Chereads / Alchemist Amongst Gods / Chapter 25 - Level 2 Celebrations!

Chapter 25 - Level 2 Celebrations!

'So that was a kiss? It felt weird smashing our lips together.' He got out of his daze and moved back.

"I wonder what my adventurer's name will be?" he was currently in the guild sitting area.

He didn't want to go home yet because of Bell, Enki was sure he might've clocked him again, so he waited for his name to become public, and it wasn't long before the letters were put up Rose walked up to him with a separate sheet in hand with a smile of her own.

"Congratulations Enki, you have a fitting adventurer name and one you don't have to be embarrassed about," she smiled, giving him a sheet.

He looked at his name and chuckled, "of course, it had to be this. I don't hate it though. "Esteemed Alchemist" sounds cool."

[Hestia's Church]

The doors opened, and Moby entered. Walking in, he saw Lilly playing with Jenga, who stopped to ask him.

"So what's your adventurer's name? Is it something good?"

"I kind of like it Esteemed Alchemist," he patted his chest and sat next to her.

"That sounds cool, and what about Bell?" She asked with a smile.

"He is the little rookie," he answered with little enthusiasm. "Is Hestia back?"

"She came back but then had to go do something with Loki, but this is great though both of you broke the record for reaching level 2! We should celebrate!" She rose with excitement.

"Sounds like a blast," He smiled.

"Great, I'll go get Bell and we can head to the Hostess!" She got up and ran to the staircase.

At the mention of his name, his smile faded slightly, but otherwise, he was fine with it. Soon the white-haired boy got down. He gave a weak smile, facing Enki. As expected, he apologised for his actions, promising to be a better team player.

"I don't care anymore, Bell. Just be better next time now. Come on, we have to celebrate, little rookie." He turned to leave, and they followed behind.

Along the way, he mentioned his name change, surprising both of them, but they supported and congratulated him.

[Loki Familia Estate]

Inside a closed room, the two goddesses, Loki and Hestia, were conversing.

"So you don't know why Freya's got eyes on Enki?" she chuckled looking at the piece of paper, It was as they finished with the Denatus did they get notified of his name change which came in time for the release of his adventurer name.

"Damn, I was getting ready to call him Moby Dick forever."

Neither were overly excited, only a bit surprised, but in their life span of eternity, a name change didn't ask for a large reaction.

"No, I don't and I'm worried about what we're going to find out when we ask," Hestia said, her head held down.

"I don't like to make guesses, but if she finds him interesting, then it's most likely she'll want to take him from you, but we'll find out tomorrow."


[Hostess of fertility]

"Congratulations!" the group cheered, smashing their mugs and cups together. They sat around the booth: Syr, Bell, Lilly, Enki and Ryuu, in that order.

"A message from Mama Mia she said we'll be with you guys to celebrate," Syr said, gripping his arm and squeezing herself closer.

"Hah t-thanks," He flushed and looked away.

"Congratulations to you Enki," Ryuu said, taking her drink and smiling.

"So let's eat and drink till your run dry out of money!" Syr rose her mug, the others rolling their eyes followed.

"This is good," Enki's face flushed looking done his mug. The drink was sweet and cool, reminding him of cola.

"It's a great cider from Mama Mia," a passing maid cat person said with a smirk. "It's very popular."

"I can see that," he looked up at Ryuu. She was also flushed but seemed to do a better job handling herself. "Are you meant to drink on the job?"

"I can have fun, can't I?" she smirked, feeling gutsy leaned in closer to his face before blushing and backing out.

"Hiya! It's finally happening Ryuu. Why did you stop? Kiss him!" Syr cheered her on, but Ryuu buried her face in her hands.

"Probably save that for the date Ryuu~" Enki cooed into her ear, making her turn a new shade of red.

"What!?" Lilly and Syr both screeched. Lilly was more in surprise that he has a date and Syr was brimming with joy.

"Oh no," Ryuu muttered as she looked up at her friend and smiled sweetly before moving over to her side.

"Tell me everything. When is it? How much time do you have!? I have so much to teach you!" Her eyes were practically shining with pride.

"Have you ever been on a date yourself?" Lilly raised her brow, asking for Syr.

"No, but I'm waiting for the right person, right bell?" She smiled at Bell as the boy froze and looked down at his meal.

Soon the conversation changed from their upcoming date to their next move in going to the middle floors.

"I see, but I think the three of us would be enough to handle the middle floors," Enki said.

"Maybe, but it wouldn't hurt from gaining extra aid or even a Familia member," Ryuu said.

"Should we recruit?" Bell asked, glancing around.

"I wouldn't be so sure we already have an extra aid, Verde, remember?" Enki said Lilly and Bell imagined the Jack bird in their minds helping them fight monsters.

"Mn! It would help ease the load on me and a tamed monster would be very useful in navigating through the floors in case we get lost," Lilly smiled. The more she went, the more confident she was about bringing the bird monster.

"You have tamed a monster?" Ryuu asked.

"But wait, I thought we weren't supposed to reveal him?" Bell said, looking at Enki.

"Before, yes, but now we have the protection of the Loki Familia."

"Good thing too, because I was about to leave this Familia when I heard about you and Ottar. With her protection, we should be safe," Lilly said with a smile.

The fact she wanted to leave the Familia didn't shock Enki. After all, it was Ottar, the strongest in Orario and the one who wants him dead the most, but with Loki acting as a shield, there was room to breathe.

"Then it's settled. We'll get a saddle for Verde and take him with us."

"Does that mean we shouldn't recruit or ask for help?" Bell asked.

Just as he said, some drunk adventurers got up and were about to march towards them. Enki spotted them and frowned.

He made eye contact with them and they smiled, thinking they were going to be welcomed, but his emerald eyes turned lifeless as a chilling sensation washed over them.

They froze in a cold sweat, like being hit with a bucket of ice. They stepped back instantly, a unique skill Enki picked with killing intent. His threat sobered them up, and the trio sat back down.

'Maybe I should've let them come. I could use some relief to break a bone or two,' he thought, staring at them long enough for the men to get up and run out of the tavern.

[Hestia's Church]

The next day, the beautiful light of the sun, like always, struck Moby in the face. "Uh, fuck me." He groaned, sitting up in bed.

He stayed like that for a moment, overcoming the headache from the night before. "Good times," he said with a goofy smile.

He got out and stretched himself, following the same routine, and headed down to Verde's room.

"Kruu?" The jack bird stood up, greeting him. He was practically a Chocobo bird at this point. It circled Enki first, nuzzling him before moving back.

"Alright then let's do this," he raised his arms as they circled each other Verde, "this time I'm going to catch you, bird."

He grinned, kicking off with a straight tackle. Verde was quick to dodge and retaliate with a kick to the side.


"Kruu huhu," it was mocking him, flaming its feathers. Enki got up, grunting before flaring at the bird. "torrent," he muttered and symbiotic water enveloped him.

His status boosted him to the strength of average level 2 adventures. Verde tilted its head, but its confusion was short as he jumped to the side, avoiding Enki's hand. He tried to slash at him, but the boy dodged in mid-air.

He went to throw a punch but the bird with one leg jumped and caught it, landing on the other leg and throwing him into a wall.

Enki got back up and charged the creature. He was fast, but it was faster, easily circling him and going to slash but Enki kicked off from the ground to the ceiling right above Verde with all his strength he kicked off the ceiling, diving to catch it.

"Come on!" He shouted as he was close to grasping its body in that same second the bird's feathers shot up and it ran to the wall and kicked off it, slamming into Enki in mid-air.

-Bam! -Crack!

He fell with a thud; the wall holding an outline of his shape, all that was accomplished in a second. There was no competition.

"How is it you're so fast? You must've reached level two, but I barely saw you for a second there," he asked, getting back up. Thankfully Torrent was protecting him for the most, part but he still felt all of it.

'Maybe because no one's ever caught one. They must have a skill or an ability to get faster.' With that realization, he felt more at ease bringing Verde with them to the dungeon. If it had the skill to move faster than level 2, then things will get easier.

"Alright, then let's get back to it!"

For the next half hour, they had their training session. All the while, he had "Torrent" active for straight thirty minutes. He was sure he could hold it for longer, but he was feeling tired.

With that done, he went upstairs for breakfast and a shower but was surprised to see Hestia and Loki in the living room waiting for him.

"Enki," Hestia said with a small smile, "can you please sit down? We have a question for you."

"It's about you and Freya, what the hell is going on there?" Loki blurted, looking inside an empty wine bottle.

"Oh that, alright then," he couldn't lie to them so he might as well just say the truth.

He started with the beginning about the monster festival, and her giving the tomes and what followed that with how he levelled up.

"Well, shit she definitely won't stop," Loki said half-heartedly, "I don't like her either so if it screws with her then ask whatever you need from me, of course, there's always a price so keep that in mind."

Loki seemed fine with it, but Hestia held a look of concern on her face. "should I be worried Enki?" Hestia asked with clear worry.

"I want to say no, but I think you will, regardless. But I think I'll be fine. I promise."

"And the bitch will get what she deserves." Loki grinned, raising her glass.

"Alright, then I'll trust you Enki. I like your new name, so are you going to the dungeon today?"

"Yep, I just need to get Verde registered and we'll be on our way." he grabbed a glass of water for himself.

"Verde? Who's that?" Loki asked, turning to Hestia. The goddess in question chuckled.