Chereads / Arrow Inferno / Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Stanley ‘STAN’ Norris vs. Ian ‘WILL’ Williams ~ A perfect balance of danger and charm…Stan!

Chapter 3 - Chapter 3: Stanley ‘STAN’ Norris vs. Ian ‘WILL’ Williams ~ A perfect balance of danger and charm…Stan!


“See you tomorrow at dawn, boys?” Stanley Norris said with a mischievous grin as he watched the tired recruits gathering up their stuff from the uniquely designed tree-like shelves on the training grounds. “And bring your a-game tomorrow because each of you will have to throw me.” He added and then burst into laughter when all the recruits groaned in unison. “Aw come on don’t be pussies.”

“Wow, that session was wild.” Rosanne chuckled as she joined a laughing Stan. “You really expect them to be able to throw you? I feel sorry for these guys.”

“If they simply follow what I taught them today, lifting me up and slamming me down should be a piece of cake.” Stan chuckled as he accepted the bottle of water from the pretty Arrowhead. “That is one of the easiest routines I usually teach.”

“Err…that didn’t look easy at all.” Rosanne drawled. “Maybe it was for you though seeing as you aren’t even breathing hard.” But for his sweaty t-shirt, Stan didn’t look like he had exerted any energy at all.

“Time to rectify that.” Stan chuckled as he pulled off the white damp t-shirt he was wearing and accepted a dry black one from a soldier. “Thanks, Abe.”

“Time for your run huh?” Rosanne asked as her hot gaze run over the ripped abs of the sexy instructor.

“Yep,” Stan responded, putting on the t-shirt. Everyone knew his routine. He always went for a run at the end of their evening training. He crouched down and changed his combat boots for black trainers.

“Man in black,” Rosanne muttered as she took in Stan’s black t-shirt, black combat pants, and black trainers. “Remember not to go too deep into the forest.” She repeated what she always said whenever Stan was about to go for his run. “We wouldn’t want any wild animal turning you into their dinner.”

“I’ve told you those animals should rather beware of me.” Stan chuckled cheekily making Rosanne roll her eyes.

“And don’t forget to grab your gun.” She said sternly.

“Yes ma’am,” Stan replied smoothly as he always did anytime Rosanne reminded him to take a gun. He had no need for guns where he was going. “See you in the morning.”

“How about you call me when you get back?” Rosanne suggested. “We can have a drink or something.”

“Sure,” Stan said and sauntered off with a knowing smile.

He definitely hadn’t missed the subtle hints the sexy soldier had been dropping since they got to the Jungle Warfare School. If not for the fact that he wanted to be respectful to Admiral Mathias, he’d have fucked her brains out already. So far, he’d managed to keep things light and friendly between them. In as much as he had no intention of being intimate with Rosanne, he didn’t think some fun banter with the lady would hurt anyone. Maybe after he was done with the Arrowheads, he and the lovely Rosanne could meet up and do their own thing. For now, his zipper was going to remain closed, he chuckled as he broke into a run.

So far, Stan had enjoyed training the recruits. They were not as strong as the people he was used to training but what they lacked in strength, they made up for in determination and enthusiasm. That was great. He always made it a point to go easy on them because he didn’t want to hurt any of them. They still managed to look beat after each training though which always surprised him. He was glad that Williams, with who he was to train the recruits, was arriving the next day. He would know the limits of the recruits better.

Deep in the forest, Stan made a beeline for the cave he’d discovered on his very first run in the dense jungle. Inside the cave, he stripped completely naked, arranged his stuff neatly in a corner, and then walked out. At the entrance, he took a deep breath, inhaling the earthy smell of the jungle. He’d always loved the fresh smell of nature. The hunky trainer tilted his neck from side to side to loud cracking sounds and then rubbed his palms together almost excitedly. Ocean-blue eyes turned amber as Stan dropped down on all fours. In the next moment, a huge brown wolf stood where Stan had stood seconds earlier. The wolf let out a howl and then charged deeper into the forest.


“Alright let’s raise this to a thousand bucks.” Stan bellowed.

The eyes of each sweaty recruit and the onlookers went wide in shock. Stan had just doubled the prize money for anyone who would succeed in throwing him on his back. The man was six ‘three and weighed about two hundred pounds but that wasn’t what made it difficult to throw him. He’d taught them well enough to be able to throw even bigger men. What made it impossible to throw Stan was how fast he was. After three rounds, each recruit was feeling defeated from being thrown three times by Stan. The promise of a thousand dollars however brought fresh determination into the eyes of each recruit. The on-lookers were even more excited about what was going on.

“Let’s do this.” Stan looked almost bored as he watched the first recruit charge at him.

Each recruit was to spar with Stan and then throw him in the end. The routine looked simple but it wasn’t. The first recruit spared beautifully with Stan but found himself flying through the air to sounds of ouch from the on-lookers. The next person came at Stan but was also on his back in no time.

Stan was enjoying playing with the recruits. He knew that none of them would be able to win the prize money. He was too fast for them. It was however good to see how determined they were.

“Come on Miller, you can do this.” Stan bellowed at the next recruit who was about to charge at him. Not only was he the youngest amongst the trainees, but he was also the smallest. He heard the groan of disbelief from the young recruit and snorts from his colleagues but still encouraged, “Shock us all, buddy.”

“Here goes nothing.” The young recruit mumbled as he flew at Stan. He definitely wasn’t feeling confident. If even bigger guys hadn’t been able to best their agile instructor, what could he do?

Stan heard Miller and couldn’t suppress the grin that widened his lips. Humans were such fragile beings he thought as he easily sidestepped a punch meant for his side. He didn’t think the recruits stood a chance against even fifteen-year-old werewolves.