I sat on the ledge of the alleyway entrance as I just stared at the city in front, below, and above me.
Go-wait no I shouldn't use that word anymore might call down the wrong sort of attention. Mmhmm.
Dammit all. Yes, that was better. Dammit all to hell of all the places Truck-Kun Jr to mistakenly drop me into did it HAVE to be 40K?
'So, what to do?' I sighed while looking up at the sky above as it was turning a lovely shade of purple as the sun set behind the skyscrapers in the distance, outlining them in a brilliant shade of golden orange.
I get up and started pacing back and forth mumbling to myself out loud as I tried to think of a plan for surviving this Hell hole and what my goal was to be.
"First off main goal is to not die or get caught by the Four, second do not die because of Tyranids, Necrons, Orks, or Dark Eldar. Tau and Eldar are debatable as I might be spared by the two. Second either find someway to revive the Emperor so I can leverage for a favor to hide in the imperial Palace where I would be protected by the layers of heavy defenses or find a planet that will be devoured by the Tyranids and wait till it is consumed before following in the wake to reterraform the planet and live out the rest of my life there."
"Of course that is dependent on what time period I landed in, getting a ship, getting enough supplies to do all that, figuring out a place with no more Nids passing through, and the big one living long enough to reach it. Actually speaking of that, do I even age anymore? Will I ever die of old age? I mean my body is a game character's now and game characters do not really age or die of old age. Well a few gamer characters like the Fable series did allow for aging, but even then not death by old age...."
I stop pacing as a shock fills my body "Am I technically immortal now? I have no real way to test it so I guess I should just assume I am not. If after two decades pass and I am still looking young then I guess that would prove I am immortal...and then I would need to cover my face to avoid being exposed as a immortal. The Inquisition would definitely not let me go if they heard about me, unless I can get rich enough to have the excuse of using extensive rejuvenation treatments to stay young and then using body doubles to act as my kids until I replace them myself."
"But that would mean actually getting wealthy and powerful, but that would put me on the Inquisitions net. Sigh."
"Ok, before I get even more side tracked what other options do I have? Imperial Guard? Hah! Inquisition? Blam! Space Marines? Am too old and the surgery would hurt like hell." I said shivering at the memories of the space marine creation lore video's description of the surgeries needed to be a space marine.
"Right anything else? Agriworld farmer? Maybe, but no defenses and any working guy with a set address is at risk of the Inquisition and any corrupt nobles of arbites.....wait a minute, can I even speak the language on this planet? Shit!" I start freaking out as I would no doubt draw attention when I could not understand a word people are saying or respond to them. Hell the arbites might just kill me if I can't properly respond to their orders.
Fuck! This meant I can't stay inside proper society till I learned how to speak Low Gothic or whatever variant local language is on this planet. How was I going to do that? I mean with the system I could probably learn it from skill books if I could find it but I had no money or ability to break into shops and one wrong move will have me hunted down by the whole city so that is a no go.
'Be a beggar and eavesdrop till I learn the language? Maybe, but my clothes though...' I thought to myself as I looked down at my nice hoodie and pants, those would make me stand out among the beggars and get me jumped by them and sneered at by the normal people no doubt.
I spoke with resignation "I guess....I guess this means I need to go to the underhive and fight for resources and strength. For all of my goals I am going to need enough strength to defend myself or at least strong enough to run away. Best case scenario would be if I could somehow be a Rogue Trader, but that would be very unlikely. Sigh."
I raised my hand in front of my face before making a fist with it. "Yeah, I definitely need strength, I need more stats, more skills, and gear." I look back into the alleyway I dropped in and noticed that there still was no sign of anyone exiting any of the alleyway doors or even any signs of beggars and I could not hear anyone or anything besides the background noise of the city and hymns.
What part of the city was I in? I looked closer at the alleyway that I was in, specifically at the buildings. They were whitewashed two to three story rectangular buildings all going down a straight line with a curve at the end. There were no windows all along the way as far as I could see and the doors were metal with a small groove on the side. I walk up to the door and took a closer look, it should be a door handle.
I try opening the door but it did not even budge a bit, I could not even shake it. Were all the doors here like that? I try several more doors and even put my ears on some, but I couldn't hear anything. Soundproofing?
I remembered the dumpster I landed on and ran back towards the dumpster.
Ding! Skill Gained! All future notifications will be minimized to be reviewed at User's request!
Oh nice. A quick look showed me I gained the sprint skill which would use up 3 MP/Sec but boost my speed by 10%. I reached the dumpster and immediately opened it up bracing myself for the expected stench of rot and trash. To my surprise however nothing came up and quickly looking down I saw nothing. The whole thing was empty and clean like it was never used before.
Was I in some kind of prop city? Like something a noble would make for fun with his money? Was there even a way out?
I started sprinting down the alleyway, running at full speed for 33 seconds before being forced to jog as I could no longer sprint as my mana bar had apparently depleted even though I exhibited no symptoms of fatigue.
As I walked I looked down at my hands, I didn't feel tired at all and I was not even sweating despite sprinting for half a minute in a hoodie. I really was a game character now wasn't I?
Did I need to eat? Drink? Poop? Pee? Hell do I even need to sleep anymore? Or were all those things just things I could do to satisfy the psychological habit of being a normal human?
I was going to have to test all those things out as I might not even be able to do any of those things if I wanted to if I could not buy or rob what I need.
I ran and ran and ran. I just kept running, then jogging then running again. I went left, I went right, I traveled in a loop, then through twists and turns again.
The alleyway was a mess, the directions made no sense. Who the hell made this kind of alleyway? Why were there no exits!
At least I was gaining stat points and skill levels as I could hear them occasionally dinging in my mind. I could sprint increasingly longer after each one. In fact I even started trying to run silently which gave me the light foot skill which reduced my running noise and I had gained the sprint skill earlier during my run to the dumpster. Now I alternated between sprint boosted running and jogging my way down this twisted passage.
The sun was down now and the alleyway was dark. I could barely see anything and had to stop for a while, luckily there was light from the rising moons a few hours later that lit up the alleyway for me to continue moving.
At least I could now confirm, I had no human needs anymore. No fatigue, no hunger, no thirst, no need to relieve myself, no sense of mental tiredness from lack of sleep. Though that last one will have to wait till tomorrow night to be sure.
I kept running and jogging and running and jogging. Endless walls of white buildings passed by me as I got faster and faster, going longer and longer.
As the sun finally rose again I stopped.
Not because I was tired, no, but because I reached the end.
And I was pissed.
In front of me was a fucking white wall building like everything else! IT WAS A DAMN DEAD END!
I ran for what must have been at least 12 hours to get here and there was nothing!
"Damn it!" I yelled throwing a punch at the featureless wall of white, feeling a flash of pain before it disappeared and my HP bar dropping a point.
I just snapped as the rest of the night roared in my mind of the mindless endless walls and my situation coming back to me. Stuck in 40K universe, separated from my family, my mom, my dad, my little sister, my grandparents, everyone.
I snapped and roared as I just kept throwing punches at the white wall in front of me as I vented out all my frustration and fear into it.
Point after point dropped and more dings could be heard, but I ignored it all and just kept punching a red of haze in front of my eyes.
Finally I just suddenly felt tired and stopped. I slumped to my knees looking down at the ground before closing my eyes, tears falling lungs heaving with unneeded air.
Damn it why me. What shitty luck I must have to get something any nerd would want and still have it go so wrong.
As suddenly as my rage hit my current emotional status went 180 and I was calm again, my breathing evening out as I lifted my glasses and wiped my eyes,
I looked up at the wall and saw that I had left patches of blood all over its pristine white surface and looked at the corner of my vision where my HP bar was.
There flashing in red was the bar with the numbers 7/100 underneath it. I broke into a mad laugh.
I had almost literally killed myself on a wall. HahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA!!
My mad laughter again suddenly cut off as the hysteria left me like a switch was flipped. So I guess the Gamer's Mind counted Hysteria as one of the effects it countered. Why didn't it snap me from my rage then?
Looking through the notifications list on the lower right corner of my vision I saw that I had gained a bunch of skills, one of which was Berserker. Well that explained it then, it did not remove self skill inflicted statuses.
I shakily get back onto my feet and look up at the wall around me. Guess I had to climb out of hear, but there was nothing to climb.
The walls were too smooth and the dumpster that lined the place occasionally were not tall enough to boost me as all the buildings were at least 2 stories.
I would either need to make something to grapple up the sides or jump. The first is out of the question as I lacked the materials and I was not destroying my clothes for rope. So guess I would have to as in the words of a certain time travelling samurai 'Jump Gud' and learn fast.
That last part made me stop however, why DID I have to leave fast? I mean this place was perfect for grinding wasn't it? Empty of people and from what I can tell surveillance, isolated, self contained, plenty of space, I did not need supplies. I could grind as much as I wanted here without fear of being discovered. Hell not a single aircraft was seen in the skies above this place when I was running the whole night.
How should I grind?
Remembering all the previous gamer fics I remembered before I got an idea. I just had to combine everything into one routine to train everything at once.
I had to jog for constitution points, sprint for sprint skill, jump for the skill to get out, twirl for dexterity hopefully, maybe do a few jump skill boosted flips, try to silently run, do math problems in my head for intelligence with increasing complexity and....what? I could not train luck or wisdom as I did not know how or lacked the materials for it, but what about strength?
I look through the notifications again and noticed that I had also gained a passive skill, physical resistance, unarmed fighting, and pain tolerance. That gave me an idea, a stupid one, but I was safe enough to do it here.
I would punch the walls to level up my strength, physical resistance, unarmed fighting, and pain tolerance till my HP was almost gone, then go jogging and sprinting till my HP was back up to full again then repeat it all over again.
If it wasn't for the fact that the pain very quickly disappeared, which did kind of make me wonder why a pain tolerance skill was even made, I would not even consider punching a wall multiple times let alone once. That was mad!
But well, I guess I was in a mad mad world now wasn't I?
I took one look back at the bloody dead end behind me and began grinding, sprinting and twirling down the damn long ass alleyway like a demented ballerina.
Hopefully the planet is not attacked or something while I am here, or worse someone actually sees me grinding.