A few months later...
"Despite the fact that we are both married, you still have those tulips next to your bed." Eulogio, Leticia's husband, was calm yet irritated. They've just been married for a few weeks, and since Sullivan's death, Leticia has always been spotted carrying those flowers, which irritates him.
"These flowers, in fact, are more valuable than you, they make me so happy." Eulogio's fists clenched in response to the girl's scathing comment.
"Because that's what my useless brother has for you. In fact, I can provide you with flowers which are both more precious and more exquisite than any of those." While delivering such remarks, the arrogance in his voice can be heard in the thinking that he can replace those flowers with something more beautiful without realizing that it is essential to the girl because it was presented to her by Sullivan.