"Mr. Jackson! Mr. Jackson!" The sharp voice of a woman in military attire cut through the air, directed towards a formation of new recruits, a mix of men and women, freshly graduated from boot camp. Their crisp uniforms and disciplined stances, men with high cuts and women with their hair in neat buns, spoke of their recent arrival. This group, mainly comprised of orphans nurtured by the government of Rocrary, stood as the newest warfighters, their faces a mix of reluctant gratitude and veiled excitement.
Rocrary, a land of paradoxes, brimming with wealth and freedom, yet marred by constant war, crime, and lawlessness. Here, war was a relentless cycle, a sport for the mighty. The Rocrary military, known as pirates, were feared for their mercilessness, symbolized by their banner of a Golden Dragon. This never-ending conflict had left countless orphans, many of whom now stood in formation, products of a harsh system that sent them to the military as a form of repayment for their upbringing.
"Mr. Jackkkkkkkkkkson," the woman's voice escalated.
"I'm here, ma'am," responded a young man, dragging himself out of the formation with a lethargic gait. David Jackson, with a face that bore the weariness of sleepless nights and a history of troubles, was a stark contrast to the disciplined array around him.
David was no stranger to hardship. His life at the orphanage was a series of misfortunes, from lost meals to bullying and unjust punishments. But now, as Private Jackson, he stood in a different battlefield.
"Private Jackson, for making me shout your name three times, you're on ammo watch and night watch. Understood?" the lieutenant barked, her voice a mix of authority and frustration.
"Yes, Ma," David replied, his tone tinged with defiance.
The punishment was swift and brutal. Kicked to the ground, David curled up, bracing for more blows. The assault continued, a grim reminder of the merciless hierarchy within the Rocrary military, where class divides dictated one's role and fate.
As David lay battered, an officer intervened, halting the lieutenant's violent outburst. David, barely conscious, mustered a single word before succumbing to darkness.
In this harsh reality, David's journey begins, not just as a soldier of Rocrary, but as a young man fighting for survival in a world that seems to have no place for him.