Chereads / SHATTERING HEIGHTS / Chapter 6 - CHAPTER 5

Chapter 6 - CHAPTER 5

Roti stood there dumbfounded as she watched the young maiden cuddle the tiny baby in her arms. Hikma had fed the baby, given it a bath and wore it new warm clothes. Now the baby was lying in her arms comfortably asleep.

Hikma had already explained to her the entire issue and the conditions Roti gave her cousin before she accepted the baby in her household. It was a long story and to cut it short, it was one hell of a pathetic story.

'I tripped over something like a basket and fell. I noticed a frail cry coming from what seemed like a basket. There and then, I knew it was a baby. Who had been so heartless enough to leave such a bundle of joy there? I wondered. I knew this baby was my baby. I took it with me to the orphanage and explained to them this situation. Only then did I realise the gender of the baby since I was blind. They also told me she was about 13 months old and was still learning to speak.They discouraged me from keeping her because of my disability, but No ! I would keep her, I insisted. And that's how she became mine, aunt.' she explained to her aunt.

Roti was too engrossed in the following day's event and their plan that, she had little reaction to this.

"You can keep her only if she eats from your earnings, she doesn't cry at night and she doesn't destroy mine and your nephew's items. Understood?!" she declared. How would she not understand? Of course she understood. She nodded gently.

Alhamdulilah, the school had decided to slightly involve themselves in the upkeep of the baby. They promised to help her fend for the little bundle of joy. So she got some baby food, warm clothes, diapers, wipes, shampoo and a few other things for her new responsibility from them. She knew life with this new baby was going to be tough but she was up for it.

She had laid new white sheets and her fairly good but extremely warm blanket. It was getting quite cold. She laid the sleeping baby on her bed and tuck it in. Now with meditated steps, she walked to her window and and pulled it close. The sky was dark outside and she could feel the freshness of the breeze. It was soothing. She returned to her bed and cuddled with the baby to sleep.

Nights felt long and life felt short. But in all, a little timer hung over each other and one's time was running fast. Death creeping in, little by little.

The following day, Hikma woke up very early. She took her bath and said her Fajr prayers. After wards, she went downstairs and made some luke warm water to prepare breakfast for her new baby and some to give the little one a bath. When she returned to the room, the baby was awake. She could tell from its little sobs.

It was obviously hungry. She picked up the baby and placed her on her laps. The baby's diapers were wet and so it made the little one uncomfortable.

"Now, Now Muhabbat (my love). May Allah make us happy living together. Let me get you clean, then I'll feed you" she whispered to the little one as she gently took off her overalls. The little bundle of joy lay quiet staring blindly at the beautiful blind lady in front of her.

Gently, Hikma cleaned her up with the baby wipes. She mixed up the warm water and prepared the place to give the little one a bath.

"Come over little one. Let's go into the water now." she cooed to the quiet giggling baby. Gently, she gave the baby a warm bath. After wards, she dressed the baby in overalls since, they were going out later in the evening. She discarded of the dirty water and cleaned up the place before returning to the baby who was now throwing a tantrum.

"Muhabbat. Don't be angry at me. Your food is here." she whispered as she fed the little one. The little girl gratefully took it and soon, she was done with her whole bottle of milk. She burped loudly making them both giggle at that. Hikma helped the little one sit with the pillows cushioning her. The little one sat staring at Hikma while Hikma opened the windows up.

"Wait here Muhabbat. Let me go wash up quickly. I'll be back in a jiffy." she cooed sweetly to the baby before walking to the small bathroom. Quietly, little Laiba surveyed the little room and smiled at how simple yet clean it looked. She crawled to the upper most part of the bed and like the good girl she was, she lay down and burped once again before falling asleep.

Hikma returned 20 minutes later fully dressed. She made for the bed only to find her little one fast asleep. She sighed a little 'Alhamdulilah ' before sitting down to do a little Dhikr(Meditation). She slowly begun her meditation.

'Ya Allah. Protect this little one I have found. I believe that You, have sent this little one as a gift to me and not as a burden. Grant me the strength to be able to face all the challenges that may come with or without this little one.' she prayed internally.

Time was moving very fast and Hikma suddenly slept off beside her baby.

The door to her room was suddenly flung open then her aunt barged in all dressed up. She was in fairly good clothes obviously preparing for the event later in the evening. It was about 12 pm by the time the noise woke her up from her slumber. She growled at the now awake blind girl and her still sleeping baby.

"Hikma! Get dressed in some better clothes. My mistress called for us to arrive earlier than planned. And make it snappy!" she snapped at Hikma who was wiping her eyes of the sleep and yawning quite lazily.

"Yes Aunt" she whispered obediently as she walked to the bathroom and took her wudhu kettle and performed wudhu and said her Zuhr prayers. She changed her clothes into some fairly good clothes which she had packed separately from her normal things. She felt their texture and length and found the perfect one.

It was a simple green long dress with little gems adding to its simple aesthetics. But as it is said. 'If you are beautiful, you will always be beautiful. Even in rags'. She stood before her mirror. Not like she could see anything. She just stared into the darkness. Visualising herself. Wondering how she looked like. She let out a sorrowful sigh with a tear dropping down her eye.

She had no idea where it came from. The sound of her little one woke her up from her sorrowful daze. She took meditated steps to her bed with the wall as her support. She picked up the bundle of joy and the little one immediately placed her head on her chest.

That was all it took to get her all in her emotions. She slumped to her bed with her baby and gentle sobbed as she reminisced about her whole life. Wondering what would happen to her in the future. Her baby also begun sobbing. She hugged her closer and cooed reassuringly. She wouldn't cry anymore. She promised the little one.

"It's okay Muhabbat. I'm fine now. Don't cry. Mama is okay now okay?" she assured her little one. The little one gave her new mother a little smile before hugging her tighter. Hikma saw how she had such allure towards this little one. She placed a kiss on the little one's head.

She put on a little hat and a little hijab on her little Laiba's head to keep her from the cold and protect her Awrah. The little one was feisty before but after sometime, she got used to it. Hikma carried the little one carefully as she descended their old creaky wooden staircase.

Roti was dozing off when Hikma got downstairs. She knew because her aunt was one who snored like a hog while asleep. The little one giggled at the sleeping woman making Hikma giggle too. The giggles woke Roti up.

She seemed infuriated by the fact that her niece and this little bastard were laughing at her.

"You are laughing at me? You useless girl?" she growled at Hikma who knew she was in trouble and who she feared for most was her little Laiba.

"Forgive me aunt. I'm sorry" she apologised as she backed away in fear. Roti moved closer and closer while the little girl started crying. Hikma tried to coo her when Roti served her a thunderous slap sending her to the ground but luckily taking the fall for the little one.

Hikma moaned in pain as she caressed her cheek which now had her aunt's hand imprinted on it. She sobbed painfully while trying to hush the baby. Seeing her Mama hurt, she felt the same amount of pain and cried only more. Hikma stopped crying and tried to soothe the young one.

It worked. The little girl now stopped crying and hugged Hikma tight.She was sorry for causing this to her Mama.

"Get up and let's get going!!" she snapped. Hikma slowly got up to prevent anymore slaps or torture coming her way. She organised herself. Unknown to her, the palm print was lucid on her right cheek. But that didn't marr her beauty. She walked slowly behind her aunt who didn't care if she was blind and could get left behind.

This Saturday afternoon was quite cool and not so many people were out. Lord alone knows how she was able to follow behind Roti all the way to the great Dhul Qarnayn Mansion. The guards recognised Roti. But not the blind beauty behind her with an undoubtedly beautiful baby.

They were mesmerised with the fact that, as beautiful as she was, she was very modest in everything. Even though she was blind, she still lowered her gaze at everyone. But the fresh palm print on her cheek left them dumbfounded. Even now, Roti hadn't noticed it.

Meanwhile, while in the mansion, she held unto the hand of Hikma and spoke to her in a fake loving tone. She directed her towards the grand hall. Guests had already started arriving by the time they got there. It was almost Asr prayers time. And Hikma could hear the Adhan being called.

"Asalamu alaikum Ma'am." Roti greeted her Mistress when she saw her. Nawar walked towards Roti and the beautiful girl with a baby beside her. She became mesmerized at the 5'2 young girl standing before her. She was the most beautiful large eyed lass she had ever seen.

"W-Walaikum Salam Roti. I'm guessing this is your niece?" she asked. Roti gave her a smile and nodded.

"Masha Allah. She is as beautiful as the moon. " she complimented the young girl. Hikma blushed and lowered her gaze slowly before muttering a small greeting.

'Asalamu Alaikum Ma'am'. Nawar responded gladly as she once again got infatuated by the meek girl's magical voice. She spoke a few words of blessing towards the young maiden.

And who...could this little bundle of joy be?" she asked playfully as she caressed the baby's cheeks. Baby Laiba smiled at Nawar and begun giggling. It was obvious she liked her.

"Oh. She's Hikma's baby" Roti announced. Nawar looked shocked. She was startled. Hikma looked too young to be having a baby. But in order to keep everything clean, she gave them her blessing and ushered them to where the ceremony would begin.

Hikma wanted to pray but was scared to ask her aunt. She decided she would ask the nice lady she got to know her name as Nawar.

"Excuse me Ma'am. But I would like to say my Salah. Can I have a place to pray?" she asked the older woman when she was sure her aunt was out of earshot. Nawar was proud. Even though she didn't really know this young girl, she knew she liked her and would like her in her family.

"Masha Allah Hikma. I thought pious children like you are no more. May Allah bless you. And yes of course, you can leave your baby with me while I send you to your friend Sara's room to pray. Knowing her, she probably is sleeping or taking her bath " Nawar responded.

Hikma gave her a small smile and nod while she handed the little one over to her. Nawar took Hikma by the hand and helped her up the many steps towards Sara's room.

"NAWAR! NAWAR! NAWAR! COME! YOU ARE NEEDED HERE" someone called Nawar from downstairs while they were on their way to Sara's room.

"Ya Allah. Can't these people see I'm busy here?" she whispered to her self in exasperation. Hikma heard it and didn't want to be a burden on the older woman so she had to chip in.

"Please don't worry Ma'am. Just give me directions. I'm sure I'll find my way" she suggested.

"Are you sure my dear?" she asked quite undecided. Hikma nodded. She trusted this little one.

"Okay. Go straight. The second door on your right" she directed. Hikma gave her a smile and muttered a little 'thank you' before using the wall as her support, she followed the same direction while Nawar returned downstairs.

Hikma used her mind's eye to direct herself. She grabbed a door handle on the right of the building. She was sure this was it. It must be it. She thought.

"Asalamu Alaikum?" she whispered. No response came.

"Asalamu Alaikum?" she whispered a bit louder. But still no reply.

"Asalamu Alaikum?!" she whispered for the last time. She decided then that, truly Sara was either asleep or bathing like her mother said.

She gently opened the door to the room. She couldn't see anything neither could she hear anyone.

She heard the tap water running and concluded that Sara was bathing. She tried her very best and was able to locate the bathroom. She tried her very best and found the wudhu kettle. It was quite nasty and very dry. Obviously, it hadn't been used in a while. She fetched water in the kettle and performed wudhu. She didn't think it was too bad though. At least she was blind and she couldn't see her fellow woman's nudity.

These were some of the times, she was grateful for being blind. She quickly refilled the kettle, placed it down and got out of the bathroom. She found a suitable place and located the Qibla.

She begun her prayers. After about 10 minutes, she was done praying and was in prostration supplicating to Allah.

"Ya Rabb. It's me again. A sinner. Help me to be the best you want me to. Guide me to the path of the righteous. Forgive me my sins and the sins of all my family and loved ones. My baby Laiba, protect her from all the evils of this world. And grant me, my family and friends the best of this life and the after life." she prayed. She got up and begun to walk away.

Out of the door and down the stairs, she was suddenly pulled back by a pair of arms. Masculine arms. She gulped as she tried to wriggle herself out of his grasp.

"Careful on the stairs baby girl" his voice warned before letting her go. Had he not pulled her back, the stray nail on the ground would have pricked her foot and she would have lost her balance and tumbled down the stairs to her uttermost death

She finally got to the base of the stairs when a pair of arms hugged her from behind. They were feminine arms. She recognised that touch. She knew it her new and only friend Sara.

"OH MY GOD ! Hikma you came!" she heard the sweet voice of a beautiful angel. It was Sara. She was getting ready for the groom's arrival. Hikma wiped her eyes quickly and turned towards the direction of then hug. Sara hugged her tighter and even gave her a kiss on her cheek. Hikma blushed at that.

"Asalamu Alaikum sis Sara" she greeted her new friend.

"Walaikum Salam dear. How are you? Oh my. You look so beautiful" Sara complimented gladly. Hikma muttered a little 'Thank you' to Sara coly.

"Come one lovely. Let's go help me get dressed...."Sara faltered in her speech when she noticed something horrid on her best friend's cheek. A horrible palm print on her cheek. The look of horror was lucid on her face and it was not long before it triggered her and soon she was having a serious panic attack. Sara was very prone to having panic attacks and this knocked her breath out.

"Ahh!!!" she screamed as she lost her balance and fell to the ground. By the, her mother and aunts had all raced towards her. She was suffocating. Hikma knelt down beside her when she heard her fall and begun wailing.

"She's having a panic attack. Call a doctor!" her mother wailed as she fell before her. Hikma begun praying loudly and begging Sara to wake up and not fall asleep.

"Sister Sara, please get up. Please don't fall sick. Please. You're my only friend. Please wake up" she wailed louder. By then, one of the older aunt's had called the doctor and he had just arrived along with the paramedics. They gently carried Sara to their waiting ambulance outside.

By then, it was already 6 pm and the guests had started arriving. What were they going to do now, that the bride was unwell?

Aunt Roti heard the commotion and had rushed to the scene with baby Laiba. Nawar asked to take the baby and so Roti handed the baby over to her. Baby Laiba didn't like Roti one bit and always wailed while in her embrace. Nawar noticed all that. She handed the baby over to Hikma who was now shocked but relieved that her new friend would be okay.

"What happened to her?" Nawar asked literally no one. Hikma herself didn't know why. She just sat on the ground still, with her baby in her arms. Laiba was saying stuff in her baby language that no one really understood.

Nawar helped Hikma up and got her to sit on one of the seats.

It was only then that she noticed. Noticed what had happened. Noticed why Sara suffered a panic attack. It was only now she noticed her slapped cheek.

And by Allah, she was very infuriated.

"WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" She growled and that was when Roti also noticed her sin and gulped in fear.