"Todo está yendo de acuerdo al plan.el avión acaba de despegar ahora. como dije, esto será pan comido" " Everything is going according to plan. The plane just took off now. Like I said, this will be a piece of cake." A voice said into the phone as there was static and noise coming from the other side before a deep gruff voice said,
"Y espero que no sospeche nada. Este plan cuenta con que seas lo más discreto posible "And I hope he doesn't suspect anything. This plan counts on you being as discreet as possible." The stranger replied in a deep Spanish accent, the difference could definitely be heard.
" no te preocupes por eso. He mantenido mi propia parte del trato. es hora de que guardes el tuyo." "Don't bother about it. I have kept my own end of the deal. It is time you keep yours." The first man said as the man chuckled and replied,