Chereads / The Ametrines of Allurion / Chapter 1 - The Beginning

The Ametrines of Allurion

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Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Crozz- Once a commoner moves her way up the chains when finding a passion for killing, she vows to take revenge on those who took no care of those under them in the streets. As she grew up, she watched and found the reality that even those high up are dark and twisted and do a thing only to benefit them and their dark, disgusting agendas. Able to control all things with bloodmoney and so much more, she vowed to move up and take revenge on those that stood by and laughed at those that held their hands out for help. So that's what Crozz did; she learned combat skills and even joined special forces where she learned how to do things quietly and effectively, all while remaining calm. Crozz really didn't care for justice, though, especially when she noticed that even those in the justice system weren't fair and truthful but corrupt and quickly paid off to be silenced. Crozz noticed that nothing was actually how they seemed. There will always be greedy, disgusting people who don't do anything but destroy the land and dirty it more than it already is. She specifically hated those with no respect for those in need and would do things to those willing to do disgusting things just to get money to live. She joined forces with her partner in crime, Ash, who together take down corporations and rings of corrupt groups that only use the money to control and run things to their liking and do sick abominable things with tho consequences to their actions. In this, she became widely known and sought out by those with riches full of fear to stop her in her tracks before they too were next. In this, Crozz got to find out she not only enjoys bringing justice but enjoys the feeling she gets with every last breath she allows her victims. Which only gets fulfilled more by each man sent to try and put a stop to her. She soon became an interest to many looming in the background and her partner. Crozz didn't care to work with someone, primarily if the person wasn't known of by the enemies. She didn't like the idea of putting others in danger.

Ash- Was raised in the same state as Crozz, a life full of misery with much deprivation. She wanted to change. She wanted to be free from these tortuous shackles holding her down. She knew she had potential but no way to unleash it with such a life like this one. She grew a keen eye for spotting ways to do things she developed a sense of pinpointing weak spots in things and knowing the right ways to carry out something she had in mind. With this extraordinary talent, she was able to go around and take what she believed was rightfully hers as payback for her sad life she was gifted; things around the city began to go missing, and no one knew why or how many believed it to be an anomaly. Still, no tracks led to none. The only clue that was ever spotted in all the crimes was a dirty cashmere shoe print from a high-end designer company along with an axolotl keychain souvenir. Ash quickly gathered all the things she wished for, but she still wasn't happy. She felt the need to do more with this talent of hers. She felt as though it might work against those she disliked. That was quickly fixed; she knew who those people were; she wanted to put a stop to those she would watch and keep track of, to take from them. She found most repulsive and disgusting freaks that had no reason to be in such power if they thought the way they did. But had no experience in combat; nonetheless, kill she just knew how to carry out silent attacks of stealth. But she did know a person, some person, whose name was always tossed around the people she would steal from, many of whom would say it in fear and others in anger. She wanted to meet the infamous lady who men in power feared finding her wasn't so hard since it wasn't hard to follow traces of bodies on the ground anywhere she was near. After almost losing her own head from her surprise pop out, she quickly learned who she was- Crozz, the taker of breath. Well, at least to ash; she certainly was taken aback by Crozzs beauty. After some brief persuasion and conversation, ash quickly knew she found the right person to carry her plans out with. They soon were an unstoppable duo and a force to hope not to face. Though she was unseen and unheard of to the outside world, she was the mastermind behind the shadows.

Dev- Since his first day of existence, he was destined to be a force of pure chaos. Dev was an opposer to those that lived their life in belief of established holy power; his parents being a story of forbidden love that couldn't be clandestine with the birth of this "creature" the high maiden birthed from an anomaly. Their love story was put to an end by those too close-minded to allow this to pass, so both were sent out to be terminated, the high maiden for treason and the anomaly for doing such an atrocity. This left dev alone, let to die out with no care around. In what seemed to be the end of this short creature's life that didn't even seem to have the start, he was heard, crying in need of nourishment under a far, far away tree with no care appears to be around. He was found by someone who had no care to be a guardian of something so young but did feel pity. With no idea what species this baby as he was lost but noticed that he was bearing the horn of an anomaly, he did what he thought best and brought him to a legion he knew would take him in. Dev grew up learning things from anomalies in that legion, many not teaching him proper human-like traits. Dev was the chaos in anything, and he quickly fit in with the anomalies. As centuries passed, he grew and developed and was trained in combat, where he, along with many other anomalies, learned that he was fond of inflicting pain. Still, his favorite thing to do was end heartbeats, and he was always creative with his ways. One day he was called out to intercept another anomaly from his rank who was reportedly tired of working under the command and stole many precious artifacts dating from various times. But dev only cared to kill this treacherous being not so much for the honor to his legion but for his own pleasure. He couldn't care less for his legion. He soon grew tired of being told what to do himself but remained passive. He hunted down this being until finally reaching it at the entrance to earth, a gate that only a high rank can open, not a rank of his own. I'm a time of panic, he jumped towards her only to fling himself out the gate as he got up confused and lost, he saw her following out the entrance, angered by the sight of the gate closing behind her, ultimately trapping him out of the place he called home. Angered, he lashes out and throws attacks in her direction but is astonished to see nothing getting her; she was skilled. After much attempts, he and the being agreed on a pause. They chatted and ultimately became acquaintances. He soon learned they both had a dislike for their legion. The being now known as Len explained why she left and her plans for her now; dev understood and even praised her for doing this. Dev, now stuck in new work to him, had no idea what to do and was lost. Len gave him a weapon and once more explained to him and made him realize that he could do anything; he wished he was out of the legion; who could stop him now? No one. Dev's eyes glistened with thirst. He had reigned over lands where no one could stop him. Dev set off on his spree against these creatures that looked just like him but had horns and certainly didn't act like him. They were too tame and boring. But they were fun to end; they were so fragile, so delicate, so pathetic. The population of an area soon declined, with many being murdered in such grizzly but creative ways, fear was spread out, and mass hysteria was spread throughout the world. No one could stop dev. He was powerful, and those who dared stop him were foolish for trying to.

One day as he set out to have another spree, he came across a town, a very small town not full of many but for the right reason of the town decaying and withering. Not much stood up in this town. Many houses were old and run down; all that stood was a castle made of pure stone and gold. Upon entering, he felt a chill run down his spine. It felt weird being in there, almost as if he had been there before. There were pedestals with people set up still standing. All the names were of the same descent, not long after he noticed but one statue that wasn't standing; it was shattered and cracked with a lot of mistreatment. He felt called to it, and a sense of Saudade began to hit him as he grew closer to the decaying statue. This one had no name to it. It was just labeled "high maiden" but crossed out and written over it "disgrace." He felt anguish and sorrow for the first time ever, but that soon turned into a motive to kill more since he didn't know how to deal with emotions he wasn't taught about. As he ran rampant in the next town, killing its entire population, he suddenly became unable to move, frozen in his own tracks, his body overcome with pure terror and torment none like he ever felt before his vision turned black, almost as though something or something had covered his eyes. Only about a minute passed, but to dev, this felt like an eternity. Then without warning, it all ended, and in front of him stood a man. The man was taller than him, and he seemed as though he came for a fight, probably just another fool that grew crazy and thought he could fight dev. To devs surprise, though the man grinned and introduced himself, his name was David. David explained who he was and why he was here with him. Dev was surprised and in disbelief with what David was saying. David was being labeled as an atrocity, a being capable of pure destruction in a matter of seconds. David also explained two more things: he was the one that found him as a baby and his boundaries with killing humans. Dev felt rebellious and wanted to prove to David that he wasn't someone to threaten and made it clear that he wouldn't follow directions from someone he knew nothing of. But he was grateful for allowing him to live. But that wasn't enough to listen to rules given to him to show who the leader was. Dev tried to attack a lady already full of blood from someone else. He quickly fell to the ground with his body being engulfed in a wave of pure anguish and torment. All his senses were deprived, and he felt nothing but demise; this was David doing this. It demonstrated what can happen if he doesn't follow the rules and disrupt life's path by setting the number lower than he already has. Devon agreed to his terms, and he was only allowed to kill once more once two centuries passed. Only then may he be allowed to kill those he sees as bad people undeserving of life.

David- Not much is known about David; he's an atrocity. A being much stronger than an anomaly, his kind roams around the universe webs out far, far away; they too can fall down like any other group of beings. Still, for them, it's much more unlikely. These beings are capable of so many things and so much destruction. Some may even be the cause of life and the destruction of places in time though we don't truly know since they aren't widely encountered. David has been seen around though he once had powers not many can wield even that to him became boring he wanted simpler things in his time scale, so he journeyed away to explore the wonders of this web, he found pleasure in doing random acts of chaos that would undoubtedly make him crack up, while they may not make sense to those around him he certainly would still enjoy them on his own. He stumbled upon a place that was very new in time and barely being developed. He witnessed their stupidity and found it painfully entertaining to see and occasionally disguise himself as one of them and go around and perform more random acts of chaos for his amusement. While stumbling upon a town covered in smoke and an awful stench to pull more chaotic moves, he found himself roaming the outskirts curious to see why the townspeople were celebrating; he was told it was a cleansing of the town that rid them of a disgrace by purifying her with fire and the other by water. Confused by this, he wonders off encountering an annoying piercing sound that bothered him so much he wanted to find it to end it. As he followed this annoying sound he found himself in front of an oak tree and under it was the sound as he came closer he noticed that it was a child it resembled a human but had the horns of an anomaly confused by this he took him to a legion he knew of where he thought it would be safer for him seeing as the people of that town were too foolish to understand still. After that, he found a new interest; he found it rather amusing watching this kid grow up. He thought it was funny seeing him scatter chaos in his legion. But he did like to do other things too. After a while, he got bored at how slow humans were evolving. He decided to intervene, which was soon found of by other atrocities, and was punished, stripping him of the only powers he kept before leaving. He didn't mind, though. In fact, he saw it as an opportunity to stay around the planet more for his amusement. As time passed, he forgot about the child and grew curious about how he was or where he was when he found him again but back in his home on the planet. He grew uncontrollable from the last time he saw him but still found it amusing. Now grow up, though, he thought it might be best to keep him in line, so he came back down from viewing to talk to him. And he did. He set up rules and made him stop ruining the work that cost him his powers. After that, no one really knows what he's doing or when he's coming back down. But many are curious to know what's his next move. Only a few know about his plans and actions, but even they won't tell.Len (backstory)- Len never ceases to amaze those around her; she likes to try things just out of boredom and never really finishes her tasks either. Len was born into a legion and quickly got involved it's its affairs for the drama after completing training, where she excelled as a defensive member but never cared to do much due to not liking vigorous movements. But found herself being a mutual standpoint in arguments in the higher ranks and lords, and those of opposing sides would have her be the spokesperson. She found herself in high ranks and became the neutral point for the legion. But that quickly turned sour as she found herself in the middle of attempted control from both sides and found them to be unjust and snobs, so she decided to leave and take some things with her. On her way out, she was caught but didn't care to stop by the orders yelled to her and didn't fear the threats of having anomalies sent to stop her and kill her, so she left to the gates to enter earth but soon realized she was being followed by an anomaly she avoided before for being unstable and very irrational but wasn't afraid. She was met face to face by this anomaly at the gate where he threw himself out for some reason. Len decided to close the gates off without letting the anomaly back in since she was ready to end him. With the gate closing, she found herself in front of the anomaly who was even angrier than before, which ensued a fight only thing is that neither her nor him could get one another. So in a break, she explained what she was doing and why she did and made him realize that he too could do whatever he wanted here without any interference, certainly not from her either since she didn't care. They had a mutual agreement, and Len handed him a weapon she took from the artifact's entrance, just a regular knife. Still, she tricked him into thinking it was a powerful weapon to get him away faster. As they parted ways, she set up in a city not far from where she landed from. Len decided to take up a new thing, so she entered the fashion industry and started making clothing that many saw as fashion statements and beautiful art pieces to those with fashionable taste. She mass-produced her clothing that became very high-end that only those with riches could obtain and regular clothing that could be more affordable but wasn't that flashy nor elegant. Many wondered how she could make so many pieces, but none knew how except for her and the souls she forced to work. As things got more corrupt in that place, she got more violent, too, taking the souls of those that would try to extortion her and take her out of the competition out of jealousy for never being able to reach her status. She would always set up decoys of places and leave a piece of her work out to lure greedy designers who would love to get their hands on a piece they could copy and profit off of. On one of those nights, she decided to plant a new design for her new year collection and waited for someone to come by.

To her surprise, though the pair went missing immediately, she noticed a lady running out of the building with the shoes in hand. Len was so surprised that the person didn't set off any of the 76 traps she set up that she didn't even go after her; that and the lady didn't look like a designer, she looked like…. A thief? She respected her, and her courage in doing this and Len's respect was rare, only happening a few times. This reminded her of an incident from a few weeks ago where she spotted another lady break in and look through her documents while avoiding all the traps with accuracy. She doesn't know what the girl is looking for. She just remembers her audacious remark that she said, "she's all clear. I have no need to dispose of this one". She even went as far as to think that they both would make a good team if they were to know each other. Len had no time to stand by and contemplate those two girls though she had a fashion event to prepare for. In a few hours, she needed to polish up the finishing works.

Sans- San, technically the oldest of the legions, now one of the youngest of the group, has been around to see many things and take part in many battles that shaped the universe into what it is now. San isn't proud of many things, for it took unethical ways to get things done in major events. Most of the most significant battles have been instigated by San, some on accident, others to carry out orders from higher ranks since San has always been blindly loyal to those that seem to be his friends. San hasn't been treated the fairest in his time around, but J has always liked to think there are better times ahead; deep inside, he was a hopeful person, but on the outside, he didn't want to show it much, and this would turn into pure pettiness and spite. He can't say those two things didn't come in handy, though, because they became pretty powerful weapons, but they can also be his demise. At a young age, San became aware of emotions and knew really fast that emotions can be a great weapon against people. He learned that they are a usual factor in people's actions, so he learned how to work with that and became a great manipulator of emotions, which helped him get the things needed in many forms. The downside to this was that San had also learned how to be in tune with emotions and then heighten that ability which has caused him to feel emotions around him at a more extreme level. At times he wishes to have not learned this because, unlike his manipulation, he can't turn off this sensitive empath ability, so it's stuck with him at all times. But like most of his choices, it's too late to do anything about it. With this ability also came people wanting to be close to him to use this power themselves. San knew it at the start and would always have people under his control, but this would quickly fail with fake promises and people showing friendship towards him. Most would always end in the same way; San all alone after study got what they wanted. This would make San spiral and want nothing but revenge but would go too far and ultimately be content with the person's death and, at times, their whole lineage. All that just to cry about it even more later and feel pure regret. San was taught by Len how to not be so over trusting with anyone and taught him how to value themselves more than anything and not seek approval from others. Len was a big help to San though he still has his big slip-ups but now not as ballistic as before. Len was also the one to freeze San with the frozen pulse dagger that stops total aging as well as killing you while it's in a person. In Len's defense, San asked for help and pleaded for anything to not be assigned to work with the disaster of a new legion member named dev. Len was just a good friend and following orders from San; she planned on reviving San a century or two later but forgot about it. Instead, She moved up ranks to reach the position that was once San to gain enough authority to leave this damned place. Len did promise to somehow help San out afterward, though. Time went on and what was once youth decayed and changed except for San making Len older and everyone else around the time he was still alive. Time left him behind as well as his only friend. He held no hard feelings though, as he felt Lens intentions pure, her approach not so much but her attempt yes. Besides, if it weren't for Len, he wouldn't be in this story, and his adventures wouldn't be a thing