Once there was teenager about 17
Years old on an adventure named Kanyami with
a mysterious dark power
With his 2yr old son named Ruisu
They're going to the park
And they find a criminal there
He tries to steal Ruisu from Kanyami
But then Kanyami counters his grab
And uses dark arts
Dark arts: Aserath fist
Basically the user puts their magic type into
their fist and release
So then Ruisu asks for candy
So they head off to the candy store
Ruisu gets a hershey bar
They go home
And sleep
They wake up the next day to start a new
They wonder into the forest to find a nearby
And then Ruisu asks "Where are we
"We are going to find a nearby village so I can
get better with my magic" Kanyami replied
"Ok but something seems sinister"
Ruisu replied.
So they head off to Kaze-tsuyu village (a
village full of Air and Earth users)
When they get there they meet two demons
trying to overrun the village
The first demon they spotted was named Sasori
with electric magic
and the second demon was named Sureiya with
fire magic.
Sasori spots Kanyami and Ruisu but mainly has
focus on Ruisu's magical power and is
"Hey....Sureiya do you sense that kids power?!"
Sasori replied in a shaking voice
What're you scared of that little child?! He
only looks 2 there is no way he has enough
magical power to have you shaking in your
Sureiya rushes toward Kanyami and Ruisu but
isn't able to land a single punch because
Ruisu already put up a defensive forcefield
so Sureiya gets flung back tenfold
And is knocked out. Sasori surrenders but
just to be sure Kanyami puts a curse mark on
both of them so they can not escape and takes
them to prison.
-To be continued-