusted expression.

"Ugh, just look at that oaf." I follow his eyes and see Hagrid standing outside the store, holding two ice creams in one hand and eating another with the other.

"What about him?" As I watch, the ice creams in his off hand get smushed together without him realizing.

"My father tells me that he's the groundskeeper of Hogwarts, a sort of savage. He lives in a hut on the grounds, and every now and then he gets drunk, tries to do magic, and sets his bed on fire." Madam Malkin moves over and starts working on his robe.

I roll my eyes. "And people probably make up all kinds of things about your father that aren't true. You should at the very least meet someone before you start saying bad things about them.

He gives me a queer look and raises an eyebrow. "Have you met him? Do you not think that he is a bumbling fool just by his appearance?"

We both look back at Hagrid, who drops the two ice creams. He seems to panic and drops out of sight for a moment. When he pops back up he's brushing off the ice creams with a relieved expression. He shoots me a thumbs up, dropping the ice cream he was eating in the process.

I meet the boy's eyes and look away.

"... So you mentioned that your family's been Slytherins, what did you mean by that?"

Smirking at the obvious subject change, he explains. "Hogwarts is divided into four houses, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff."

"Cool, so your family always chooses to be in Slytherin?" That explains the school seal; four houses four symbols.

The boy clears his throat. "Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they, but I know I'll be in Slytherin. Imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I'd leave, wouldn't you?"

I give a noncommittal shrug. I don't know anything about the school, so...

He seems to take my shrug as agreement, as a genuine smile seems to spread across his face. Much better than the arrogant smile he was practicing in the mirror. Before he says anything else though, Madam Malkin tells him that she's done with his fitting.

He looks himself over in the mirror, twisting and swirling his robe until he's satisfied.

"Excellent work as always, Madam Malkin. My father will be hearing about this." She puffs up a bit at his words as she goes back to work on my own robe.

But I can't help but blink at him. "You know, that sounded a bit threatening."

He looks surprised. "Did it? I merely meant that he would be hearing of her excellent skill. Perhaps I will work on my tone. It was nice talking to you, miss..."

"Call me Misha, everyone does."

"Misha, then. Draco Malfoy, it's been a pleasure. I hope to see you at Hogwarts."

With that he walks out, though I note the look he gives Hagrid as he leaves. Hopefully he won't let his father's bias cloud his judgements for every decision.