"Yeah, we are coming back," I hear him in the bathroom and I hate that I am putting him through this.
I have been so fucking stubborn and I hate myself for the way I have acted.
"Yes, dad. We will explain it all when we get back."
He is talking to Beau.
Colin sounds tired and frustrated and I am the one that made him this way. I have made a mess of everything. I have to fix things.
"He's coming with us.''
He is talking about Roman.
I don't know if Beau will actually let Roman stay in the compound and I don't even know if it is a good idea. I don't listen in anymore to their conversation, so I grab my phone and dial Ralph's number. Ralph and I have been communicating through texts since I left. He didn't think I was wrong for leaving and not coming back and even though it might seem like I abandoned them, I didn't. They are safer without me there.