Chapter 130 - Origin



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---Chapter Start---

Standing in front of Lorien, Geto didn't feel like he was standing in front of a human being at all, instead, it felt as if he was facing nature itself.

It's similar to how people feel when they are suddenly on a beach and find themselves standing right in front of a huge tsunami.

At that moment, no matter how many martial arts are practiced, muscles built, or how strong the willpower is, nothing really matters anymore as it is all equally fragile in front of nature.

However, Geto is still Geto after all as after freezing for a moment, he instantly reacted and summoned his three-section staff 'Playful Cloud' while also calling out a huge cursed spirit and attacking Lorien using it.


It's just that when this huge worm-like cursed spirit was about to reach its target, an intense wave of multi-colored energy rushed out of Lorien's body and into the surrounding.

This burst of Source Energy wasn't an attack or anything like that, rather, it was just Lorien recklessly releasing the energy inside of his body into the surroundings.



The moment this cursed spirit made contact with this energy, it instantly got smashed into particles.

However, things didn't end there as this energy continued spreading everywhere completely unimpeded even piercing through the roof and into the clouds.



Reacting quickly, Geto immediately jumped back creating some distance between himself and Lorien, and in doing so, he got a better view of the whole situation which caused his eyes to fiercely shrink.

Right now, there was no villa to speak of anymore as most of it vanished, however, that wasn't the thing that shocked Geto the most.

Rather, it was the shattered clouds right above which now formed a ring-like structure reminiscent of the 'Fate Grand Order Sky Ring' and the river of multi-colored aurora in the sky that looked like the northern lights.


'This power even affected the weather and caused a celestial phenomenon...'

'No! to be more precise, the clouds above were forcefully smashed when that energy shot into the sky, as for those lights, they are just a by-product of this energy.'

'However, what even is that? I have never seen such energy in my life, It doesn't feel like cursed energy at all!'

'This power is truly...'

Finally realizing the bad situation he was in, Geto took a deep breath and decided to strike quickly not leaving a chance for Lorien to attack, otherwise, it is unknown how things will go.

So with this in mind, Geto immediately skipped all the attacks he would normally use and decided to use his final attack.

[Maximum: Uzumaki]

This is the maximum technique of Geto's Cursed Spirit Manipulation which combines a massive number of collected curses into one powerful attack.

At this moment more than 2500 curses were combined which is a bit fewer than the number used when battling Yuta in the original timeline, which was over four thousand curses.

However, there is nothing Geto could do about that for now as this was all the cursed spirits he had collected so far.

It's just that even when this black vortex of curses appeared in Geto's hand and was ready to be launched, Lorien didn't pay him much attention, instead, most of his focus was concentrated on, well, actually nothing.

Right now, Lorien's mind turned completely blank as he enjoyed the moment.

Ever since starting his journey, this is actually one of the few times that Lorien fully released himself and went all out without worry.

This release isn't in terms of strength or power though as that didn't matter much, rather, it was about thoughts.

After all, usually before fighting Lorien would analyze the situation and think about the consequences of his action, if it is optimal or not, how he could go about achieving his objective in different ways, will it affect his relationship with certain people and in by so will it make affect future plans or not.

And as Lorien usually puts it: "Even if I don't like you much, as long as you don't affect me and my plan, I won't bother with you!"

This is good and all, however, this is not FREE as most of the time, when following the 'brain' one suppresses the 'heart'; it is 'thoughts' over 'emotions'.

Normally, this would have been good, after all, this would reduce risks and make life quite a bit easier.

However, when taking Lorien's power into consideration, this would be quite bad, even terrible!

After all, Lorien's power is an extension of his origin which is [Dreams and Reality]; and only after its awakening did he gain the ability to manipulate it.

Strictly speaking, an [Origin] is the starting point that defines one's existence and directs one's actions through life.

The important part here is {directing one's actions through life} which also means that the truer one is to his origin, the easier it is to become stronger.

For example, if one were to awaken the origin of [Evil] and start doing Justice and save people all over the world this would be very contrary to his origin which will cause his power to stagnate.

It may not completely stop growing, but it'll be painfully slow, it is akin to someone having a talent in [Fire Manipulation] but instead choosing to learn [Water Manipulation].

Yes, it is indeed possible that with some luck said person will be able to reach extreme heights in the future, however, it'll be painfully hard and much more complicated than it would have been if he were to just practice [Fire Manipulation].

And this is exactly what was happening with Lorien, after all, [Dreams] in nature represent Freedom, Hope, and complete unconstraint.

However, if we were to look at his past actions, it would be a stretch to give him any of those traits.

It's just that luckily for him, his origin isn't just [Dreams] it's [Dreams AND Reality].

If it weren't for the [Reality] part of his power which represents Rationality, Facts, and Truth, Lorien wouldn't have grown nearly as fast.

Don't get me wrong, he would have still grown quickly because of the nature of his power itself, however, it would cost a lot more.

For example, let's say he absorbs 100 Units of energy, if he were 'true' to his origin this amount of energy will allow him to increase his strength by let's say 100 units.

However, if he were not true to his origin, this same amount will only allow him to increase his strength by around 40 or 50 units.

And things don't end there as there is also the power exertion part as without feeling the true nature of one's own power, its full potential will be very hard to exert.

For example, 100 units of energy would exert 100 units of damage if one were to be true to his origin, however, it'll only exert about 50 units or less if that were not the case.

However, luckily for Lorien, the [Reality] allowed him to grow unconstrained, and thanks to it, Lorien could also grow normally as long as he keeps somewhat of a balance between those two aspects of Rationality and Emotion.

This is the hidden truth about the powers born from one's own [Origin].

They may allow for the easy birth of strong powers, but they also have a bit of a catch!

Aside from this awakening being very dangerous and a bit uncontrollable, this power is also more focused on being true to one's own self and following one's heart to the fullest.

This is very different from the normal power that one practice on their own that doesn't have such limitations.

'HAHAHAHA! So that's how it is!'


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