{You are willing to take your chances! Here! Listen to yourself! This is not the place for being magnanimous, save your own skin first!}
{Even if I saved myself, what's the point would be of living like a cockroach?}
I said.
So, I can barely do a mana bullet. I have 5 enemies. 3 waiting in ambush. 2 guarding captured civilians. So, I have one free shot, that reduces the enemy to 4. If I can pull a surprise shot and hide again, I will probably get one more. But at that point, the two guards would join in the pursuit and all of them would be on high alert. It would still be 3 v 1. I am outmanned, and outgunned, not to mention a potential hostage situation.
{Your prospects do not look so hopeful.}
{Thanks for stating the obvious. Constructive input would be very welcome here.}
{Urgh... If you do not have what it takes, the best course of action is to retreat. But you are too "kind-hearted" to show your back towards people that you even don't know, heck, you don't even know if they are real or not. But since you wouldn't listen, the next best choice is to use ************* *******...}
They suddenly came down from the sky, through that hole hanging above the Stark tower. They didn't differentiate between combatant or civilian, young or old, man or woman, adult or children. To them, we were only one thing. targets of the massacre. In minutes, New York became pandemonium.
Whoever got the chance ran. They ran since their lives depended on it. No one had the moment to look out for another. Some even forgot about their children in face of imminent doom.
We were not so lucky. But we weren't killed from the get-go. No, we were captured. That old man, who was our regular customer, that college girl who happened to pass by in the morning instead of the evening since she had a day off, that couple who had a therapy session appointment in the afternoon, all of them got captured and waited for a fate worse than death.
Two aliens herded us like live stocks, while the other three laid ambush on the corner waiting for their next victim.
Suddenly one of the aliens dropped to the ground while clutching its mouth. Two others waiting on ambush went to check on him quickly. Finding that he was bleeding from the mouth and no sign of life from the downed one, the other two started searching for the culprit.
At that moment he came, our savior.
A young teen approx 15 years of age from the looks, jumped from the 3rd-floor side of the building with what looked like a long dagger in a double-handed grip, which plunged straight through the neck of one of the aliens. Without giving the other one any chance to aim at him, he kicked his chest, which made the alien who was double the size of the teen go flying and crash into a car. The kicked alien wasn't dead though as it had armor on its chest. It got back up roaring. Seemed like its pride was hurt more than its body.
As if answering to his roar, the two guarding us also roared and left us behind to take a position against their new assailant.
The challenger as if satisfied with the outcome, ducked and rolled behind another damaged car, successfully taking cover from the laser shots of the two aliens. Leaving us behind, they went to encircle him. But he was having none of it. Like a skillful soldier, he fell back steadily.
{Oh God... Please, don't leave us behind.} I roared in my mind. Even though that kid doesn't owe us anything.
The aliens didn't give him too much breathing room and gave steady chase, trying to corner him. Soon, they cornered him in a narrow alleyway. We couldn't see what was happening in the alleyway, but after a few moments, we heard the large sound of something big collapsing. Soon after the ten came back with dust covering all of his body. Is it my imagination, but I feel like he is quite tall for a teen?
-Don't worry. Those aliens are dead. But we need to get out of here as fast and as quietly as we can. This place would be swarming with those guys with the ruckus I caused. I am going to lead and clear the front. Can you guys follow my lead strictly?
-Lead us where exactly? And why should we trust you?
The college girl asked with fear.
-You are 100% free to search your own path. Just don't bring attention to us who wants to come with me. And the fact that I survived so far and just rescued your sorry asses from a slow execution should bring enough credibility for me. To be honest, I would be very happy if none of you decide to follow me. I have my hands full as it is.
At that moment we realized there is a little girl who was 3 -4 years old in his arms.
-I will follow you and listen to you. Please, bring us somewhere safe.
That was the last straw that broke the camel's back. All of the adults followed this teen for saving their life.
-Give me your sister. I shall carry her. You need to conserve your strength.
The husband asked.
-Don't worry, I shall give her to you when it is necessary. Remember you all, keep as quiet and as low as possible. We are not running haphazardly and following the path with the least amount of enemy encounters. So, we must keep attention to ourselves minimal. Can you do that for me?
The Teen asked with an expressionless straight face.
We all nodded in response.
So, I was leading a bunch of civilians with zero sense of survival instinct. It is very tough. They cannot keep themselves properly hidden, make unnecessary noise, very fidgety. Which leads to Chitauri foot soldiers finding us and me fighting unnecessary fights. It has been 1 hour, and I have already encountered them 5 times, killing 12 soldiers using mana bullets and the dagger I got from my random box level-up reward. It is a pity that only 1 out of the first 5 boxes gave me a weapon, and the next five boxes gave me random items just like the other first 4 boxes. Looks like the system won't give me free weapons. I have also reached level 10 which made fights easier, but not as easy as it sounds since they also target civilians. I had to take 5 hits during this time which I could easily avoid just to save their lives.
{You brought this upon yourself.}
After one hour, when my mental fatigue was at its limit, the voice in my head spoke.
{And I don't regret it even a tiny bit. What I regret is not doing the daily mission which landed me in this place in the first place.}
The voice kept quiet at my answer.
{Why are you so against helping others?}
I asked trying to probe. Still, no answer came.
As I was suppressing flying units, occasionally providing ground support, a sound came from the common radio channel of the team.
-This is hawkeye. I found a teenager with a dagger leading 5 civilians around aliens. Looks like he is trying to get them to safety. Looks like he is faring quite well against these alien freaks. Does anyone know him?
-Know him or not, we need to rescue the civilians. How long can he hold on against the aliens?
Capsicle asked.
-He is faring quite well now, but soon he is going to get surrounded. He has been injured a number of times. But from a miracle from above, he is still kicking quite well. He might be an extraordinary individual like Dr. Banner and Captain. But I can't tell for sure.
Agent Barton answered.
-JARVIS, connect me to Fury.
-Will do, Sir.
After a few seconds Fury's face came up on my interface.
-Do you know this kid?
The one-eyed man intently looked at the footage of the teen fighting and leading the flock.
-I might have some idea. Let me...
Fury answered. But before he could finish, another voice rang out,
-No need to think, that's me... from 11 years ago.
I can feel it. It is like intuition from the sixth sense. I am definitely going to get surrounded big time. The aliens have been acting strange for quite some time now. They almost stopped targeting me and mainly focused on the unarmed civilians instead of armed me.
At that moment a flying robot that was fighting aliens on flying chariots flew by me saying
-Hey, kid. Go two blocks east from here. There is a defense point set up by Captain America there. Civilians would be somewhat safe there.
Without waiting for my reply, it flew away.
Well looks like I know my next destination.