Chapter 4 - Party

Ryu snapped out of his daze when he felt something in his hand break. He opened his hand to see what it was and when he saw it, his eyes widened. He finally realized. It wasn't that his past five years of life were a dream or illusion but everything was due to the Magical Hourglass. It did indeed reverse the time!

It was truly a magical thing. He didn't even dare to think of what class the Hourglass was. Surely it was no less than the class of universal treasure, but he still couldn't believe it.

Ryu finally got to see where he was. He casually looked around and was surprised by what he saw. He was at the party. There were many people surrounding him. Music noises were piercing his ears, the smell of sweat was so suffocating he wanted to throw up. People were dancing, drinking, smoking, and even making out with each other.

Ryu could recognize whose party it was and became shocked at the realization. It was Jennifer's party, the girl he once liked. She was a beautiful young lady but as beautiful as she was, her soul was that of a slut.

Ryu knew that at this party today, she would make out with more than eight people, including himself, and sleep with three guys at the same time. Ryu didn't like that kind of girl, but he could understand their Hunger for pleasure. But still, even though he liked beautiful women, he couldn't love them all. He still had his standards.

In the past, Ryu might have been sad about the fact that the girl he liked was such a slut, but years in the galaxy made him think of such things as trivial matters. In the galaxy, He saw many things that were much more... 'intense' than anything he could see on earth.

But it wasn't the time to remember old memories. Ryu quickly finish the drink beside him and was ready to leave the party and go back home. He already knew where in the timeline exactly he returned. It was the Ninth of March, 2053, Two months before the game's release. It was quite lucky that he returned before the game release, he would have time to prepare. He first started to play after 2 months from the game's release, but now he could start immediately.

As he was getting through the crowd, he finally reached the exit, but when he was ready to go out, he saw the person who he wouldn't really like to see anymore. It was, unsurprisingly, Jennifer. What he saw made him understand that he hadn't really reached the point where he could control his emotions. She was in the corner, hidden from the wandering eyes, on her knees, giving some random dude a head. The guy was clearly enjoying himself, and Jennifer was looking like the most slutty person he had ever seen, she was also enjoying herself.

When Ryu saw this scene, he couldn't help but be overwhelmed with disgust. He wondered where was her bottom line. The guy felt that someone was watching them, so he looked up to see who it was. When The guy saw the man, he couldn't recognize him, so he just smiled, gave thumbs up to Ryu like it was all good to join them, and then groaned. He had just finished in her mouth, and Jennifer wasn't keen on wasting the seeds, so she just swallowed them.

When the guy looked where Ryu was previously standing, he saw nothing. Ryu was already gone. He didn't think much about the subject and continued to do Jennifer.


Ryu finally left the damned party and was heading to his house. He felt really complicated remembering the scene he had just witnessed. He felt all kinds of emotions; anger, disgust, pity, but in the end, he just threw everything at the back of his mind and decided to enjoy his 'second life' without bothering about the trivial matters.

' I also have to prepare for the game and find that dumbass George, but I don't know his last name and even game ID. I remember he didn't really like to talk about his gaming life. Anyway, I should abuse my future knowledge as much as I can. Maybe I could make small cash betting on the football and basketball matches. I don't really remember matches of other sports, so I should stick with them...' As he was thinking, he finally reached his house.

It wasn't really 'his' house or his mother's. It was a rented place, not big, and not too small. For now, it was only him and his mother in the family. In the future, Ryu is going to have Two twin siblings. As for Ryu's father, Ryu didn't know who he was. Hell, even his mother didn't know. She told Ryu that he was just a random guy she had once hooked up with when she was young and stupid. So Ryu wasn't a planned child.

Ryu finally reached his apartment and opened the door. He saw his mother lying on the floor drunk like usual. She was a type of mother who was easygoing, airhead but responsible at the same time. She had beautiful long blonde hair stretching to her lower back messily. Her mesmerizing green eyes were as beautiful as always. She had a slim and alluring body complimenting her chest, which was brimming with confidence while also having a nice ass. She was 37 years old but didn't look over the 30.

Ryu lifted her up and threw her over his shoulder like the sack of potatoes. He knew she wasn't going to wake up even if the world was ending, literally. As he was bringing her to the bed, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. He really missed this kind of moments. His mom, Angelica, passed away after she gave birth to the twins, so he was really happy to see and treat her like a sack of potatoes once again.

When he reached her bed, he didn't throw her, like he usually would, but gently put her down and removed her shoes, to not let her dirty the bed. He covered her with bedsheets and checked her one last time before leaving. He could clearly see her messy hair was in her mouth, so he fixed that and brought her hair to the back of her ears and left.

When he left though, a small smile appeared on Angelica's delicate face enhancing her beauty.


It was already eleven PM but Ryu wasn't in the mood to sleep, too much happened in the last week. First, He, with a crew and George, survived the attack from Monarchs. Then, He and George survived a near-impossible situation when they were crushed into that deserted planet. Next, they survived being buried in the sand. Then George sacrificed himself to save his ass. Then he found the treasure at the level of universal treasure and reversed the time. The whole thing was so unbelievable he still couldn't fully neglect it being an illusion.

He still didn't know what to do, so he just started to prepare himself a meal. Cooking became his hobby at an early age because his mother would never cook for them, so he had to do it himself and feed both his mother and himself. But he never complained though, actually, he really liked cooking as it would bring tranquility to his mind, which he really enjoyed.

After he was done, he helped himself and left the meal for his mother at the table.

' I don't really remember what I did these days except for going to college, working, and playing games. ' As he thought that, an evil smile crept from his face. Ryu knew what he was going to do before the game was released.

'First things first, I should go and bet on the matches to gain some small cash, Then upgrade my gaming capsule, and only then can I bully those amateurs in the Blood wars.' As he thought that, it was as if he was already imagining players' desperate faces.

'hahaha...' He evil-laughed. Although Ryu was a serious kid, he still knew how to have fun.

Blood wars was the previous number one game before the Rebirth. He was really good at this game, he even was in the top three thousand and it was because of his progress in this game that he didn't immediately start playing Rebirth.

Ryu entered his room and immediately felt nostalgic. He hadn't entered in his 'No no square' since the Revolution of Supers. It was a Revolution that stole a life of many people. It started when people reached the Orange Star Core. It is a stage where people start to get the powers of the superhumans, so many of them became unruly.

Ryu finally reached his bed, and when he got close enough, he couldn't help but just fall at it directly.

Ready for Tomorrow, he quickly fell asleep...