Chereads / Desperado Killer / Chapter 1 - Chapter One: Killer And Cops

Desperado Killer

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Chapter 1 - Chapter One: Killer And Cops

The cold night howled with whispers and a muffled scream that no one seemed to hear.

A big, expensive, fancy mansion had a few curtains not drawn closed and one window open, letting the light of the moonlight shine into the room.

A pool of dark red blood was easily visible as the moonlight shone on it, with the blood starting to sink into the red carpet below it. Bleeding together slowly like it was absorbing a spilt drink.

The sound of gurgling quietly resounded in the room as a hand spasmed at the edge of the light of the moon.

And further along that hand was the source of the blood, a middle age man with black hair with stripes of grey along the side of his head.

His usually calm dark green eyes now full blown in panic as air was no longer going to his head, as he lost blood, as his heart beat started to speed up at his panic and his body's refusal to die as it tried to circulate what was left of the blood within him.

Along his neck were three cuts that weren't there a few seconds ago, two on each side of his neck where his jugular was, that was where most of the blood was coming from, it was constantly pouring out with it only slowing down because of lack of blood in the mana body.

And a deep cut straight through the middle of his neck. A knife did the deed, but now that the knife was removed the wound was bleeding.

Unlike the cuts along the mana jugular where the blood was exiting him, the cut in the middle of his neck made it so that the blood was staying in his throat, making it go into his lungs every time his body desperately tried to take a breath, only to further suffocate itself.

Sitting on the stomach of the man was another person. With this person's legs holding down the mana arms so that he couldn't cover up his wounds, letting the blood flow freely.

From above the man, the person who had stabbed him let out a shuddering breath. Not out of fear, or the person being scared, but because of his excitement.

He was excited and his body reacted as such. A chuckle left his lips as he let his hands graze over the cuts on the mana neck, being careful of not stopping the flow coming out.

The man took his attention off the middle aged man as he looked at his hands, both of them covered in dark red blood, looking delicious to him like an alcoholic to wine.

The man took a deep breath of the bloody smell. He held the scent of it in his lungs before letting it out as he exhaled.

It smelled… okay, to the others he had smelled before, this blood clearly smelled older, with the metallic smell in it more pronounced. It also smelled a bit like… alcohol.

The man was disappointed by this, he would have thought that someone that was this rich would take better care of himself, thus making his blood smell better.

"How disappointing…" He muttered to himself.

He then looked down at the man again, seeing that his eyes were now blank as he stared to the side, looking at nothing. The middle aged man was dead.

The man, still on top of the dead body, creased his face as he stared at it. "Oi, what are you doing? Who said you could die, huh?" The man whispered harshly as he shook the body a little.

The man got angered at the lack of response, as he pulled out his knife from his jumper pocket where he had stored it after the stabs. "Oi! You answer when I'm speaking to you! Tell me, did I say you could die!" He yelled out in anger, bringing the knife high up into the air making the moonlight reflect off the blood covered surface, some dried blood from previous kills while there was still fresh blood covering the edge of the blade, before he brought it harshly down into the chest of the dead man.

The killer took deep breaths as he calmed his mind, but when he did he looked down sadly at the man. "Why did you die?" He asked sadly, almost like a whisper. "I just wanted to talk to you." The man claimed as he took the knife out of the man.

He looked at the knife in his hands, running a thumb along the sharp edge of the blade, letting the blood on it collect on his finger. He then put the blade in his hoodie.

The man then once again looked at the dead middle aged man, seeing that his eyes were still open and his face had a frown on it. The man furrowed his brows at that, not liking the expression on the man's face.

He closed the man's eyes, before moving the man's lips so that he was smiling. "There, so much better. Don't you think so?" He asked the dead man, and even though there was no response the killer continued in this fake conversation. "Hmm? Somethings missing, you say…"

"Ah!" The killer said in sudden realisation.

He dipped his fingers in some of the blood that was still wet, as he started painting the man's face.

Painting over mana eyelids with the blood, some of it running down from his eyes making it seem like he was crying blood. Before he moved to the man's lips and painted them in the dark red blood.

The killer looked down on his work with a bright smile. "Perfect." He said to himself.

He then got off the man and left his body there, suddenly no longer interested in it.

But as he did he suddenly realised how fancy the house he was in was. Everything seemed to have an 'old aged' feel to it.

The killer walked along the house's interior, looking at everything with interest. With paintings on the walls, some of families and others of individuals.

As he did so, he suddenly came across a room with a slightly opened door, he wouldn't have even noticed it, if not for the light out of it seeming to be gold.

He walked in there and it was bright, and shiny with gold items in cases, with some even just being gold bars.

But as the killer looked around, uninterested in the riches the gold bars could give him, something caught his eye.

The killer walked up to it, entranced by the item he was looking at. The item, hiding from him behind a glass box, seemed to call out to him, begging for it to be taken by him.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of there soon enough." The killer promised as he licked his lips in anticipation.

The item in question was a knife, brightly shining clear with no scratches or dirt on it. The blade itself was silver that glowed. With the handle being an oriental design, with the main handle seeming to be black, but being covered with lines of gold in ancient designs. Along with that, there was a purple jewel where the handle and blade connected.

The killer didn't wait any longer after admiring the knife, he smashed his elbow into the glass, shattering it and freeing the knife.

To the killer, no knife should be locked up or be out on display. It defeats the whole purpose of the knife, the reason for its creation. It cuts, stabs and hurts people.

"Don't worry, you'll get your time to be used." The man said to himself as he promised the knife.

There was also a case for a knife, which took as well because it came with the set, but he didn't have any plans on using it. It would be too tragic to cover up a beauty such as this knife.

He put both items in his trouser pockets and then covered his ears as he left the house quickly. An alarm had started to ring the second he smashed the glass, it was hurting his ears.

The killer ran out of the house as he started going through alleys and places that wouldn't have any cameras as he ran away from the house.

Unknown to him, hiding behind a wall in the opposite side of the street where he exited the house a man looked at the killer as he ran away.

"I wonder… did he take it?" He questioned himself. But decided that there was no point in worrying about it, that idiot wouldn't know the importance of it. Not only that, there would be no point in chasing the killer when it's not confirmed if he had it, and he could just wait for the report when it came out to see what was stolen.

The man then disappeared after that, skulking back into the shadows as a single police car arrived to the house.

The car pulled up outside the house, with the gate already opened they just drove in.

The two officers got out of the car as they walked to the house.

"Just follow my lead okay? The old man probably just forgot to set his alarm and it went off." The more experienced male officer said to his female partner.

The female nodded. "Yes, sir."

The man walked up to the door and knocked loudly in case the old man was asleep. "Atetina police department! We're responding to an alarm, open the door please!" He shouted out.

There was no answer at the door, and the male officer went to knock again. While that was happening the female officer was looking into the windows, trying to see inside.

The man knocked again, but this time the door opened slowly. The officer looked at the door in confusion, he didn't hear it unlock or anyone answer to his calls. Which meant that… it was already unlocked.

The male officer whistled over to his female companion, as she turned around annoyed thinking he was going to flirt again even though she said she wasn't interested.

But when she saw the serious look on his face and how his hand hovered over his gun, she also adopted a more serious manner.

The male pressed the button on his radio as he spoke into it. "Station, this is officer Martin Neil, we have a possible robbery at house number twenty three over on Beakin Estate."

He let go and a few seconds later someone responded. "Can you confirm? Do you need backup?" They asked calmly.

The male shook his head even though they couldn't see before responding. "Me and officer Shannon Scott will enter the house to confirm the situation. No backup is needed currently, but inform nearby officers just in case." Martin responded curtly.

Then there was one last response. "Okay, proceed with caution."

Martin nodded his head to the other side of the door and Shannon stood there, while Martin shouted in one last warning. "This is Atetina Police Department! If you're in there, respond! If you do not respond we will have no choice but to enter!" He shouted out, but when no response came he pulled out his taser, with Shannon following his lead.

Martin took a breath before standing back from the door and charging it, even though it was open. Because if someone was behind it and armed it would reduce the likelihood of him getting shot.

Martin took a look around before shooting a look at Shannon as she entered as well.

"You take the left, clear the rooms and shout if you find someone. I'll take the right, and do the same. Then we go to the second floor together." He ordered her. "And set your radio to channel four."

Shannon nodded her head as she did so. Channel four was their private channel, although it was usually on the channel to get in contact with the station.

Shannon went left, taking out her torch as she searched the rooms on the left. She didn't find anything there, with the whole house being quiet, except for the the sound of her heartbeat and the creaking of the floor.

Martin going to the right, using his flashlight to see in the room until he found the switch. He kept a calm head on him as he searched the rooms, prepared to find anything.

When he entered one room, he found it full of ancient items made of, or covered in, gold. He also saw one case smashed open, with some blood on the glass on the floor and blood on the stand of whatever was held in the glass case.

He knelt down as he looked at the blood, it was starting to dry, but it wasn't completely, meaning that they might already be too late and the person who robbed the house had already left, but they could be in the area.

As he left the room he saw someone across the hallway and lifted his taser, but then just saw that it was Shannon.

"Anything?" He asked.

"No, everything seemed normal and there were no people." Shannon said to him.

Martin nodded his head, before his confusion reached its max as dots started to connect. A room full of gold items, and only one thing stolen? That didn't make any sense.

Martin had a suspicion at what this was now, but didn't want it to be true. "Go outside, Shannon, I'll take the upstairs myself." He ordered her.

"Sir?" She said, confused.

"Don't question it, just go." Martin ordered her again.

Shannon nodded with hesitance as she then went outside.

Once she was gone Martin let out a sigh as he tucked his taser into its holder. He then unclipped his glock and took it into his hands.

He moved up the stairs quickly, hoping that the man he was searching for was still here.

But the second room he rushed into upstairs proved that the man he was searching for was long gone. In his place though, was the dead body of a middle aged man, wearing expensive red robes.

"Well, at least you can't tell the robes have blood in them." He said as he tried to keep calm. It wasn't his fault he defaulted to making jokes to keep calm.

He exited the room, closing the door behind him, knowing that it was now an active crime scene and he shouldn't touch anything.

He gulped before radioing it in. "Station, this officer Martin Neil. There has been a 140 at twenty three Beakin Estate. Suspect left the area before we got here, but might be in the nearby area." He reported to them.

It was silent before his radio went on again, this time a different voice then before which he recognised as his superior. "If you're still inside the building, exit it. We'll be there soon."

Martin didn't question who 'we' was in this situation. This was now a case beyond his knowledge, although Martin wasn't the smartest person.

He sighed, this would be a lot of paperwork, he just hoped that he could get food.