Chereads / Welcome to the Multiverse Chat Group! / Chapter 243 - Chapter 240 ~ Royal Ally

Chapter 243 - Chapter 240 ~ Royal Ally

A gruesome scene of war that unfolded reflected from within a large mirror floating above the coffee table before Yuuji. 

He sat on a velvet couch with Albedo to his left, sitting close enough for their knees to touch, while Aika laid her head on his lap. 

On the opposite side, Momonga and Lelouch sat together, their eyes watching the war between the former peasants of Carne and the crown prince's army. 

And when they saw soldiers of the kingdom bashed by wooden clubs from the ogres and pierced by arrows as they run with tails between their legs, a collective sigh escaped their lips. 

"... I knew he was foolish, but I didn't think he'd be an idiot. Who would launch an attack without knowing the size and strength of your enemies?"

Momonga said in an almost exasperated voice, half bewildered and half annoyed by the sheer stupidity of the crown prince. 

Collecting information on your enemies and understanding their strength was the most basic thing one must do before attacking. This was elementary. Even in PVE, he and his guildmates would always try to find any sort of information regarding the enemies they'll be fighting, even if they had to buy information from brokers on the forum. 

But this fool, his one spy returned with only his head, yet he didn't even try to send more to try and figure out what sort of "peasants" were there inside the village with an impressive stone wall and watch towers. 

Instead, he launched a reckless attack as the sun set, when the impending darkness of the night would impede any assault, with haphazard and quickly made ladders and battering rams.

"He might as well walk into the battlefield in only his undergarments and blindfold around his eyes."

Lelouch crossed his legs, leaned back to the couch, and took out a file of documents from his [Inventory], no longer paying attention to the "war" unfolding before him. 

"I knew this would happen from the beginning~"

Aika swayed her legs in the air as her eyes were glued on the manga she was reading. 

She had already foreseen the outcome the moment tha prince recklessly ordered the attack. And everything went as she expected. 

Albedo was also no longer watching the mirror. Instead, she laid her head on Yuuji's shoulder with her eyes closed, enjoying his presence. 

"Hah… Well, at least the results were even better than we expected. With this, the fool will continue to fan the flames of Carne's rebellion, and we'll have our new kingdom."

Yuuji sighed and leaned his head on Albedo's and began stroking her hand and Aika's head. 

"What do you think will happen next?"

Momonga asked the superior minds in his presence. 

The things that happened, though it went according to the direction they foresaw, went beyond his expectations. He did not expect the battle between Carne and the crown prince's army to be this one-sided, even with the trash drop equipment they've given them. 

So, he was genuinely curious what they thought would happen next. Though, to Albedo, the lord of the tomb seemed to simply be asking the other Supreme Beings' opinion while he, himself, already held the answer in his infinite wisdom. 

"The kingdom's army retreated with great damage to their ranks and their morale. They must be tired. So, I would pursue stealthily and attack swiftly in the middle of the night before retreating, targeting their supplies."

With the crown prince's army raiding, destroying, and looting every village they came across, they'd still have ample supplies to sustain the army. Even if their assault fails, with enough supplies and numbers, they'd still be able to regroup and retry their assault. 

But if their supplies were to be destroyed, and if the crown prince still has an iota of brain matter left in his thick skull, they would have to retreat even further. 

"Yes. They can use the wolf riders from the new goblin army Enri summoned to destroy the supplies and get out quickly."

Momonga nodded in agreement. 

"And that would piss off that idiot prince even more~ He'll retreat until he meets with the second prince's army who are on their way. And he'll definitely counter attack with an even crueler assault."

Aika closed her manga and sat up, stretching her arms up in the air. 

"Yes. This will give Carne all the reason to continue their rebellion until they get his head and gain their independence."

Yuuji placed a hand on Albedo's hand on his lap. Her eyes opened, and she stood up along with Yuuji and Aika, who instantly changed to their adventurer persona. 

"Momonga, Lelouch. Aika and I will head to the palace to meet the king, as planned. We'll be bringing a doppel in your place and Lupu."


The two nodded in unison.

Yuuji then turned towards the beautifully smiling Albedo and kissed her.

"We'll return soon. Please continue monitoring the war between Carne and the Princes of Re-Estize."

"As you wish, my love. Please return safely."

Then, in but an instant, Yuuji and Aika disappeared to grab Lupu and the doppel before making their way to the palace. 


Ramposa sat at the large marble table that was the centerpiece of the grand hall of the palace. This time, sitting atop of it were the heads of the Eight Fingers leadership. 

The heads stared at him through empty eyes as he stared back for a while. Only one or two days have passed, yet the bodiless heads did not decay, having been preserved through magic. 

It was the magic normally used to preserve corpses, prevent it from turning into the undead, and extend the time limit on raising the target from the dead. But this time, it was solely used for the king and the royal guard captain standing by his side to be able to witness them properly. 

"I am beyond impressed. You really did deliver on your promise, and you've earned your reward many times over."

The look of relief and content that the old king wore as he leaned back to his velvet armchair lasted for a moment, before turning into shame, disbelief, and… sadness. 

He looked up to the adventurer team that stood a few feet away. Specifically at the holy, draconic knight in white gold armor who stood with his helmet in his hand, revealing his surprisingly young and incredibly handsome visage. Handsome enough for the old king to think of bethroting his daughter to him before other nobility snatched such a reliable talent and ally from him. Though, he crushed the thought quickly, seeing as her daughter already has someone in her heart and that he seemed to already have someone by his side, two perhaps, with beauty equalling or perhaps surpassing even his daughter. 

It was a shame. Nevertheless, he still needed to keep him, and Providence, as the ally to the crown, no matter if he'd have to grant everyone in his party nobility and generous rewards. 

But before he could, there was still one thing he needed their help with.

"There is… only one more thing I can ask your help with."

Yuuji stayed silent, waiting for the old, tired king to gain the strength to utter the next words he never wanted to say or utter. 

"My daughter is going through the documents we seized. The corruption is far… far worse than I believed. My… My son. He is one of the ones involved with Eight Fingers."

The king's tired voice was empty of emotion until he said that. Then, the wrinkled old fist that once wielded a sword powerfully slammed down on the table. 

"Did I not give him everything?! He was born to wealth! Status! Power! Even the throne was his by right of birth! But still he turns to this?! Destroying his own country, his kingdom, and his people for what?! Pocket change?!"

The King's eyes turned dour as he panted heavily. He stared down at the table between his hands. True rage and betrayal like none other haunting the old man's eyes. 

"... Forgive me for unloading this on you. I shouldn't. But my eldest son is not fit to rule. I… I've known this since he was young. I held hope in my heart and tried to guide him properly. Yet he… No, it doesn't matter."

King Ramposa III gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, and declared sternly. 

"Everyone responsible for involvement with Eight Fingers, whether it be gambling with them, working for them, trading with them, or protecting them, is to be arrested and their entire noble house dissolved. Whether it be the patriarch or their children. Then, I will be elevating new nobles."

He looked at Alexander, Lilith, Momon, and Lupu one by one in the eyes. 

"I ask that you consider elevation to one of the larger estates. I will provide one to each of you, if that is alright."

Yuuji held a hand to his left chest and lowered himself to a slight bow, followed by Aika and the others. 

"We shall accept your generous rewards. And we shall also leave the magic items used by the leaders that we've taken post mortem to you."

Yuuji glanced at Lupu, and she began unloading all the magic items belonging to the leaders of the Eight Fingers on the marble table beside them. 

They've gone through it, and found nothing of value. So, they'll just give them to the king to gain even more favor from the crown for Providence. 

And as they expected, the king's eyes and Gazef's widened in shock at the gesture and at the rare and powerful magic items, weapons, and armor on the table. 

"Though they were used for evil once, I believe that tools themselves are not evil. In the right hands, they will be able to save lives. And I believe that your majesty would find the right hands to wield them."

"...Haha, are you trying to gain my favor and marry my daughter? Or perhaps, another lady of nobility? Perhaps… your fellow adamantite adventurer, Lakyus?"

Yuuji simply smiled and shook his head. 

"No, your majesty. I simply believe that these would do much more good in your hands rather than anyone else."

This time, the king let out a satisfied smile and nodded. 

"Very well. I shall add your rewards further for your cooperation and these magic items. Worry not, I shall buy it for the appropriate price and a little extra."

"Thank you very much, your majesty."

After a brief exchange, Providence was excused and was given the most luxurious guest room for the night while they waited for their rewards, leaving the old king and his guard captain to their privacy along with the bodiless heads of their Kingdom's most notorious criminals. 


A member of the royal guard captain's band of warriors, the most powerful group of royal knights under the crown, led the famous and respected Adamantite adventurers and heroes to their designated chambers within the inner quarters of the royal palace. 

The doppel Momonga was led to his own room, as well as Lupu. While Yuuji and Aika, with their established relationship, were led to a larger suite for two. 

As they rested, maids of the royal palace would occasionally visit their room and prepare tea and snacks, and ask if they needed something. 

They came under the order of his majesty himself to make sure his honored guests were comfortable. But they also came to satisfy their own curiosity and, perhaps, gain some inside information on the famous Adamantite adventurers. 

However, they all left with nothing but a newfound longing for the white knight the moment they saw his true appearance. And news of several royal maids daydreaming in the middle of their work, with reddened cheeks and lovestruck expressions, spread quickly throughout the marble halls of the palace. 

Yuuji sat on the bed, working on improving Ai's capabilities with the help of his supercomputer and Ai herself. Meanwhile, nestled to either side of his neck were Aria and Alice, while Aika napped by his side, nuzzling her head to his side. They spent the afternoon in comfortable silence, and spent the rest of the night relaxing. 

Just as they were about to fall asleep and return to Nazarick for the night, a message came from Albedo. 

["My love."]

["Good evening, Albedo. We were just about to return to Nazarick."]

["That's great. I've missed you, my love. And… perhaps it is great that you return at this time."]

["Did something happen with the war between Carne and the crown prince?"]

["Yes. They've conducted the night raid successfully and crushed their supplies. The foolish prince is now running away and would soon reach his brother's army."]

["I see. Thank you. We'll be returning to make sure of the situation. I just hope… things would go as smoothly as it has been."]


AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!! 

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at ~! 

Thank you~!