I stared at the goddess in shock. Alice's jaw had hit the floor. I mean that quite literally. It may not have had far to go given that she was lyingon the ground, but her head was still a good eighteen inches off the ground, which is how far her jaw had to drop open to hit the floor. Mine probably would have as well, but I'm human and my mouth doesn't open that wide.
The goddess looked beatific and saintly. Her halo glowed brightly, her wings were majestic, and her face…. More lovely than any face I'd ever seen. But I knew she wasn't a good person. She was the reason monsters and humans didn't get along.
Alice picked her jaw up off the floor(again, literally), and rasped at the goddess.
"What kind of game are you playing?!" she tried to yell, but given that some of her ribs were cracked and she was coughing up blood, it didn't come out as impressively as she'd hoped. "What do you mean, he chose wisely?"
"Oh, Alice," Ilias said, placing her hands over her heart. "I mean exactly what I said. Luka had a choice: kill you or spare you. He chose to spare you. That was wise."
"It was stupid!" Alice countered. "I knew my plan was good! I just shouldn't have chosen someone who fell in love with me to do it! I should have let that other hero, that Elias, do me in!"
"Oh, you mean this guy?" Ilias asked, and transformed herself into the handsome form of Elias. "Alice, you are one hot babe, and a great person to hang out with, but you're the biggest idiot of all. I mean, you're so stupid, you make Luka look like Promestein."
"Who?" Alice rasped, before coughing up more blood.
Ilias changed back into her preferred female form. "Oh, Alice, Luka, you really fucked each other up good. Let me heal you."
Ilias healed all of our injuries with but a thought. Alice sprang up and confronted Ilias directly. She looked as if she was about to get in the goddess' face, but Ilias preempted her by hugging her tightly.
"What is going on?" Alice wailed in frustration. "Have I been unknowingly serving your ends this entire time? Are you so grateful that you're rubbing my face in it?"
"Alice, shut up!" Ilias commanded. And then grabbed Alice's boobs. "Oh my goodness, Alice, I've missed you so much! I've been waiting forever for this!"
Alice was speechless. So was I. I understood none of this. The goddess healed us, and now was groping Alice? It turns out Alice and I weren't the only ones wondering if the world had gone mad.
"Alice, you weren't far off when you suspected a time loop," Ilias explained.
"I knew it!" Alice exclaimed triumphantly. "This is just you tormenting us. We're going right back to the start again, aren't we? Well, we'll find a way to break out! I'm going to try really hard to remember this time! My mind's like a steel trap! I'll-! Hey, don't suck on my breast!"
"Oh, sorry, I was just amusing myself until you were done ranting," Ilias said. "Now, where was I? Ah yes, time loop. I said you weren't far off. I didn't say it was actually a time loop."
"Ilias! Ilias!" Emma said excitedly. "I want to tell it! I want to tell it! It's been burning inside me and I've really wanted to just spill it!"
"Emma?" Alice asked, utterly confused. "Is Ilias the boss you've been talking about?"
"Well, technically my boss is an angel, although she's not much of an angel anymore, and… it's complicated. My partner and I were just being…. Loaned to her."
"To… protect us?" Alice asked.
"Okay, so here's what happened!" Emma said, nearly jumping up and down. "Ilias, can I tell it? Can I?"
"I guess it's a small thing to ask given all you've done for me," Ilias conceded. "But let me heal you first. You've got blood all over you."
Emma was instantly healed and began.
"So…. You're like from another world, just like me! And you've lived another life on that world but you don't remember it and Luka has this crazy power and he lived like a thousand years or something like that and then he left me his power but we thought my partner Ben was the one who was chosen to wield it but it was totally wrong it was me all along and so I beat this demon chick with Luka's power and then there was this whole paradox thing and Luka died, so Ilias took a piece of his soul and created a whole new world so she could recreate him, because Ilias is like totally in love with Luka, although not in a commitment way, more a friends with benefits way and she likes you that way too, and your mind was all screwed up from remembering all your past lives so Ilias had to wipe your mind to protect you from going insane and so you were both dropped here on this world with no memories except those she allowed you to have and then tried to make things really easy so that you could recreate your original journey and fall in love again but then these two assholes showed up and started making things harder than they needed to be and they sealed Ilias into that male form and it was all a big mood and…. Are you following me so far?"
"Not in the slightest," Alice said. "Back up…. You said we lived past lives?"
"Well sorta, there's actually this huge multiverse that was created by a paradox caused by Ilias you see it was all her fault even though she didn't intend to almost destroy all of creation and she feels really bad about that and it ended up causing her to travel with you and Luka but she was mortal and weak and she needed you two to protect her. Well, you were weak too, Alice, and…."
Ilias sighed, knowing she would have to tell the gist of the story herself later. Eventually, they'd get almost all of it by reading Luka's book, including the tale of their most recent adventure, which Ilias would put the finishing touches on soon so that they could learn all about what was happening around them while they were unknowingly reenacting their original adventure. But she'd only just gotten her divinity back and there were things to do. Walking back to the great hall, with Allison following, Ilias quickly healed the Four Heavenly Knights, who were also quite confused by her kindness.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Granberia demanded to know. "And what was it that Tamamo imposter said about us being copies?"
"Oh, don't listen to her," Ilias giggled awkwardly. "She's just a big meanie. Look, all that stuff about me hating monsters? Outdated information. We're totally cool now. Just do what Luka says, don't attack humans, and we'll get along just fine. You can attack that blonde guy though anytime you want. He's an exception. Fuck that guy. Better yet, eat that guy. Trust me, that guy is up to no good. And you'll be seeing him around, believe me."
'Ilias, how much do you remember from your time as Elias?" Allison asked as they moved out of the great hall into a corridor.
"Oh, everything! It was pretty exciting, actually! It was even more fun that I didn't have to roleplay! Of course, it was bad that Luka could have died while I was unaware of things, but it all worked out in the end."
"So… you're not even mad at those two?"
"Oh, I am fucking livid with those bitches!" Ilias spat. "But I'm not the goddess I used to be. Luka's been a good influence on me. So I'm not going to incinerate them, and then send their souls to eternal torment in a prison of my design as I once would. No, I have something much more effective in mind for them. After all, I don't want to kill them, but I don't want them coming back and making trouble again. But enough about those two cunts. Let's talk about you, Allison. You saved us all by your quick thinking."
"I'm sorry I had to murder you," Allison said, wincing. "It's just that once I recognized who you must be, and seeing Emma try to do it, it made sense!"
"Oh, you have nothing to be sorry for!" Ilias chortled. "That was amazing! A little quick for my tastes, but what an intense experience! SO much better than getting stabbed or shot in the face! As a matter of fact, if you see me running around as Elias, feel free to eat me anytime! In fact, I demand it! But slowly! Savor your food. Suck on it lightly, roll it around in your mouth, either one…"
"I… I think I get it," Allison said, getting so creeped out by Ilias tha she was sure she would never want to eat a man ever again.
"Oh, look at me, making demands of someone who did me such a solid!" Ilias laughed. "So you came all the way over here, just to help?"
"Actually, I'm on a mission," Allison replied. "We need Luka."
"We? Who needs Luka?"
"The Monster Lord," Allison answered. "The one from the Paradox world."
"is there trouble over there again?"
"Not on the Paradox world, no," Allison explained. "The trouble Is actually on Alicetroemeria's world, and-"
"Ah, say no more," Ilias said. "I know exactly what's going on for the most part. You see, I used that world as a template for this one. It was the closest to what I was looking for, a world where it wouldn't take much for humans and monsters to get along, since Black Alice and Heinrich had gotten a happy ending and all."
"Wait, they get a happy ending? Black Alice was so sure it wasn't going to turn out that way!"
"Well, with you guys over there changing things, maybe it doesn't work out that way," Ilias said. "So I guess intervention may be required."
"Great! Marcellus will be here in the morning and we can leave with Luka, and –"
"Whoa, slow your role there, hot stuff!" Ilias admonished. "Luka's going nowhere. First, he can't leave this world yet. There's just not enough of his essence to survive outside it just yet. It'll take a year, give or take a few months, before he can safely travel off world. He needs to stabilize in the more gentle environment I've created here."
"But…. Only Luka can…"
"What do I look like, chopped onions?"
"I think the expression is liver…?"
"Whatever," Ilias said with an impatient hand wave. "We don't need to wait for Marcellus. I'll take care of everything. Take my hand and we'll go there right now."
"Ilias, thank you, you don't know how much this means to me!"
"You can thank me the usual monster way later," Ilias said. "For now…. We're off!"
With that, Ilias and Allison disappeared.
"Seventy-seven!" Henrich yelled.
"Would you stop doing that?!" Marcellus yelled back. "This is not a game! I'm trying to die in a serious, dignified manner! Thirty-two!"
"Falling behind, Marcellus!" Heinrich chortled as he sealed two more angels with one blow. "I could do this all day!"
"You can do it all day because I'm casting anti-fatigue spells," Black Alice muttered.
What she couldn't do was heal them. They wouldn't fall from fatigue, but eventually blood loss and taking too many blows to the head would finish them. Heinrich was a mess, naked and covered in his own blood. The angels had resorted to pleasure attacks, magical, and physical to bring him down, but he fought on, his spirit never flagging. Marcellus was in better shape. His armor was vastly superior to the light clothing Heinrich wore and the angels hadn't managed to deprive him of much of it yet. But he'd lost his helmet, which caused the angels to target his head with blunt weapons. He was unsteady on his feet, his blows less effective. And Adriel wasn't running out of angels.
"Fifth platoon, attack!"
Suddenly appearing between the two heroes and their attackers were Ilias and Allison.
"What is all this?!" Ilias yelled, waving her hands and dispelling the angels back to heaven except for Adriel.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Adriel demanded to know.
"People sure are asking me that a lot today," Ilias confided to Allison.
"You dare to imitate the lovely form of our goddess?!" Adriel persisted.
"I imitate nothing!" Ilias said with authority. "Wow, it's actually good to see you, Adriel! You can thank me for not letting you die at Heinrich's hand as you would have in the true history later. For now, please be a dear and go get your goddess. I would have words with her."
"Ilias? Paradox Ilias?" Marcellus asked. "Is that you?"
"It is indeed, oh brave Marcellus," Ilias replied. "My good friend Allison here tells me you're having problems with my counterpart."
"That's putting it mildly," Heinrich said. "But…. You're so different! When I met you, you were this high," he said, putting his hand at about waist level.
"I was in a sealed form. I got better. Oh, bother…"
"What?! What's happening!?" Black Alice said frantically, rushing to join the group, Alice XV right behind her.
"That idiot goddess is gathering her entire army!" Ilias answered. "Can you believe that nerve of that… Ugh, was I this stubborn? I guess I was. Excuse me a moment."
Ilias disappeared for a few seconds. When she returned, she had her counterpart by the hair. The Ilias of Black Alice's world was futilely trying to punch, kick, and bite her.
"Would you stop being such a pain? I swear!" Ilias yelled, yanking hard on her counterpart's hair.
"OWWWW!!! What is that feeling?! It sucks!"
"It's called, pain, honey, it's what happens when you're mortal," Ilias explained patiently.
"M-Mortal?" the other Ilias stammered. "You… you've made me mortal? Oh no, you're going to torture me to death! What did I ever do to you to deserve that?!"
"Oh, calm down, you drama queen! I didn't turn you mortal to kill you."
"You didn't?" the other Ilias asked, hopeful.
"You didn't?" Black Alice asked, disappointed.
"The world needs holy energy to function," Ilias explained. "Now I can destroy her and holy energy will continue to exist, but eventually she would reform and just make trouble for your descendants. We need a more permanent solution."
"A… a permanent solution?" the other Ilias asked, now frightened again.
"Yes, what we need is a goddess who understands things better," Ilias replied. "A goddess who is less judgmental. One that has better things to do than ruin the lives of my friends!"
"Ahh….." Black Alice said, beginning to understand. "I think I know what you're getting at."
Black Alice's lower mouth opened, the giant tongue flopping out of it.
"No! What are you doing?! Don't let her eat me! Please, I'll do anything you ask! I'll never cause trouble again! Your friends are my friends, alternate Ilias!"
"Oh, be quiet and trust me," Ilias said impatiently. She made her counterpart's clothes disappear, then shoved her feet first into Black Alice's lower mouth. The huge tongue began to lick her chest, while the insides of Black Alice's mouth squeezed her lower body.
"Ohhh….." the other Ilias moaned. "This is…. So good."
"And that, my ignorant counterpart, is called pleasure," Ilias explained.
The other Ilias's body bucked as she reached orgasm, her cries shrill and probably heard all over Hellgondo continent.
"Ooh, let me try!" Allison requested. "I've never tasted a woman before!"
Allison placed Black Alice into her lower mouth, her countless purple tongues licking her all over. When the tongues found her slit, it was all over.
"That feeling again! AAAHHHH it's so good! Please don't stop licking!"
"My turn!" Alice XV said, lifting Ilias out of Allison's mouth and placing the now mortal goddess into her own, up to her neck. She swayed from side to side, shaking Ilias within her lower mouth.
"Stop!" Ilias begged. "it's… too much! If you keep doing that…. AAAHHH!"
"That's the damndest thing I've ever seen," Marcellus said in wonder.
"Ooh, let me!" Morrigan said eagerly.
Alice XV removed Ilias from her mouth and held her in front of Morrigan. Crackling electricity erupted from Morrigan's hand. She aimed the electricity at Ilias' genitals.
"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! I'm coming again!"
And coming, and coming, and coming some more. Her orgasms were back to back to back.
"Careful, we don't want to turn her into dried fish," Alice XV cautioned.
"I'm done now," Morrigan said. Ilias collapsed onto the floor, drooling.
"Your turn, Heinrich," Black Alice laughed.
"What? Me?" Heinrich asked. "I can't…. she's the enemy!"
"Heinrich, if you're going to be with a monster, you're going to have to get used to the idea that this is how monsters treat their enemies," Black Alice explained patiently.
"But… then how do you treat your friends?"
"Basically the same way, but with different intent," Morrigan said.
"I… don't understand."
"You don't have to," Black Alice said. "Just take her and enjoy it."
"Yes, brave Heinrich!" the other Ilias pleaded, spreading her legs. "You've been the greatest of my heroes! Take your heavenly reward!"
Heinrich reluctantly laid on top of Ilias. Ilias wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close.
"Fuck the shit out of me, Heinrich! Your goddess commands you!"
"Yes, goddess!" Heinrich said, quickly falling back to old habits of obedience as he thrust into her. "Oh yes, goddess! I am yours to command, my goddess!"
"Harder, Heinrich, harder!" she ordered.
As Heinrich furiously pumped away, Ilias took Black Alice aside.
"I don't think you'll have anymore problems with that one," Ilias said.
"Is it really that simple?" Black Alice asked.
"It was for me," Ilias shrugged. "We goddesses are judgmental because we don't understand why mortals do what they do. You'll still have to do your part. She won't stop hating that monsters hurt humans. And she shouldn't. It's up to you and Heinrich to see that they stop. If you do that, she'll stop inciting humans against monsters."
"So… we get our happy ending after all?" Black Alice asked, tears streaming from her eyes. "Ilias… I can never repay you for this."
"Oh, I'll be sure to let you try, as soon as I get time," Ilias laughed. "My, that lower mouth is intriguing! I'm jealous of my counterpart!"
"You can go in there anytime you want!" Black Alice promised.
"I'll be taking you up on that," Ilias replied. "But don't give me too much credit. You and Heinrich didn't really need me. You had each other. You would have found a way to win. I know the future of this world. You were not doomed at all. You could have done it."
"If we could have won…. Why did you…?"
"Because frankly I don't give a shit about your relationship growing as a result of going through all that adversity together," Ilias replied. "And as I said, this solution is more elegant. I've already been destroyed by Luka and Alice. It doesn't solve anything, it just creates new problems. Now you're only problem is that you're going to have a horny goddess demanding that you violate her every so often."
"Is that really better?" Black Alice asked uncertainly.
So much to do, Ilias thought. She teleported Marcellus, Alice XV, Morrigan, and Allison to the Paradox world. They stood in front of Heinrich's prison. At the sight of Ilias, he became like a rabid dog.
"Oh, be quiet, you!" Ilias said, extending her hand through the prison and touching Heinrich's forehead. The suit of armor collapsed into several pieces, now empty.
"Did you-?" Alice XV asked.
"Yes," Ilias said solemnly. "I've sent him to the afterlife. He can finally know peace. I wish I could have given him another chance at life, but there are some things that are beyond even me. Let's have a moment of silence for the great hero."
A moment passed.
"Okay, what's next?" Ilias said abruptly. "Ah, I know! Luka's other wife must be worried sick! Back to the castle!"
Back at the castle, Albert and Tamamo were spending a lot more time together since the completion of their mission. Albert knew Tamamo was unattainable, but she was still the most incredible woman he had ever met. He at least wanted to feel that ultimate special tail, and he was sure he was getting close to talking her into it. What he really wanted to do with her was a lot more involved, but Tamamo wasn't having it. A man had to set realistic goals. Some things were reserved only for her husband. The tail was supposedly one of those, but Albert was confident he could break her down.
"How's Luka doing?" Tamamo asked. "The one we traveled with."
"Oh, he's coming along," Albert replied. "Granberia's sparring with him, I'm sparring with him, even Spider Princess is sparring with him. And of course Sonya, who says she's been sparring with him since they were kids. He's gonna make a heck of a hero one day."
"Of that I have no doubt. Hopefully he's never needed. Those two deserve a quiet, peaceful life. Let our silly little adventure be their last."
"I don't know, I thought it was fun."
"That's because you got laid so much!" Tamamo giggled, punching him playfully in the arm. Even without her earthpower it hurt. Albert winced and massaged his arm.
Outside the door of the room they were in, there was commotion. Monsters were running about urgently and shouting something. Albert and Tamamo perked up their sensitive ears to better hear.
"The Monster Lord has returned!"
Tamamo sprang off of the sofa and out the door, Albert following. When they arrived in the foyer, a small crowd had formed. At the center of that crowd was the unmistakable form of the Monster Lord, Alice XV.
"Alice…" Tamamo whispered. She had never gotten over allowing her to die, and had feared that she would lose a second Monster Lord. The fact that she hadn't was one reason she had fallen so hard for Luka. He had spared her a great deal of pain that day.
Alice XV wasn't alone. The rest of her party accompanied her: Marcellus, Allison, and Morrigan. But there was one more, another unmistakable presence: the goddess Ilias.
"Ilias!" Tamamo yelled, pushing through the crowd. "Ilias! I need to speak with you!"
"Tamamo?" Ilias responded, waving the crowd aside gently to let Tamamo through.
"Which Tamamo are you?" Ilias asked. "A Tamamo I can stand, I hope?"
"That depends," Tamamo retorted. "Are you an Ilias I can tolerate?"
"You're the one from Luka's world, aren't you?"
"And you're the version of the goddess from this one?" Tamamo countered.
"That's a complicated question," Ilias replied. "I am actually the original goddess Ilias, but I am also the Angel World Goddess Ilias, but most importantly, I am the goddess who traveled with Luka on the Paradox Quest."
"How is Luka?! Is he safe?!"
"Luka is fine, Tamamo," Ilias assured her. "How could he not be? I'm watching over him. Why he hasn't a scratch on him."
Of course, that was misleading. Luka had died, been rendered catatonic, and had been half burned and half frozen fighting Alice. But Ilias had healed him, so it was technically true that in the end, he didn't have a scratch on him.
"I need to see my husband!" Tamamo insisted.
"That…. That's going to be a little more complicated," Ilias replied.
"How is it complicated?!" Tamamo yelled, getting hysterical. "Take me to my husband!"
"Let's talk," Ilias said. "Alice, may I have a room?"
"Of course, goddess," Alice XV said graciously. "Butler, please escort Ilias and Tamamo to a private room."
The vampire butler nodded and led Ilias, Tamamo, and Albert down two corridors and finally to a door on their left. Albert couldn't help but notice that Ilias was staring at him. He was staring right back. She was so beautiful! He wasn't into angels, not in the slightest, but he'd never imagined that one could look like her!
"Not to be rude, but is there a reason he's here?" Ilias asked.
"I promised to stick with her until she got her husband back!" Albert retorted. "And that's what I'm gonna do! By the way, are you THE Goddess of your world?"
"Of course I am! What else would I be?"
"Just askin', because…. Damn!"
Ilias directed her attention to Tamamo. "Tamamo, Luka won't be able to leave the world I created for him for quite some time."
"How long?" Tamamo whined plaintively.
"Not long by our standards," Ilias answered. "a year, two at most."
"Can I visit him?"
"It would be best if you didn't, Tamamo, I'm sorry. You see, he has no memory of you, as you probably already know. He only just completed his quest with Alice. They are going to be remarried soon. He needs to be brought back up to speed slowly, as does Alice. I'm sure you can see how much it would complicate things if another woman was to enter the picture at this stage."
"I understand," Tamamo said reluctantly. "I will wait. The important thing is that I know he's safe. Promestein hinted that there was a problem, something serious enough to require Ben and Emma's intervention. Do you mind telling me what that was about?"
"Oh, I assure you, it was nothing I couldn't handle," Ilias laughed nervously. "Luka made a couple of enemies during our quest and they found a way to trespass on my world and cause some minor kerfuffles."
"Minor kerfuffles?"
"Yes, just little hiccups, that's all. As I said, Luka is safe and doesn't have a scratch on him. Everything is fine, trust me!"
"I'd like to, but I'm afraid you and I don't have any history," Tamamo said firmly. "I want to see him. Even if I can't interact with him, I want to see him with my own eyes."
"Fine, that's fair," Ilias agreed. "You are hereby formally invited to the wedding of Alice Fateburn and Luka….. er… Fateburn."
That settled, Tamamo had an emotional reunion with Alice XV as well. Meeting the Allison variant of Alice was also a bit of a shock. Everyone agreed not to mention that Allison had once tried to eat her husband. Ilias, of course, had more business to see to, so she left the gathering after saying hello to many of the monsters and angels that she had traveled with on the Paradox quest. All asked after Luka and Alice, and she assured them, as she had Tamamo, that neither had even a scratch on them. Everything was perfectly fine and they would get to see Alice and Luka in due time.
Tamamo was going to remain a bit longer. Being around old friends was emotional for her, and she wanted to get a chance to spend some time with them.
"So I guess this is it," Albert said. "You weren't reunited with your husband, but you know he's all right and you'll get to see him in the not too distant future. I know I'd sure love to meet the guy."
"Then come to the wedding as my date!" Tamamo offered.
"Are you serious?"
"Absolutely! You've been a blast to travel with and a great comfort to me," Tamamo said, touching his cheek with her hand. Albert blushed.
"Aw, I didn't do nothin'!" he said modestly. "I just rapped a little bit… kicked a little ass… let myself be prostituted…."
"Kept us fed, much to Sonya's relief!" Tamamo giggled.
"Does my spunk really taste that bad?" Albert asked.
"Oh yeah!" Tamamo laughed. "WAY too strong! But that can be a good thing. I just have…. Delicate taste buds. Cuz I'm a delicate girl."
"Babe, you are the least delicate girl I've ever met! I get the feeling you could whup me without breaking a sweat!"
"I absolutely could! And hey, if you come to the wedding as my date…. There might be something very special for you afterwards…"
Tamamo swished her special fluffy tail invitingly. Albert's eyes bugged out.
"I will be there! Just send me the date!"
"So, you gonna break that binding spell?" Tamamo asked.
"It's already done," Albert replied. "All I need now is a ride home."
"Well then I'll call us an Uber," Tamamo said, pulling out a flip phone.
"A what?"
"Just an expression. Promestein? We're ready to return our baggage. We'll be waiting outside."
As Tamamo and Albert walked back towards the entrance of the castle, Albert had one last question.
"So… that goddess…." Albert wondered. "Is that her true form?"
"The true form of the goddess is hard to describe, but it's nothing like that," Tamamo answered. "That female form is just her preferred form for interaction with mortals. She has a male form too which she recently began to adopt. She calls the male form Elias."
"Elias? That's the name of my world's god! I wonder…."
Ben had flown at nearly the speed of sound to get to the castle when Emma had called him. Emma wasn't sure why he was such a hurry, given that everything was fine. Still, Ben felt terrible about missing the big battle.
"It was my fault, really it was," Emma said. "I should have called you, but I didn't anticipate the threat. Besides, getting Ilias back was the key to this whole thing, so I needed you to keep looking. How were we to know that Elias was going to arrive at the castle at the very moment we needed him most?"
"I'm just glad you made it through, hon," Ben said. "So did you enjoy seeing this world that was based on the past? Getting to meet and battle historic figures?"
"It was… cool, actually. To be honest, the hardest part was the boring guard duty. And the most painful part was trying not to ruin Ilias' plan by saying too much. It was killing me to not tell them everything I knew! Oh my God, you'd be so proud of me! I dropped a Star Wars line during the battle!"
"Was it when you shot Tamamo in the face?" Ben asked.
"No, no, it was when I was trying to convince Elias to let Allison eat him," Emma answered. "'if you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.' Well, I had to adjust it for the context, but you get the idea."
"What did you say when you shot Tamamo in the face?"
"Something about her being a furry fucker, I think?"
"Emma! You shot somebody in the face with a shotgun!" Ben admonished. "How could you not say 'Hasta La Vista, baby!' in that situation?"
"Hasta la… isn't that Terminator?"
"Yes, Terminator 2! Only one of the greatest movies of all time!"
"The Terminator franchise sucks, though," Emma said.
"Sure, after the second one, but those first two movies. My God, Emma, how can you not take advantage of that moment?!"
"Personally, if Arnold was still alive, I'd say he should borrow my line, 'Magical bullet, you furry fucker!' Arnold would sound cool saying that, don't you think?"
"It's not 'I'll be back,', but-"
Ilias materialized in front of them abruptly.
"Hey there, kids!" Ilias greeted them.
"Ilias, I'm twenty now," Ben complained. "And Emma's nineteen!"
"Oh, I'm sorry," Ilias said sarcastically. "Next week I turn seventeen million, four hundred eighty-two thousand, six hundred and twelve."
"Happy birthday?" Emma said awkwardly."
"Why thank you!" Ilias said graciously. "Kids. Now before I proclaim your mission a smashing success, I need your report! How are Luka and Alice doing?"
"Fine! Perfectly fine!" Emma answered. "Totally not confused at all!"
"They do seem a little confused, actually," Ben corrected her.
"Maybe a little," Emma admitted. "I don't get why, I thought I explained everything clearly."
"Alice is still waiting for you to reveal that this is all an evil plan of some sort," Ben said. "And Luka…. Well, Luka's just being Luka. I'll say this for the guy, he knows what he doesn't know. Until proven otherwise, he's taking all this at face value."
"Ah, and Alice, as usual, is overthinking things and jumping to extremely wild conclusions that are abysmally wrong," Ilias finished for him. "Well, I'll see what I can do to convince her. It's one of the few things I still can't do by waving my hands and wishing it so. But let's talk about you two! Thank you so much for all your help in this delicate matter! If not for you…. This could have all gone so badly!"
"Just doing our jobs," Emma said. "We're kinda getting used to this whole save the world with our superpowers shtick."
"Yeah, we just have to learn when to say our cool one liners," Ben added.
"it's what superheroes do," Emma said.
"Well, I don't know much about superheroes, but as regular heroes, you two have been magnificent!" Ilias gushed. "And as my heroes, that means you're entitled to a reward!"
"Reward?" Ben asked. "What kind of reward?"
"Oh, it's fine, Ilias!" Emma said, feeling alarmed. "Superheroes don't take rewards for saving the day. Being heroes is satisfying enough."
"Well….if you're sure you don't want a reward…." Ilias said.
"No, we'd really love a reward!" Ben insisted.
"Ben!" Emma kicked him in the shin. "We do not want a reward!"
"Why not?"
"Do you want a reward or not?" Ilias asked impatiently.
"We want a reward," Ben said before Emma could say no again.
"Ben, you moron!" Emma shouted.
"It's decided, then!" Ilias said, clapping her hands excitedly. "EDEN! Get your perky tits down here!"
Eden appeared at once. "My goddess? Can I just say how wonderful it is to have you back, and I sincerely hope that we can spend more quality time-!"
"Yeah, yeah, we have an eternity for that," Ilias interrupted her. "For now, I have two heroes who are due a reward."
"I see," Eden said, as Ben stared at her enormous breasts. "I shall show them the delights of my Garden of Eden!"
"Garden? That doesn't sound very exciting," Ben said. Emma just facepalmed.
Eden whisked Ben and Emma back to heaven to tour her garden. Ilias chuckled to herself. He has no idea what's in store for him, she thought.
Ilias went over her mental checklist of things to do and realized there was only one more simple item to take care of: Sariela and Tamamo. There was the far more complicated issue of convincing Alice that she meant no harm, but that would be a bit of a project. Best to get the simple stuff out of the way. Ilias teleported herself back to Heaven.
In Heaven, she immediately summoned Micaela and asked about the prisoners.
"We've put them in your 'special cell' together," Micaela reported. "Even beings such as they cannot escape!"
"Well of course they can't!" Ilias retorted. "I created it with my god level magic! Have you given the prisoners food and water?"
"We have, goddess," Micaela answered. "The monster, however, is still hungry. You see, she has a second stomach…"
"I know what the second stomach is for," Ilias said. "Hmmm… that gives me an idea."
Ilias teleported herself to the cell where Tamamo and Sariela were being held. Tamamo had already been healed per Ilias' instructions. Heaven was a kinder, gentler place now. She saw no need for Tamamo to suffer from her burns. That would just be sadism, and Ilias was trying to quit that. But like Allison and her maneating proclivities, it can be tough to quit such habits cold turkey. Maybe she had one last sadistic plan to carry out.
"So what do you two have to say for yourselves?" Ilias asked the two prisoners.
"Just destroy us and be done with it!" Sariela said defiantly. "I will never apologize for what I've done! That man violated me! Repeatedly! I am entitled to vengeance!"
"I only went along with it because it was her idea," Tamamo said defensively.
"Oh, do you normally just follow angels around?" Ilias asked sarcastically.
"She wanted revenge just as I did," Sariela spat.
"So what I'm seeing here is a total lack of remorse," Ilias said. "Along with avoidance of responsibility in your case, Tamamo. But I expect nothing less from a filthy monster. You, Sariela, on the other hand, betrayed your goddess. You will undergo corrective therapy. Come with me."
Ilias reached through the magical barrier and pulled Sariela out by her arm and began leading her away.
"What… what is corrective therapy?" Sariela asked, fearful.
"Don't worry, it's not YOUR kind of corrective therapy," Ilias assured her. "Although it would serve you right to punish you the way you punished others. But I've changed, as you know. Luka wouldn't approve of me torturing you, and I actually care what he thinks of me these days."
"Then what will you do with me?" Sariela asked.
"I already told you," Ilias said patiently. "Corrective therapy. You see Sariela, I don't fully blame you for your actions. I made you who you are. I mistreated you. I relegated you to a prison because I thought it was the only job worthy of your unique… talents. I'm sorry for that, Sariela. I still love you."
"You…. You love me, Ilias?"
"I do. Despite what you've done, I still love you. And I'm going to show you how much I love you."
"Where are you taking me?" Sariela asked.
"Oh, I'll be taking you right here!" Ilias replied, her voice turning deeper.
Sariela quailed at the sight of Elias, already naked, his huge member pointed directly at her. Sariela, to her horror, found that she was naked as well.
"Ilias, no! Do not violate me this way! I don't have my magic…!"
"No, you do not," Elias said. "Of all the beings on your world, no one perverted the concept of sex and intimacy more than you. It's not your fault. You didn't know better. I'm going to teach you. When you experience what intimacy is supposed to be, you'll never hurt anyone with your body again."
Elias caressed one of Sariela's breasts with his fingers. She shivered under his touch. "That…. It feels…"
"How it's supposed to feel," Elias said gently. He kissed Sariela passionately. She returned the kiss fervently, desperately even.
"Please, Elias, take me however you want! Punish me!"
"This… actually isn't your punishment," Elias said. "That comes after."
"What… what will you do?"
"Oh, I won't do anything," Elias chuckled. "You'll see. Now, about taking you any way I desire…"
Elias laid Sariela on the ground and plunged his massive penis into her. She instantly orgasmed. The first she had ever experienced.
"More! Please, my goddess, more!"
Elias gave her more. For hours he gave her more, until she was sore and exhausted from dozens of orgasms. Elias himself came several times, filling her so full that semen was leaking out of her.
When Elias was finshed with her, Sariela was unceremoniously tossed back into her cell with Tamamo. Barely conscious, she stared at Tamamo. Something about the way Tamamo was looking at her frightened her.
"Tamamo…. Why are you licking your lips?" Sariela asked.
Tamamo didn't answer. The fox bent down between Sariela's legs and took a deep sniff.
"Tamamo, what are you doing?!"
"I'm starving, Sariela," Tamamo answered. "I've had no semen since we were brought here."
"We only got her a few hours ago!" Sariela protested.
"But the last time I ate was Elias back in Grand Noah!" Tamamo explained. "And I smell his semen on you. All over you. Inside you…."
"Tamamo…. Tamamo, I'm warning you…."
Tamamo buried her face into Sariela's crotch, her tongue lapping up the semen on the outside, then penetrating her to get to whatever semen she could reach on the inside.
"TAMAMOOOOO!!!!!! Oh my goddess, Tamamo! Why does this feel so amazing?!"
"Mmph mmph mmph, (slurp)," Tamamo replied.
The tongue continued to penetrate deeper into Sariela, almost like Elias' penis, yet better, as it was softer and moved more flexibly. The kitsune's slight roughness to her tongue only added to the stimulation.
"How are you getting in so far?!" Sariela gasped.
"I'm an Ancestor. I can grow any body part if I need to," Tamamo replied, stopping for a moment. "Kitsunes don't naturally have long tongues, but magic can do wondrous things."
"You still have your magic? I thought Ilias…."
"She only has control over your holiness," Tamamo replied. "She has no control over dark magic, at least not with her natural goddess powers. With Luka's magic, who knows, but for whatever reason she didn't feel the need to depower me. Be thankful. She's been rough on me. While she was treating you with kid gloves, she burned me to a crisp. Now can I eat, or are you going to keep asking questions?"
"Eat. Eat! Eat your fill, my partner!"
Tamamo's tongue continued to snake deeper into Sariela, to where the largest mass of semen was. Tamamo hated licking a woman. While most monsters didn't mind it, and some even enjoyed it, it had never been for her. But Elias' semen and her hunger made it worth it. She wasn't even trying to make Sariela happy. She hated Sariela for getting her into this situation in the first place. But she was hungry and in a prison that even her power couldn't get her out of, and even if she could escape, Ilias would simply set her on fire again. Why did a traitorous angel get treated so gently, while Ilias treated a cute little fox so severely? Well, such thoughts would have to wait. Tamamo's tongue finally grew long enough to find a virtual lake of semen just outside Sariela's cervix. For Sariela, there was nothing to think about but the unfamiliar pleasure. For Tamamo, there was nothing but the delicious semen.
Tamamo sucked hard to bring it out, causing Sariela to orgasm forcefully. That expelled a little bit of the semen, along with some disgusting juices Tamamo didn't want. Still, the lion's share remained deep inside the angel.
"Okay, this isn't working!" Tamamo said angrily.
"What, you're stopping?!" Sariela asked.
"No, just trying something different," Tamamo replied.
Tamamo scissored Sariela, placing her own furry vagina flush against Sariela's.
"It's… It's so soft!" Sariela gasped.
"It's strong too!" Tamamo said evilly, as the lips of her vagina formed a seal over Sariela's. Then Tamamo flexed her muscles, putting some earth power into them.
"AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" Sariela cried out as she came, the semen being vacuumed out of her.
"Aaahhh…." Tamamo sighed. "Most delicious semen ever. But so thick. I don't think I even came close to getting it all."
"Tamamo…. If you keep sucking…."
The semen was too delicious for Tamamo to control herself. With a powerful clench of her pelvic muscles, her vagina inhaled air. Sariela felt the pressure on her clitoris, her lips, and inside her. It felt as if Tamamo was trying to pull her uterus out. But the pressure brought only intense, orgasmic pleasure, and the feeling of Elias' thick semen being drawn from her only sent her to ever greater heights. Sariela had no idea how many times she came, whether it was multiple orgasms or just one long one. But when Tamamo had emptied her, she passed out.