Chapter 69 - A Night Of Darkness

Oracion's POV

"Handle Reve, I'm finishing Oneiros here" I nudge Chris in the direction of the human in torn clothing. Regathering his composure and brushing mud off himself.

His confusion obvious and leading me to validate it for him, "And why can't we just ignore him and target the actual threat?"

"Let me remind you again that I was once human. In spite of this, that thing...wasn't human to begin with. Don't underestimate it"

His mouth opening to question it again, silenced by an air shaking roar of rage spinning our focus back to Oneiros as he charges towards me, ignoring Chris completely and causing us to dive further away from the two. Spinning our bodies downward through the wet terrain. His claws hooking deep into my skin as his mouth makes desperate attempts to aim for my neck but the collision of a mountainside allows me to kick him off.

"I didn't want this" He tries to reason with me but I shrug it off, bursting the rock from under my foot and slashing past his face, turning back through a slide and diving back in for another hit. "I DIDN'T!" He raises his fist, connecting to my ribs but with a lack of force. Allowing me to slash at his torso.

He walks back while holding his bloodied white fur, "I WON'T BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU WILL I!?" His eyes gleam brighter, kneeling down and charging after me this time. A fluid motion of his silk body flipping through the air, and crashing down with the intent of landing on me. Stepping back to avoid it he pauses, growling with hate before blurring past my eyes.

"Nobody will be good enough for you, will they?" He hums out. A once forgotten sensation encasing my body as I look down to the foreign feeling, pain. Holding my wound I turn impatiently to dash after him. Opening his arms he speaks again, "Why won't you use that god forsaken sword!?".

I ignore the comment, lunging for his arm that he defends with. Picking him up and tossing him into the solid mountain again. Not waiting a moment before catching up and slamming myself into his place. The scene of destruction painting in front of me as a shockwave shakes the area around us, rumbling the terrain and harming the inhabiting life. Over and over again I strike the floor, leaping from the air and then crashing back down like a meteor, missing each time as his body rolls from me, spitting blood into my eyes before getting back up.

"The curse doesn't effect us all the way over here! I know you can summon it now!" He screams once again. "Hati told me all about who created tools such as that! The blade of Morgan Le Fay Caliburn, Excalibur as I'm sure you're familiar with and your own...the earliest of the siblings, your Prayer as you so deemed it. Or is the human still in denial about what he's become...? Irony, don't you think?" He smugly smiles to himself, holding his wounds and gathering distance between us.

"You want to see it...?" I hold my hand out in front of me while his face beams with excitement. A simple call in my mind resonating towards the divine object, 'Come'. A silhouette of black and red now standing before me, reaching my hand in and pulling it out.

"And your armour...I know you have it"

"You're mistaken if you believe I'm going to be using these. I'm simply showing are not worth me having to wield them" I raise the sword along with his eye sight following it, planting it into the ground and taking in the sight of his once amused face now remaining emotionless. The connection to winds with me once more I take his paused state as an advantage. Digging my claws into him while pulling back the fur like a skinned rabbit. "After all...why would I need it, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶?" I tear off his arm as his other hand swipes down deep across my head.

"𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶?" He repeats to himself, ignoring his bleeding arm and stumbling back against a tree. "𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶?" He chants again. His fur beginning to flux with the gathering wind as it fills with a sub zero breeze. Locking his gaze onto me before freezing the rain around him, honing their edges to a complete sharpness before hurling them towards me.

My pelt becoming torn with every other shard, trying my best to shatter them on impact but ultimately missing a select few. His weakened posture now taking it's toll as he stumbles behind the tree although his size still dwarfing it. "We aren't done" I shake my frosted hairs, bolting towards the tree and slamming it down with my weight. I take in a sickening nostalgic memory of his frame running through the forest, tree by tree he desperately navigates his way from a gleaming eyed beast. "You said I was in denial!?" I run through the trees on all fours, bursting through each thing I make contact with.

He glances back for a moment, slowing his pace and allowing me to tackle him to the ground. Crushing a pit into the floor as I land on him, "...I've came to terms with it. I'm a monster", Curling my hand into a fist and slamming down on his face, once, twice, ignoring his repeated newly formed icicles stabbing into my chest and back. Each pounding fist sending the pit further down slightly. Shaking what's left of the trees standing around us.

"I've lived too long to be bothered by pain. Something you weren't ever exposed to, never was there not a moment I didn't want to protect you. You said nobody was enough for me, well you were enough for me." I watch his beaten face follow my hand upwards, the swirling gold eyes gradually changing to an emerald. 'Your son' A determined voice reminds me.

'You're killing our son! You're killing him!' It shrieks through my head. The high pitched scream causing me to drop the grasp on my fist and instead clamp my ears shut. A strike of thunder booms with my emotions, "SILENCE!" I stand up off him, my calmed mind now focused on the beating rain again. I look back down at the man I regrettably called my own. "I'm sorry"


Chris' POV (Just as they got separated)

"And I suppose that leaves us?" Reve laughs nonchalantly waving around his arms, one of them completely unclothed as if newly restored in it's place.

"Hmm...I suppose it does" I greet him with a smile, unfolding my arms and gazing at my own hand. Tensing and releasing the grasp of my clawed fingers, a new sensation I don't think I'll ever feel entirely comfortable with. Nonetheless this is my body now I guess. His body slides towards me, sweeping my leg from under me and surprising me with the strength.

"He said I was perfect!" He gloats to himself, raising his foot against my chest and raising it. "He said I was strong!" I grab his leg before he makes contact to my body.

"He told Scarlet much more than that" I increase my grip, "Not to mention he fucking killed Eden out of nothing more than humanistic jealousy!" tossing him into the ground not too far from me. Slashing downward at each point he rolls from. Throwing mud into my face to blind me he jumps onto my shoulders, digging his nails into my throat with one hand and punching my head with the other. "You don't-seem that-strong" He breathes out between strikes. Ignoring the comment I slam myself down to the floor, trapping him against it and my body.

A normal response would be to claw his way out...he wrapped his legs around my neck. Purposefully twisting his own body to try and decapitate me with whatever strength he had. I dig my claw through his leg, ripping apart and digging out whatever muscle he had inside it.

"Tss" He bangs against the floor to make a hole and give himself room to move away. "What did you do to my leg!?" He stands up, ignoring result of what I just did.

"Can't you feel it? That shit is hollow now!" I mimic his laughter from earlier, amused by his ignorance

"No. I can't" He stomps on the leg without a care to the pain.


Reve's smirk now gone, glancing up at the gathering clouds and ignoring me. "Father" He whispers under his breath, bolting towards the direction of Aeon.

'They're both over there I hope you know' Anubis alerts me. Taking a second to compose myself from the near concussion he gave me. "Alright" I breathe out before following the sound of Reve's heavy grunts. Catching up to him I grab his leg, slamming him against the tree and leaving the marks of his body. His frame significantly heavier than a single glance would reveal. He punches down on my arm, hearing something crack inside I let go. Looking at it with amazement, "What the fuck actually are you!?" I question him although getting ignored this time.

I reach for him to prevent him from moving away but he grabs my hand, flipping me over himself and again trying to stomp my head in. Folding my arms across my face I block the sheer force of his hit, sending me sliding downward against my will. "I'm fucking perfection!" He shouts while sliding down after me. Throwing himself into the air and diving downward to catch up to me, making contact with my stomach this time. I grab onto him as he sinks into me, squeezing his body as hard as I can before feeling a flame in my stomach.

"Get the fuck-off me!" He turns us, causing me to face first into a mountainside where I close my eyes to prepare for the impact. Falling rocks bounce down from the rumble but not enough to cause an injury.

"Wher-" I go to stand up, coughing out blood in reaction but nothing I'm not used to from the countless times I've had to defend my pack. The thought making me smile a bit, "Home".

'Fucking find him Christopher!" Anubis brings me out of my thoughts, scanning the trails around me I notice the now stoned terrain leaving no tracks. Although the intoxicating stench of Aeon and a giant white furred Lycan arm left out like an ornament. Following it to a black sword gilded with gold, his name dug deep within the ground, Oracion...'Touch it' I think to myself. Although hesitating, 'It might be your only chance to'. And so I convinced myself, reaching over to embrace the sword's hilt I notice a swarming energy envelope my arm.

"A dark amethyst haired girl...a scent of death made visual by the crimson glow added to the pitch black sword following her through a shadowed hallway."


'FINE FINE! HE COULD BARELY WALK AS IS, HE DIDN'T GET FAR!' I scream back at him before dragging the sword along with me, nearly getting overwhelmed with the weight. "Who the fuck does he think he is, carrying this shit everywhere and swinging it like nothing" I cuss while marching forward.

"FATHER!" Reve blurts out, alerting me of his location.

The decimated zone coming within my sight, I immediately lock onto the frozen state of Aeon. His eyes not staring at the destroyed land, not the son crying for his father but instead his face is tilted up to the sky. His eyes shifting with each raindrop that lands on his grey fur.

"FA-" Reve goes to scream again which gets greeted by a sudden kick from Aeon.

"I'm...done here. We'll come back for that thing later." He whispers when looking towards me, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me along with him. His presence alone confirming to me that he did what he had to.

"Father!" He continues to whine in the back ground.

"Fath-" A crunching sound disrupts the man. A grotesque cracking of bone stopping us in our tracks, "W-hy" He weeps out. Another crunch silencing it.

Our backs still turned to what sounds like a feast fit for a king. However, all our senses are focused on one thing as we're distracted by something equally disturbing. A sudden burst of the wind completely cancelling out the rain and booming past us, winding whatever air I had inside me.

Gathering my breath through a rough cough I find my words, "Through my time in the underworld I've learn that auras are faint, that is why no ordinary individuals can gaze upon them. So...what in the fuck. Is that." Our eyes peer upward...a near completely black aura with strands of white, spouting upwards like a geyser towards the sky in the direction that we...left them all at. Where we left...Percy at.


The pillar of dark light beginning to emit a high pitched sound and weave itself.


"He' Finally." A footstep from behind us forcibly turns out attention. His near completely bloodied white fur standing above nothing more than the remnants of bones. He speaks after noticing my eye line examining him, "Oh him? I got inspiration from what was done to my father. I injected Hati's blood into that flesh bag months into it's birth as I did the rest. He was still a failure...but I found a use for him in the end! But don't mistake me for a cold hearted beast please! I did love him unlike some." He picks up one of the remaining bones, rubbing against his face like a mother to her new born, licking it one more time before tossing it away like trash.

"Now what do you say, Father. LET'S DO IT AGAIN!" His fur ignites with a blue flame similarly to Scarlet at the end of her life. His paws encasing themselves in ice along with the floor and his eyes becoming a complete scene of burning passion, the swirling flames that leave the sockets sending cinders into the air. His maniac induced smile sending chills down my spine but nonetheless Aeon responds to his challenge.

"I need not sacrifice my life to the gods for a chance to challenge them as an equal. I can do it...on my own" He grabs the sword from me, his aura becoming visible as it becomes soaked in black and red. Among these two beasts in front of me...there's something far more intimidating that I can feel burning holes into the back of my head.

"Fuck it"


Thomas' POV (Prior to the light)

Sneaking up on a rogue that's distracted with a fellow member I claw at it's back legs, injuring it and causing it to limp. Allowing the others to finish it off I proudly continue onto the next. Spotting Yue's white wolf and Yasmine's rose pink one not too far off from me but continuing to run in my direction for some reason. I go to run for them in hope of helping whatever they look distressed for. Staring down at a semi-muddied puddle I briefly glance at it with the moonlight shining into it, revealing my grey wolf...fully grey wolf. The black spot on my chest now gone, my stomach sinking with an unreasonable sickness.

"You were meant to be a black wolf, Thomas" I turn to face the ominously familiar voice. His hands wrap around my head with ease, clamping my ears together and sending a deep shiver through my entire skeleton. Forcing me to unshift and take in the view of Percy's eyes. His face showing no emotion but his eyes still flooding with tears even through the rain I can tell that much. My ears still covered and hushing that same beating rain. The voices of the people who were behind me now calling, screaming and...begging.

"You were the only one who noticed it wasn't him back at the village Thomas, I applaud you for that. But you never did quite catch a break, did you?" His lips are moving but I can barely make out what he's saying. His tears falling along with the rain as the grip on my head grows tighter. Tighter. Until one, swift, painless crack turns my body solid. Dropping me to the feet of Percy. I try to move but my body won't listen, the paw in front of me beginning to disappear and turn to flow into ash. "Percy...?" I try to call again.

"Percy?" My mouth still shut against my will. A calming but unwanted darkness washing over me as my final words echo through my head, "Percy...please".