Chereads / Alchemist Amongst Gods / Chapter 10 - A monster fight

Chapter 10 - A monster fight

The dust cleared as both were staring each other down.

'I'm gonna fucking die right now,' he frowned and jumped back, only for Ottar to kick off the ground, blitzing in front of him in an instant.



He was punched right in the face, skidding across the air, "running won't do you any good. It's a smart choice but a futile one, so get up and fight for her entertainment."

"Cough, hu..." his vision blurred for a moment from the impact.


The ground sparked stone fists were formed, launching themselves directly toward Ottar. The beast pulled out his sword, breaking every incoming pillar with brute strength.

"Is that all you have?" He asked, destroying the constant barrage of attacks while advancing.

'Not even close.' The light returned to Moby's eyes as a surge of lightning trailed from his hands.


'What is-'

Before Ottar could make sense, the ground beneath him exploded. Moby got up quickly and snapped his fingers. The dust exploded, Ottar patting himself, "impressive you-"

-Snap! -Snap! -Snap! -Snap!

Moby unleashed a barrage of flames and ran forwards, picking up his glaive. Ottar was parrying the flames with his sword swings as the last flame was dissipating. Moby jumped, swinging his glaive from the right.


He followed with a from the left that he caught and another with his free leg. Ottar tightened his grip, cracking his feet, but Moby endured using his free hand with a grin.

-Snap! -Fwooosh!

He let go and jumped back from the flames. The moment he landed, he saw Moby with his hands already touching the ground.

-Crack! -Boom!

The ground exploded beneath him. This didn't give Moby much time to breathe as he burst through, crossing the space between them in an instant. Ottar was fast, but he deliberately held back for Freya.

Moby went to snap his fingers, however, Ottar grabbed it instantly.

"Yraaaaah!" he wailed as the man increased his grip, slamming him against the ground.

-Crack. -Pop!

He repeated the action four times before flinging him into a building and smashing him through the brick wall.

"Ah~ That scream I want to hear it again!~" Freya quivered, the pleasure from his suffering becoming intoxicating.

Inside the building, he smashed into Moby, jolted, gasping for air. He blacked out the moment he crashed through. "cough! Ah!" He moved his broken hand.

"Potion." He was quick taking the last one he had. These were effective. He felt the pain ease and wash away, but it was his last one.

He got up huffing. Ottar was standing, waiting for him to come out.

'Damn it! Why am I facing him!?' a flurry of emotions passed through his eyes hate, frustration, regret, 'what am I thinking!? Breathe.'

He looked beside Ottar, seeing his glaive honestly. It wouldn't prove to be useful as of now, 'maybe if,' he looked at his hands, "I just have to get close."

Inhaling a large amount of air, he put his hands together. 'Hestia, please protect me.'

"Haha let's do this HAAAAAAAAH!"

From outside Ottar raised his sword hearing Moby's battle cry, a volley of stone firsts came surging from the house, "Is this your attack?"

He frowned, smashing each incoming stone fist. 'Pathetic.'

-Crack! -Boomf!

The one he destroyed spewed lava from its centre, forcing him for once to move. Every incoming stone's fist had lava surging when he destroyed them.

He slashed another one from the side, but no lava erupted. Instead, it sparked with electricity before.


It exploded right in front of him. More came towards him and knowing what would happen when he broke them and dodged, but they exploded whenever they got close enough to him.

Soon, the constant attacks stopped. Moby ran out of the house towards him at full speed. Grabbing his spear, he clapped and dragged it across the ground, increasing the side of the blade.


He blocked it effortlessly, but Moby didn't let up and kept swinging left, right, up and down. Every attack carried the weight of desperation.

"That look on his face," Freya flushed, seeing him grunt as he swung repeatedly.

He kicked off the ground with all his might and brought the glaive down!


The ground beneath Ottar cracked under the weight of the attack, but it wasn't over as the blade glowed a furious red before exploding into magma gushing down on him.


It all happened so fast the lava blocked his view of Ottar and he assumed it was going to land, but then he struck in the chest, followed by a massive explosion of air, the magma bursting everywhere.

Moby blacked out from the searing pain in his chest as he went flying across the street into a stall.

"Wh- cough!" He woke back up, his chest feeling like it was crushed from the inside. His whole body turned red, slowly being denied oxygen. 'I can't!'

He clawed out of the stall, tears welling as a small pop came from him and he could breathe again.

Freya all the while watching was in a state of bliss. She watched him crawl to his weapon, only for Ottar to step on his hand. His agony was nearly about to push her to the limit.

"Ha~ I think that's enough." She was about to descend and end her playtime. She was sure the others were on their way.

"No. Bitch."

She paused, seeing Moby try to scrap against Ottar's boots. His eyes were still clinging to hope. "Your goddess is an ugly, motherfucking..." he looked up into his eyes, seeing the rage instantly build up.

"crazy bitch!"

"You!" Ottar's body bulged. He lost a sense of control and grabbed him by the throat, lifting him.

"I've overlooked your word but blasphemy!" He went berserk and tightened the grip on his throat.

"Gah! Huck!" Moby's eyes were watering like before, but he was still grinning!

"No! Ottar, that's enough!" Freya ordered, falling into his plan.

"Heh, that's right, go back and be an obedient dog to your slutty whore of a fucking goddess, Huck!" He gagged as his mind was slipping, 'n-now!'

Through sheer fucking will, he followed the cyclical flow of transmutation, comprehension and deconstruction, stopping at the second.


lightning sparked along Ottar's arm and his whole body. It was a bright flash, followed by a bloody explosion.

Boom! -Splat!

"Aaaaagh!" Ottar wailed and staggered back, holding his gone right arm.


Moby fell to the ground, finally able to breathe, and was quick to move. Clapping his hand and touching the floor.

"Noooo!" Freya screamed, dashing towards Ottar. The man breathing haggardly took a second to calm himself.

"H-how!?" Freya bellowed, seeing his arm destroyed halfway to the biceps.

Ottar glared at Moby, but it was too late seeing nothing but a light spark where he originally was. The ground was reconstructed, hinting to he already made his escape.

That was the truth. Moby dug himself deep underground and waited. He was lying there in the absolute darkness aching, bleeding, crying, afraid of the pitch you hear when it gets too quiet clouding his sense.

And proud, "Heh, cough!" he spat blood looking up in the darkness, "serves you right..." With that, he waited with every passing second, the air getting thinner and the pitch louder in his mind.

On the surface, Freya and Ottar have vanished from the scene and not long after, Ais and Riveria arrived, followed by Bell and Hestia.

"Wh-what happened here?" Bell had trouble comprehending what he was seeing as signs of a fight most cores littering the ground the five that were missing and, "Moby."

He mutters as Hestia walked to the glaive. Half of it melted into the ground.


"The cores are just lying around," Loki grinned, packing them up and earning looks from the free adventures.

"Moby, please, we have to look for him, Moby!" Hestia screamed at the top of her lungs.

Bell nodded, looking at the destroyed stalls. "He's not here."

Riveria, looking around, tried to make sense of the scene. "The blood here he's injured. It seems he had quite a fight," she said, looking at the uprooted stone fists.

"Mn, but it seemed he fought someone other than a monster," Ais nodded, arriving at the scene where Hestia found the melted glaive, "there are bigger footprints in the stone. Whoever he fought is long gone."

"Someone tried to kill him?" Bell shuddered, "Moby!"

Riveria looked around for any sign of him at the same time observing the battlefield. "Hm?" She arrived at a blood splatter as the sound of air escaping from somewhere entered her ears.

"A hole?" She bent down, seeing a hole in the ground. It sparked and expanded before her eyes, 'underground.'

She moved back, pointing her staff towards the hole.

"Riveria, what are you doing?" Loki asked, pocketing the last of the cores.

Underground was an unconscious Mobi. He tried to make a massive hole, but his body and mind gave out, having gone far beyond his limits.


Riveria exploded the ground revealing a hole that led below, "he down underground," she didn't wait and jumped down arriving at Moby's body, 'he's barely hanging in there, his neck's swollen' she checked his pulse and quickly pulled out a potion feeding it to him but it came out.

"Moby!" Hestia and Bell screamed arriving at his side, "I-I can't feel his pulse," Bell and Hestia were tearing up as she felt nothing from his hand.

Ais and Loki, who arrived last, were silent at the sight.

Riveria pulled out another potion, this one looking more exquisite, and drank it before forcing it down his throat.

"Wh-" Hestia couldn't say anything as Riveria raised her hand, shutting her up.

Her eyes were focused on giving him the elixir. She felt his pulse the entire. The moment only when she felt it twice it's the previous rate did she separate.

"I fed him an elixir, his throat was swollen, so he couldn't drink anything, carry him outside," she ordered Bell.

"Any idea what happened?" Loki asked her once they left.

"I'm not sure," Riveria muttered, "but the wounds he was close to being fatal and assuming he was forced to hide, he mostly likes lost against the assailant."

"So the dude who did this was playing with him, what kind of sick-" Loki stopped before shrugging, "whatever, it's not our problem now."

She looked back to Hestia, who was attending to Bell as they left. Riveria also shared her gaze.

"If I can, I'd like to meet with him."

Loki grinned, "oh, you interested since you gave him a kiss~"

"No, he is an alchemist. I'm sure you know what that means." His face was stern and Loki dropped her smile.

"Fine, do your thing, but if your curiosity gets you in trouble, then it's your fault, and besides, we have a friend to visit." The trickster's eyes gleamed as left, following a hunch of hers.