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Wolf's Mate: Inu & Ookami

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Set after the defeat of Naraku. Kagome didn't go back to the warring era, everyone goes on with their lives and Inuyasha is left to sort out his feelings now that Kagome isn't coming back. He's left to find his place in the world, and then left hoping that maybe he might've found it in the wolf demon tribe with Kōga.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Chapter 1.

Several years passed after the defeat of Naraku and the destruction of the Sacred Jewel. Kagome never returned from her era, her time in the Feudal Era was complete... and the Bone Eater's well disappeared along with her.

When it first happened Inuyasha had sat where the well had once stood, he stayed in hopes that maybe just maybe it would reappear along with Kagome. But after the third year, the half-demon figured it was never meant to be. He had lost Kikyo... twice, and now he had lost Kagome as well.. in a sense. Inuyasha traveled exercising demons with Miroku -whenever the monk had time to spare- Shippo was busying himself with the fox demon exams but would find time to visit when he had free time. Sango and Kohaku worked to restore the demon slayers and had found a new place for their village.

Inuyasha stayed with Kaede until the old priestess died, so now with nothing or no one tying him to the village, he left. The half-demon once again was traveling alone, once more no longer welcomed amongst humans and certainly not amongst demons. He wandered for several days and nights, Inuyasha so lost in thought not realizing where he was until eventually stopping to /finally/ take in his surroundings.

/'Why does this scent smell familiar?'/

Inuyasha followed said scent and blinked when it brought him to a riverside clearing, he stopped dead in his tracks when he spotted Rin, Jaken, and A-Un several yards in front of him. Then it finally clicked in his head. He had aimlessly wandered into the Western territory, Sesshomaru's territory. Fuck. The full dog demon was the last person that he wanted to see right now. Son Inuyasha turned to walk away... he didn't make it even four steps before crashing into a hard surface, he stepped back and was fully prepared to yell but stopped himself when he looked into familiar golden eyes. Sesshomaru, double fuck.

/"What are you doing here, Inuyasha."/ The older of the two asked.

"Keh! None of your god damned business, Sesshomaru."

/"I will not ask again Inuyasha."/

"(Sigh) I was just wandering around and ended up here."

/"Is that all?"/ Came a deadpanned voice.

"The fuck do mean?! Of course, that's all, you bastard!"

/"Without your human companions and the fox kit... why?"/

"Why does it matter, Sesshomaru?"

/"Inuyasha."/ Stern voice, Sesshomaru was beginning to get annoyed with him.

"(Sigh) Oh for the love of—"

"Miroku and Sango have hands full. Shippo is busy, Kaede is dead, and Kagome is never coming back. There, happy?"

Sesshomaru stared at Inuyasha and intently listened to him speak, the older male crossed his arms over his chest. The full demon soon began laughing, much to Inuyasha's distaste.

"And what's so fuckin' funny?" He growled out while glaring at his brother.

/"Are you lonely Inuyasha?"/

"Wha- lone- I'm not "lonely" Sesshomaru! You are delusional."

/"You're the delusional one little brother."/

"Why you—"

/"You're women -the priestesses- are both gone. The monk and the demon slayers have their own family, the fox kit is busy getting stronger."/

/"The pack you once possessed is now split, and now only /you/ remain. Everything goes back to normal especially being shunned by everyone."/

"I know dammit! You don't hafta remind me! I'm well aware that I'm not welcome with either species, I know okay?"

The more Inuyasha spoke the softer his voice became, his ever expressive dog ears flattened against his head and the silverette looked down... no longer able to hold Sesshomaru's gaze. what wasn't expected though, was for Sesshomaru to pull Inuyasha close and hug him. The half-demon blinked several times in surprise, this being the first and only time that his older half-brother has ever done anything like this with him.

"Sesshomaru, what—"

/"I know what everyone says, but you're not alone Inuyasha. Despite everything, you can still go see your companions. You've come far compared to how you used to be... father and your mother would be so proud of you."/

"But, I wasn't able to save anyone.. not Kikyo, not Kagome—"

/"You did the best that you could do little brother. I know it doesn't feel that way but you did, and that is all you can do; is your best."

"If you fall... then you get right back up and try again."/

"It's not... not that simple Sesshomaru."

/"Nothing is ever going to be easy Inuyasha, that's not how life works little brother."/

"Then what do I do? I'm so lost."

/"No one can tell you that Inuyasha. That is something you must figure out on your own, but I can help guide you."/

/"One adventure ends... you could always start a new one."/

Inuyasha as he listened to Sesshomaru speak. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down, the full demon wasn't wrong... he could always go on a new adventure even if it was a solo one. Inuyasha let out a sigh and nodded his head before looking up once more.

"I guess I could do that. But it won't be the same though."

/"Nothing is ever going to be the same, Inuyasha. But that is a part of growing and maturing, to see that and accept it. Go follow a new path, there will always be a place for you here little brother."/

"Thank you— Sesshomaru."

With that Inuyasha turned and ran off, a new sense of determination flowing through him. Sesshomaru stood there watching as the Inuyasha's back grew smaller and smaller until he was gone, he looked over when Rin and Jaken had joined him shortly after.

//"Did you have to send him away, Lord Sesshomaru?"//

"Yes, Rin. This is something Inuyasha must do alone. If he needs help, then he will come to us and we will offer our assistance when that time comes."

//"Understood, Lord Sesshomaru."//

Several weeks passed after that little talk Inuyasha had with his brother, mainly Inuyasha did some self-reflection. He did more wandering and slaying the occasional demon, and soon Inuyasha found himself in Kōga's territory.

/'The Eastern wolf demon tribe... well, here goes nothin'/

The silverette thought to himself. Then Inuyasha started moving once more, he made it to the bottom of the ravine and paused, he could scent out the guards that didn't make themselves known until they deemed him too close for comfort. So he looked up where the guards had come out of their hiding spot.

/"What do you want *half-breed*?"/ One sneered.

"I mean no harm, though I would like to speak with your Alpha."

//"And how do \you\ know our Alpha?"// The other spoke up this time.

/'New members if they don't know me.'/

"I am an old friend. Just tell him "Inuyasha is here" "

One guard left to go find Kōga, leaving the second one to glare suspiciously at Inuyasha, who just stood there patiently waiting and ignoring the death glare. Though he blinked several times when a shadow cast overhead, the silverette moved just as the owner of said shadow landed gracefully.

Kōga straightened up and placed one hand on his hip and smirked. Over the years Kōga grew into himself. He looked more like a young adult now rather than a teenager. His tanned, muscled body filled out more, especially those powerful legs of his. Jet black hair grew much longer over the years and he kept it tied up in that signature ponytail. Kōga's wolf tail swayed as he walked over to Inuyasha, the wolf demon was a head taller than the half-demon now, the smirk stayed on his face as he gazed at yhe silverette, his alphan fangs on full display.

"Hey, pup. What brings you to my neck of the woods?"

"Just... here to see an.. an old friend, wolf pup."

That earned a deep laugh from the Alpha wolf, Kōga's voice had gotten deeper with his age... and fuck it made Inuyasha's knees weak, though he would never admit it. Sky blue eyes gazed into molten gold and Kōga nodded his head.

"Follow me, Inuyasha."

With that, the raventte promptly turned and disappeared behind the waterfall, Inuyasha gulped then he was quick to catch up with Kōga and he ignored as the guards brought up the rear. The silverette watched Kōga silently, jet black ponytail and wolf tail swaying with his movements, muscles flexing with the slightest movements on Kōga's part and being in such an enclosed space... gave Inuyasha the chance to breathe in the wolf demon's musky scent that overpowered the other wolf demons' scents. Man he missed Kōga more than he was willing to admit.