Adams landed the F-15SB back at the helipad on Almara Island. This was quite a long night, that turned into a rather chaotic and dangerous night. Nevertheless, the sun still rose, eventually. Adams was watching the sunrise as he was still in the cockpit of his fighter jet.
◄Incoming Call: Sarah►
"Honey, are you ok? This is you, right?" Adams asked in a worried tone.
Albeit tired, Sarah answered, "Yes, it's me. Thanks for the help, you called the police?"
"Yes, I call the police. Who rescued you, though? How did it go?" Adams pretended that he didn't know anything.
"Only two people rescued me, they're from the High-Threat Federal Response Team," Sarah answered.
"Oh, I see. So, they sent in the big guns, huh?" Adams asked, referring the HT-FRT as the big guns, even though he knew what Sarah meant by big guns.
"They sent in fighter jet, Adams. A bloody fighter jet, just for a rescue operation," Sarah said.
"Wow. That's pretty generous of them," Adams said.