Chereads / Harry Potter's Chaotic Twin / Chapter 3 - The Great Awakening

Chapter 3 - The Great Awakening

I wake up to Harry crying, and Uncle Vernon yelling. Nothing new there. What is new, though, is Harry's expression of happiness when he sees me awake.

"Misha! I was so worried when you didn't wake up yesterday, I thought that they had finally managed to kill one of us!" He went on to grumble about how much worse it would have been to be stuck in the house alone with the Dursleys, and how he would have missed me so much that he might have gone insane and created an imaginary friend version of me to keep him company so he could continue living.

That was just ridiculous, everybody knows that you don't actually see imaginary friends. Isn't that right Meowtzer? I glance at the four foot tall, weirdly muscular cat standing on two legs in the corner of the cupboard. He gives me a quick nod of agreement before he opens a portal with his trusty fish bone blade and leaves to save his reality from the evil dogian menace. I doubt I'll see him again, but oh well. It was nice having a friend other than my brother while it lasted.

I turn my gaze back to Harry as he finally calms down. I just woke up, so it takes me another minute before I remember what happened yesterday. Then it takes me another minute before I remember waking up last night and noticing the changes. Harry is still staring at me, and his face starts to crease in worry since I haven't responded yet.

I blink and decide that I should allay his worries with as calm a reply as possible.

"Of course I'm fine, did you really think that the pittance of damage that vile table did to me would be enough to finish me off? Nya-hahaha. The glorious Misha would never meet such a pitiful end!" There, that should calm him down.

He stares at me, mouth agape at my obviously very calming words. He speaks. "U- Um, Misha, are you sure you are feeling alright? You seem a bit...," he pauses as he searches for a word nicer than 'insane', "loony".

I look at him for a moment before breaking into a grin. "Yep, I'm feeling absolutely supercalifragilistic. Not quite expialidocious though."

Harry just blinks. "... What?"

I sigh, "I'm fine Harry. Just a bit of a headache, though that's nothing new now is it?" I give him a weary grin as I pat his head.

He slowly nods before letting out a sigh. "I suppose so. I also suppose that we'll have to get up now to help Aunt Petunia prepare breakfast."

I sigh as well before we both get out of bed. "Yeah, luckily it's a Saturday, so we don't have to deal with groups of bullies today."

Harry snorts as we both turn around, beginning to change our clothes. "No, just the biggest bully today. As well as two horrible bosses."

I chuckle, thinking about Dudley's recent weight gain. "Emphasis on 'biggest'".

Harry chuckles along with me, at least until Vernon's yelling gets more intense. "Potters! Get out here and help Petunia with breakfast already! We're bloody hungry!"

A moment later, a less loud but at least equally obnoxious voice shouts out, "Yeah FREAKS, hurry up! I'm a growing boy!"

I snort as I imagine him growing bigger. He's only recently been putting on weight, but it seemed that Dudley wasn't planning on holding back whatsoever in his pursuit of the world record. The world record in fastest weight gain.

I pause just as I finish pulling on my shirt. How odd? Usually I try to stomp down on any negative or aggressive thoughts I have towards the Dursleys in fear that I would accidently let my inner thoughts slip out. But now I don't feel worried about that at all. In fact, those thoughts seem... rather psychotherapeutic? How odd.

It's not like the feeling I got last night, when I was thinking about explosions and it gave me a rather pleasant shiver, but it is nice in its own way. I shake my head to clear my thoughts before sharing a glance with Harry. "Well twin two, are you ready to do battle with the spawn from the middle layers of hell?"

Harry gives me a look, but then shrugs. "Sure, sounds about right to describe them like that. Though demons might actually give us a day off from all the work we do."

I give a short laugh, "Nya-ha. That's true. The Dursleys could probably teach them a thing or two about making people's lives miserable. Might even be able to write a book on it if they would ever think about anything other than making us miserable."

He begins to nod again before he seems to realize something, "Wait, why did you call me twin two? Shouldn't I be twin one since I'm your only twin?"

I shake my head slowly. "Oh dear twin two, don't you know...?" I pause to give him a partially pitying look, before my face gets a smug grin. "I am the number one twin, after all, I am the illustrious Misha!"
