Vamperina "gazing" into papa lilo grave yard weeping profusely and also thanking him for the war against the human's three years ago. If vamperina could really highlight this incident there's a lot of memories to regain during the battle. The war was a really great war, he realised during the war that even the mighty do fall. If the mighty sees the challenges greater than theirs. Vamperina soliloquized and swallowed his spit by saying the vamperina you know isn't the little vamperina no more. The vamperina you know now as you can see is the kind of person who gives order and you must stick to those orders or else you face the consequences either by the prosecutors or by beheading the offenders. Vamperina left the grave yard immediately when he noticed the changes in the weather conditions. But he was attracted by the sparkling stars, and the shifting breeze, the breeze cooled his spirit down through the 'sentimental light' in Jupiter making him look cold and soft.The planet were vampirina was is the most blessed planet ever they are lot of abundant and plentiful resources. It was really getting dark so he had to leave the crystalline magma close to Jupiter. Moana came to offer some food to her dear husband 'Vamperina',.
Moana is the kind of beautiful dazzling dark complexion alien that every male aliens wishes to marry but lucky vampirina he had her first. Moana is a warrior, a fighter, a lover and a friend, she believes in the power of sisterhood and she encouraged other aliens of her kind not to feel discouraged when there's war or any battle. During those times she was still young, people do often underestimate her potential but they don't know her intelligence allows her to excel in everything she does, her dreams was barren for a while then, until she met her lovely husband those dreams became a sparkling glooming light. She offered him yucky human brains, flies were buzzing round it. The smell of the skull looks like that of a dead corpse which has died for ages. But that kind of food soften her husband heart whenever it was given to him. When he was done eating. he had a conservation with his dazzling dark beautiful wife he made her realised he's planning to have a meeting with the chieves and the general's of the four kingdom in Jupiter; Soar kingdom of paradise, Legend of the blue sea kingdom, The forbidden kingdom, and Light up the dark kingdom they were planning to appoint a new 'chiromancy leader' who will hear the voice of the god's and also will know the fortunes about Jupiter itself and the danger coming through it.
After he had explained everything to his chocolate skin wife vividly, he took his leave immediately.
The meeting was held on a deserted island beach it was over endless miles of sand.On the right corner of the beach there were great intensity of tornadoes storms running through the beach in Jupiter, the moon there, was shining bright making the four kingdoms running wild during the night.
Vamperina and the chieves of the four kingdoms of Jupiter held hands together in other to recharge themselves perfectly while they were holding each other their soft yellow paled palms was making a very noisy vibrations which makes the connections between them much stronger.
After they have finished recharging their yellow paled palms, he summoned the leaders of the four kingdoms and brought to their notice the essence of the meeting itself and what kind of action to take in appointing the new "chiromancy leader' the cozy cold wind moving from North to South pole was sending a message to Vamperina but due to his impatient and hardened heart he couldn't received it. The wind was whispering to his long hairy ears ( "hear the voice of the elders do not appoint any leader from the Southern and northern pole because, it is an abominations to the god's and the kingdom itself"). listen to us, hear us, we mould you ourselves we brought you to this world and you will die by our hands if you don't yield to our prespect and wisdom. he couldn't align to what the spirit was saying he hasn't entered the spiritual realm so he lost his sensitivity.
But his spiritual bird was making a weird signal by shouting out Loud the bird was looking for a means to pass out the information to him when he notice the feathers of his spiritual bird were already peeling off the face of the bird was turning to awful faces, it was covered with rotten flesh and the eyes of the bird was really terrible it was staring menacingly at him. The heir to Uranus itself. A shriek of horror burst from my lips as I ran towards the asteroids down the aisle I entered into the realms of the spirit and I understood clearly why I should guard my shield and decide wisely on whom to choose to become the new chiromancy leader. As I took the step to spill out what my spiritual bird uttered out. I heard many strange deep voices screaming in unison making the four corners of my kingdom to experience a great quake, volcanoes inform of molten magma immediately erupted from the four corners of the kingdom it burnt them to ashes. But those kingdom's was revived back due to the powers of the chieves of the four kingdoms they have the ability to change time due to their powers it changes weather conditions which enables it to cause climate change. But only the strongest among the chief's can do so. It was really a great challenge to others so I had to decide anyone who can do so will be the new chiromancy leader to lead the four kingdoms and also the realms of the kingdom. The great mighty, powerful and electrifying chief in light up the dark kingdom,whom thousands of souls have fallen before him, mighty man of battle, man of war and popularly known as the time changer came out of the midst of them to show them all how loaded he was with supernatural encounters in light up the dark kingdom. he revived everything back within seconds and everything was back to normal. All the remaining chief's were surprised they couldn't imagine how powerful he was. He was later appointed as the new "chiromancy leader'. immediately he was appointed as the new leader the weather conditions changes, till it keeps on burning the sky was parted into two the first was inform of flames the second half was in form of ice. This was the weirdest experience that has ever happened in Jupiter. it was really confusing to everyone glancing through it. I was also surprised, I was really flabbergasted and it was really obvious to others. The god's in Jupiter were really happy with the new chiromancy leader, and they blessed our land with snow and ice. it was quite an imaginary experience. I took my leave and also showed the new chiromancy leader his throne. it was made of hairy silk inform of tiger fur, covered with dark shiny beads inform of cowries, on right side of the handle where different charms decorated on it in form of red linen. on the left side of the handle where different shapes of arrows. it only a strong being that could be able to seat on that throne, any weak being he dares to sit on it, will be electrocuted immediately.
I was expecting that to happen to the new chiromancy leader but I had forgotten he was fully loaded with powers. He sated on the mighty chair comfortably without feeling anything.