"Got it Ge! Have a good time! Do bring Xingzi-jie home sometime!" Jingwei said cheekily, dodging Tianwei's hand as he tried to cuff him for his cheek. He shot his brother a knowing wink at his words as he dialled their family's chauffeur.
Tianwei was half-cuddling Xingzi-jie while he settled the bill. How cute. If Jingwei wasn't tormented by the spectre of Wu Shang Jing's crimes, he would have cooed and made obnoxious kissing noises in the background.
Maybe, when all this was over and Tianwei married Xingzi-jie, Jingwei would mention all these cute embarrassing moments in his best man's speech.
The chauffeur arrived promptly and the three of them clambered into the back seat with various levels of drunkenness. Jingwei was proud to note that he wasn't the most pissed-drunk one for a change, that dubious honour was given to the woman in his brother's arms.