The first night of the mid autumn festival this season was very exceptional. The cheap red house which is always filled with the noises of drunkards and sweets calls from the beautys was unexpectedly covered by a beautiful sound of zither. The place was filled with the strung and professional play coming from a beautiful man on stage, on his lap was a zither beautifully curved in intricate design, his slender fingers carefully plucked the strings with proper motion as it produces sound that made the audience struck in awe.

Even the madam on her office quickly went out just to witness Yu Yan's play.

She was teary since it's her first time to hear such professional sound in all of her years in working on the red district.

They had musicians but they were thought in basics and they can't be called naturally gifted but Yu Yan was born to be a talent since birth because he came from a family of musician.

It is pity that the war in the past years let them lose their standing in the industry and was forced to work on the lower field.

However, Zedong didn't thought of anything as he listened on the gaps just by the windows to take glimpse on Lin who was currently playing. It was his first hearing something so beautiful so he couldn't take his eyes and ears from the gaps.

"So beautiful...." he mindlessly muttered, not knowing if he refers to the music or to the man on stage.

The moment the music stopped, everyone was still in awe but immediately snapped and clapped endlessly to praise Yu Yan.


"Very beautiful!"

"Even the musician is beautiful!"


One rich young master called, "Madam! How much for a night with the beautiful one's company?"

"Me too!"

"Yes! Me too!"

A lot of young masters ignored the beautys on their arms as they asked for Yu Yan's worth but the man on stage wasn't pleased at the behavior of these cheap humans.

He stood coldly and muttered, "Uncultured beasts." he said coldly and went out on the stage but the men close to the stage clearly heard him.

They stood and yelled,

"What did you say?! DID YOU CALLED US UNCLUTTERED?!"

"Did you hear him?! Did you see his face?!"

"Such a big headed wh*re! How much is he madam so that I can teach him a lesson!"

"Yes teach him!"

The madam hurriedly went on the hall to gently explain, "Good evening and happy Mid-autumn festival gentlemen. I'm happy that you enjoyed our special intermission for this night but as you all know, our musicians isn't working for the 'night duties' so please spare them."

The men frowned, some complained but some pushed with more tips to get Yu Yan but the Madam is known for being consistent so when she said no, then no.

And finally, they settled back and resumed cuddling with the beautys in hand, some were sulking caused by the commotion made by a newcomer.

They didn't like Yu Yan from the start with his cold approach, talent and unparalleled beauty that those rich and handsome customers were looking for.

Xun Xi had the exceptional appearance but he was brave and upfront making his beauty look fierce however, Yu Yan had the gentle and noble look. His ice expression was alluring and he's naturally beautiful without effort.

The lively night resumed again with all the customers doing their thing while the workers immediately went back to work including Zedong who was stupidly smiling all the way, he was humming the beautiful sound he heard because it won't shake off from his mind.

He was filling the buckets requested from the kitchen with water from the nearby dam and carries it towards the back door when he suddenly stopped seeing the door swung open.

His hands almost got loose in holding the buckets but luckily he placed them down immediately just on time.

But he immediately froze in place when he saw the person who just came out, it was Yu Yan.

He got awkward and for a second, didn't knew what to do.

His mind got jumbled up and didn't knew what to say.

But Yu Yan spoke first, "Is there any quiet place? Away from here?" he asked


Yu Yan sighed and cleared his question, "This place is so noisy and the noise travels in every corners, even in my room, I couldn't sleep." he said

"Ahh..." Zedong made a funny expression as if he finally realized something big, "...well, that... There's a quiet place, away from the noises here but it's not a good place, I mean, it's not...good for you." He explained messily since he isn't used in communicating with strangers especially the fact that it's Yu Yan he's currently facing!

Zedong didn't tried to look at him directly but his head lifted up when he heard Yu Yan say, "Anything is fine. I just need a quiet place to sleep." he said without any hint of emotions.

Zedong was stunned and said, "This for servants...are you sure..."

"I said anything is fine." Yu Yan interrupted him, his phoenix eyes showed fierceness.

Zedong gulped and hurriedly wiped his wet hands on his pants caused by the water he's carrying. "Then... I'll lead you there."

Yu Yan showed an expression of disgust when the man just wiped his hand casually on his clothes but seeing the fact that he's a servant, he cooled down and silently followed him.

Their hut isn't far and they soon reached it. Zedong opened the wooden door and light up the candles.

When the place is fully illuminated, he scratched his head and turned to Yu Yan, afraid to offend him, he said hesitatingly, "This can turn back if you---"

"Get out. I'll sleep." Yu Yan interrupted him again and strode towards the bed.

"Wake me up when the place turned to normal."