"So Shang Jing was your childhood friend? Who taught you how to hack?" Xue Ning asked as Jingwei had to stop to take a drink of water. His voice had gotten hoarse.
That was most likely the start of it, but Xue Ning knew there was still more to come. Jingwei would not have looked so terrified at the thought of an old friend paying him a visit.
"It's… "Jingwei began hesitantly. "Those were the happier days, when we were young and innocent. Or at least I was young and innocent. I keep wondering if Shang Jing was ever innocent. The rest of the story isn't so good. Are you sure you want to hear it?"
Jingwei looked pleadingly at her, as though hoping Xue Ning would tell him now so he wouldn't need to revisit painful memories. Unfortunately for him, Xue Ning was determined to know everything. She nodded, and Jingwei let out a heavy sigh.
"Then in the blink of an eye, 5 years passed just like that…"