Nova was stunned that the man just destroyed the atmosphere like that, instantly making it less tense and just plain awkward.
"Uh, right, I'll get on that."
Pawniard retracted its hand and started to walk away with Nova when the man spoke again.
"Hold on. You're that kid I've gotta beat up in a month, right?" Despite saying it in the same tone as his last sentence, this somehow sounded like he was mocking Nova.
Pawniard's eyes slightly widened upon hearing this, as it wanted to know who their opponents would be. Hearing that it was this man and his Skorupi, it began to understand why Nova was so desperate.
After all, it could tell that the little Scorpion Pokemon was strong.
When Nova heard what he said his eye slightly twitched. This guy's mannerisms made no sense to him, and he couldn't get a read on what he wanted.
"I wouldn't put it like that, but yeah, we have to battle each other in a month," he said nonchalantly, hoping this conversation would end. This guy was weird.
"Hey, I've got an idea. How 'bout a battle?"
"Uh… Nah, not right now." Nova tried to sound casual while saying it.
'I don't know about Pawniard, but I'm exhausted. Plus, I don't want to give this guy any information about how I battle.'
"Ya tired? Is that why you smell so bad? That happens to me sometimes when I take a massive dump, too." the raspy-voiced man said, nodding sagely as if it was normal to smell that bad after taking a dump.
"I- uh- what?"
Nova was completely floored. He was already tired enough, and now he was using the rest of his energy trying to understand what the hell this guy was talking about.
Pawniard, too, had no idea what this conversation was. It was wondering if it overestimated the man and his Skorupi moments ago.
"Anyway, how about tomorrow? I'll give you some tips afterward if ya like?" The man's words sounded inviting enough but his tone stayed dead yet casual.
Before Nova could answer, the man squinted at him before reiterating.
"No, huh? Then instead of battling tips, maybe you'll take money?"
Nova was confused, but not confused enough to ignore money. He hadn't even seen a Pokedollar yet, much less own any.
He did know the guild had a personal shop though. This action alone could accelerate his training by a few weeks. Giving this guy information about him wouldn't even matter since he would fight completely differently in a month. Plus, everyone knows he has a Pawniard since it doesn't go in its Pokeball.
Thus, he was very interested now.
"How much? And how do I know you won't just battle me and walk away afterward?"
"Five thousand. Plus, Sol said not to sabotage each other before the month is over and I don't wanna risk getting beaten to a pulp just to scam some kid."
That was reasonable, but Nova didn't understand the value of money and he couldn't exactly ask the guy. That'd be giving him too much control over the deal.
Without missing a beat, he replied. "Ten thousand. And I want it right now instead of after the battle,"
The man showed his first expression besides pure sorrow since he showed up, he furrowed his eyebrows in thought. Just as quick as it happened though, it went away.
"Deal. If you don't show up, it won't be me who gets thrashed," he said casually.
Saying this, he handed Nova a blue plastic card with the Pokedollar symbol in the middle. In two of the corners of the card was '10k'.
Nova looked over the card, inspecting it from front to back, before shrugging and continuing toward his room. He expected it to look like, well, an actual dollar. Either way, he was too tired to think about it anymore.
When he finally arrived in his room, there was another note slid under his door. Curious, he picked it up while Pawniard looked for a comfortable place to rest.
It read, 'I warned you about Pawniard multiple times. What made you think letting it out in a confined space with no training was a good idea? Don't be so senseless next time or I'll fine you for the damages and kick your ass.'
Nova cringed while reading it and dragged his hand down his face. 'Yeah, that wasn't exactly my brightest moment… Well, silver lining- at least I didn't die.'
He noticed that the damages his little scuffle with Pawniard created were fixed and that she said she'd only fine him if he did it again. That was also good.
He'd be beyond pissed if he finally got money for the first time in this world and then had it taken away immediately because of a moment of naivete.
His thoughts were then interrupted when he noticed Pawniard lightly snoring in the corner of the room. Oddly enough, it seemed Pawniard preferred sitting against the wall more than the bed.
'As long you're happy, I guess.' Nova thought.
Depositing everything on him, he headed over to the male bathrooms before cleaning himself off in the shower and returning back to his room. He expected Pawniard to smell just as bad, but Pawniard didn't really smell like anything.
Weird, but he decided not to question it. Fewer problems for him.
Sitting on the bed, Nova remembered that he should probably learn Aura and decided to try and meditate before going to bed.
However, he had never meditated in both lives before and promptly fell asleep after just a few minutes.
In the middle of the night, Nova's violet eyes suddenly sprang open. He had the idea to lucid dream, something he used to do frequently for fun, to think more about the intricacies of Pokemon.
Yet, when he opened his eyes, he couldn't remember anything. Odd, but not something that alarmed him. It sometimes happened no matter what he tried.
Checking with the clock in the hallway, he noticed it was roughly five am but he knew he wouldn't get any sleep now that he was already awake.
Hearing the door open, Pawniard woke up as well, but Nova waved it off as he didn't need Pawniard to get up if they didn't want to.
Putting on his clothes, he left Pawniard in his room while he decided to see what the guild's shop had to offer. It was probably closed, but he had nothing else to do but explore.
Upon arriving, there was a familiar-looking man that greeted him. He felt like he'd seen him before but he couldn't say for sure. Instead of saying anything though, the man just pointed at a sign next to the shop after seeing Nova's slightly lost face.
On the sign were prices for a multitude of items. Most of them were things you could find in the regular Pokemart but for a discounted price. Pokeballs, medicinal items, and even camping gear.
But the items that interested Nova were the things at the bottom. Real 'Black Glasses', TMs, and something he didn't expect to see here. A Pokegear.
There was a picture of it on the sign; it looked like a flip phone with a band that allowed the person to wear it on their arm.
The Pokegear was akin to a device that could install multiple different apps by using certain expansion cards. By default, it had the Phone and Time function. Not much in hindsight. However, for Nova, it was a godsend. With enough expansion cards and programming his own apps, he could have a very useful multi-purpose device.
His eyes sparkled for a moment and he didn't waste any more time, "I'll take the Pokegear,"
"You sure kid? That's like 5 thousand,"
The man was the same guard he met on the same day, though Nova still couldn't remember that. He was more occupied with touching the Mandibuzz, after all. The man was surprised the kid had managed to get 5 thousand in his two weeks if he truly could afford it.
"Yup yup. Throw in that Map, Scan, and Note expansion." He said joyfully.
The man only raised his eyebrow before saying. "In total that'll be 6 thousand 5 hundred."
In response, Nova handed him the 10k card. He would've bought the Black Glasses but that was apparently 3 thousand just by itself. Not worth it until he had a bit more money.
Suppressing his excitement for the Pokegear's, he also bought some Leppa berries and Pokemon food for Pawniard. He had an idea as to why Pokemon needed food despite not really having normal bodies. This only cost him 250.
He now had three '1k' cards, two '100' cards, and 5 '10' cards. Or in other words, he had 3250 Pokedollars left.
With that settled, he hastily installed the multiple different apps onto his Pokegear and headed back to his room. The Map app did as it said, showing a world map and his current location. The Note app allowed him to transfer all his current research notes into his Pokegear. Though he'd have to make sure no one could read it without him knowing.
The last one was why he was so excited. The Scan app.
Installing it and opening it up, all it showed was a loading screen before a prompt with a button popped up.
Smiling like a loon, he raised the top end of the Pokegear and pointed it at Pawniard before pressing the button.
It took a few seconds to load, but when it did he was glad he agreed to that battle with the depressed-looking guy.
A/N: Nothing much to say. Thanks for reading tho.