Chereads / Empty Pockets / Chapter 6 - No Holds Barred

Chapter 6 - No Holds Barred

Romulus is a very tall dark skinned man. He has brown eyes and is bald. He is wearing a suit.

Romulus: "Why's everyone so tense? I'm not gonna kill you guys hahahahaha. I'm just here to supervise so don't be nervous. Hey, you there!"

Random participant: "Me?"

Romulus: "Yes you. Come up here for me."

The random participant walks up to Romulus. As he approaches Romulus, it feels as if he is getting smaller and smaller. When he arrives, Romulus is towering over him. Romulus puts his hand forward on his shoulder.

Romulus: "How are you? How'd you feel about the first test?"

Random participant: "Uhhhh... it was fine I guess."

Romulus: "That's good to hear. Would you mind spinning the wheel behind me?"

Random participant: "Uhhh.. maybe I shou- aaaaah!"

Romulus: "I hate asking twice. But you might've not heard me clearly. So I'll ask again. Can you spin the wheel behind me?"

Random participant: "O... OK"

Romulus: "Good."

Romulus smiles and pulls his hand back.

The random participant spins the wheel. Kassius sees Arnold and walks towards him.

Kassius: "Psst. Arnold."

Arnold looks to the side. He sees Kassius sneaking up towards him. Kassius stops next to him.

Kassius: "Time for the second test. You ready?"

Arnold: "Yeah, pretty much."

Kassius: "Isn't this new guy kinda odd?"

Arnold: "I don't know to be honest. It's like I can't properly read him."

The wheel stops.

Romulus: "Oh ho ho. "Pain or Gain". Very glad I chose to come out for this one. However before we start I'd like to ask you two to come up here."

Romulus points towards two other random guys.

Romulus gives them an irritated look. They rush over to the front. Romulus puts his hands on their shoulders.

Romulus: "Now I know it can get boring just standing and listening but it's important you hear everything. I'm pretty sure you should be familiar with this by now. But don't be nervous, I won't kick you out of the exams like the Principal would. I told you I'm a generous guy. So I'll let you off with a warning. Now don't do that again alright?"

They nod and walk back to where they were standing. Romulus looks at Kassius and Arnold intensely. They both look away, acting clueless.

Romulus: "As I was saying, it's time for your second test. This is your combat test. Weak or strong, you will all be tested on your ability to fight against others. A lot of you will forget but bloodshed isn't uncommon in this line of work. People do die and it's not by disease. Combat is what brings about death. But combat is the essence of survival. To survive we need to learn how to protect ourselves. This is the beauty of combat. Now onto how the test will go. You are sixty people currently. I've decided that there will be six different sets. Each set will contain ten people. Your objective is to take out as many people as you can in your set."

Person 1: "Um... by take out, do you mean..."

Romulus: "Oh. Hahaha! No, don't worry You'll still get away with knocking unconscious at the least. However, just because you're in sets, does not mean there are six different battles. All will be held at once, just prioritise the people in your set as your targets. They will be the only way you can get points. It will be a battle royale. But if I'm being honest, let's not do it here."

Everyone gets surprised.

Romulus: "I'm not feeling this environment is good enough. I want to make this feel more realistic. So we'll travel to another location to do this test. In the meantime while we're here, you will be choosing weapons or equipment that you will want to use during the second test from those crates over there."

Everyone looks towards a set of crates in the back of the room.

Romulus: "I shall tell everyone which set they are in on the way to the location. One last thing to mention is that since we are leaving campus, your life is not the institution's responsibility. This test is different to most, in that you guys will get similar treatment to any thief out in the field. Do you still wish to go? If not, like the principal said earlier, you can leave right now."

The room goes silent.

Romulus: "Good. Now go get anything you need from those crates. There should be enough weapons for about one hundred people. There is a bus outside campus waiting so get your equipment quickly and get on the bus."

Everyone goes towards the crates. People start picking weapons up. Kassius stands next to a crate.

Kassius (in head): "What should I get? I don't usually use weapons much but they look so cool."

Bonnie: "Are you gonna choose?"

Kassius: "Oh... yeah I will. What are you taking?"

Bonnie: "Easy. This."

Kassius: "A wooden staff? Why not something harder like a metal pipe?"

Bonnie: "I got my reasons for this. I'm off to the bus. See you there."

Kassius: "Alright."

Kassius stares back at the crates.

Kassius (in head): "OK, should I take this? Nah it's too much. How about this? Ehh I don't like it. Maybe this? ... I could look for something better. Aha. This is perfect."

Kassius puts the weapon he chose in his pocket and walks outside the room. As he is walking down the hall, he notices Jinsoku walking towards the stairs. Kassius catches up to him.

Kassius: "Yo!"

Jinsoku (in head): "Kassius?"

Kassius: "How did you find the first test? Bonnie said it was great."

Jinsoku: "It was alright."

Kassius: "Nice. Lets hope it's the same for the second test."

Jinsoku: "Yeah. Who knows, I might be generous and save you if things go bad."

Kassius: "Now imagine if you're in my set? Who'll save you from me?"

Jinsoku starts laughing.

Jinsoku "Confident, are we?"

Both of them start laughing as they continue walking towards the exit.

Kassius and Jinsoku leave the building and see a large bus outside the gate with a group of people and Romulus. They walk towards the group and Romulus starts speaking.

Romulus: "OK it's sixty now. Everybody should be here. Time to get on this bus. I expect us to arrive at the location at around seven in the evening. You can sit as you like on the bus. Now everybody on."

Everybody starts walking on.

Jinsoku: "I think I'll go ahead. I prefer to be alone before these types of things."

Kassius: "No problem. See you there I guess."

Jinsoku walks to the bus. Kassius looks around and sees Arnold going to the bus door. He walks up to him and enters the bus as well.

Kassius: "Arnold. Save me a seat?"

Arnold: "Sure."

Kassius and Arnold enter the bus and sit together. Everybody gets on the bus and Romulus enters, closing the door shut.

Romulus: "If we are all on, let's get moving."

The bus starts and drives off. Everybody starts talking. Kassius looks to Arnold.

Kassius: "So what's your plan for the test?"

Arnold: "Huh?"

Kassius: "Your plan. I was thinking of working with someone. Since my objective is to get people in my own set, I don't have to worry about someone else from another set attacking me. Meaning I could work with someone. A little bit of team work couldn't hurt. Wanna team up again?"

Arnold: "It is a good plan. I guess I could."

Kassius: "Yes! Also, what weapo-"

Arnold puts his hand over Kassius's mouth.

Arnold: "Let's talk about this off the bus. People will here us."

Kassius nods and Arnold removes his hand.

Nearing the location, it has gotten dark. Some people are sleeping and some people are awake. Bonnie is staring outside a window. Arnold is sleeping as well. Kassius is still awake and feels something in his pocket.

Kassius: "Hmm? Is this medicine? When did I..."

Kassius pockets the medicine (packet of pills).

Kassius (in head): "A full moon. Its looking really nice tonight."

Romulus: "Time to wake up! Up, up, up!"

Everyone who was sleeping wakes up. People awake give him their attention.

Romulus: "We are nearby so I'm showing you the sets each of you belong to. Just a reminder, you can only gain points from knocking out people in your set. If you look towards the screen in front, you'll see six columns. Each one is a set. Find which one you belong to. You are listed by your labeled code that was I believe was provided at the reception earlier today."

Everyone looks at the board.

Bonnie (in head): "Set 3."

Sarah: "I'm in set 3. Marcus, what set are you in?"

Marcus: "Looks like I'm in set 6."

Jinsoku (in head): "I'm in set 6."

Kassius: "I'm in set 2. What set are you in Arnold?"

Arnold: "I'm in set 2 as well."

Kassius: "So working together..."

Arnold: "We can't. Not this time."

Kassius: "No problem. No matter who wins this, no hard feelings?"

Arnold: "Yeah."

The bus starts slowing down in a woods barricaded by fences. It heads deeper and deeper until there is an open space. The bus stops moving.

Romulus: "We are here! Time to get off the bus!"

Everybody gets off the bus and Romulus follows behind closing the bus door shut.

Romulus: "Set 1 from the left to Set 6 on the right, join the set that you belong to."

Everybody stands in their set.

Romulus: "Get a good look at the people in your set. Those are the people you should aim to take out."

Everyone looks at one another. An intense feeling goes around and the crickets sound louder as the silence rings through the air.

Romulus: "You have about two hours. This whole location is yours to use. If you want to hide, you can. If you want to go out and attack, your choice again. Just do not leave passed the barricades. Otherwise I cannot ensure your safety. Other than that, do as you please because anything goes. Consider this test no holds barred. I hope everybody is ready. Stretch out a bit and spread out in a huge circle."

Everyone spreads out in a huge circle and starts stretching.

Kassius (in head): "Test number two. Time for a masterclass."

Bonnie practices her handstand balance.

Sarah: "Careful monkey girl. You don't wanna hurt yourself."

A group of people start laughing.

Bonnie (in head): "Don't play her games."

Random participant: "Yo, it's him. Is he sleeping while standing right now?"

Marcus (in head): "Jinsoku Subayai. Seems like I get the honors of putting Mr. Mystery to sleep."

Jinsoku wakes up.

Jinsoku (in head): "Looks like it's time."

Arnold: "It's kind of cold tonight..."

Random participant 1: "Gotta stay clear of him."

Random participant 2: "Yeah, I'm not trying to end up like those others in the first test."

The whole place goes silent. You can hear the wind blowing and the plants rustling.

Romulus: "Is everybody ready?!"

Everybody: "YES!!!"

Romulus: "Test 2, "Pain or Gain" starts... NOW!"