Chereads / Harry Potter A New Story / Chapter 46 - The first duel

Chapter 46 - The first duel

After drawing their six cards I told them to lay it all face up in front of them in the most end of the table so we can still play in the middle.

"there are phases in each player's turn. The draw phase, the stand by phase, the first phase, the battle phase, the second phase, and the end of turn phase.

"Each of you has 4000 life points. This will determine the winner and loser on who can put damage to their opponent's life points till it gets to zero. Cho, you are the first to play, lets's see your card. Chi you can now draw one card from your deck. That will be your draw phase."

Cho had drawn four duel character cards with one that is level five. A charm card and a jinx card. And another charter card during her draw.

"stand by phase comes immediately after their draw phase this will be your time to think of what plays you are going to do."

"Being the first to move you can not attack the opponent immediately that would be unfair to your opponent so your strategy must go on defense unless you are confident on your cards. For example, this character card, the centaur archer it has an attacking power of 1500, not many character have that kind of firepower. You can summon it face up in an attacking position, ready to battle but be aware of the consequences like your opponent has much more power. So I will suggest that you play this giant dung beetle card in the face-down defense position like this."

I place the card on the table.

"You have 5 slots for the character cards and at the bottom, you can place any charm or jinx card. See this card, your jinx card it is named quicksand. Please read aloud the description written at the bottom."

"quicksand, jinx card, destroy a newly summon duelling card if it was summoned normally. Can not be applied to sacrificial summons or a ritual summons." Cho read aloud.

"Is the instruction clear so far?" I asked

"What is a ritual summon?" asked Cho.

"That is a special way of summoning character cards but that will be for another time, this deck is very basic," I explained

"Now you can place this jinx card in the slot below the duelling or character cards. Anywhere will do, as long as you have a vacant slot." the crowd gather even more but is still silent and taking in all that is being said and being played.

"your charm card, would you kindly read that one." I instructed Cho once again.

"greed, jinx card, greed is one of the seven deadly sins. A little would not hurt much, sometimes it could be more beneficial. Draw two cards in your deck." Cho reads aloud once again but her voice toned down seeing a crowd was circling us. She really gets shy quickly, but she can say what she wants whenever.

"you have the choice to activate it or just save it for later, as the instruction is very simple, you can draw two more cards. do you want to use it or save it for later?"

"I think I will save it for now."

"Now that you have placed your cards and activated nothing this will be the end of your stand by phase and you will enter your battle phase, but since you are the first to make a move you can not battle so you'll have to skip you battle phase automatically and go to your second phase. Here you can still activate charm and jinx cards but you can not summon another character card. Only one summon is allowed every turn unless a specific card has the ability to do so like this card."

I pointed at Luara's charm card the resurrection stone card.

"Laura can you read the card that I have just pointed out."

"The resurrection stone, charm card. A stone given by death to a legendary person that can defy death and be with the living once more. Resurrect one dealing card from your graveyard." shouted Laura. Very energetic as usual.

"The graveyard is where you place your used cards or defeated character in the game, it is on the opposite side where you place your deck. Right here." I pointed out the place where the graveyard should be.

"Now Cho do you want to do something more? You can use the greed card you have or do you want to still save it for later."

"I'll save it for later."

"Now you say, I end my turn, to let your opponent know you are finished with your turn."

"I end my turn," said Cho.

"Now it's Laura's turn. Laura draws one card from your deck."

Laura draw a card and placed it with the others to be shown. Laura has three character cards all low level. Three charm cards and one jinx card. The card Laura just drew was a charm card named diffindo.

"Laura read the card that you have just drown."

"Diffindo, charm card, a spell that can hurt your opponent directly. Strip five hundred life points from your opponent directly." Laura reads.

"Activate this card by placing it here in the charms and jinx slot face up that will indicate that you have activated this card by playing it face up. That will subtract 500 from Cho's life points, who has now 3500 Lp. Now let's say you did not know the face-down defense position character card on Cho's side and you need to know what it is. You can play safe by summoning this card with the highest attacking power between all your character cards. The lone werewolf, its atk power is 1400 with a defense of 1200. Place it in the slot for duelling cards and wait for your attacking phase." I place the card in the designated position.

"Since your jinx card cannot be activated at once, you need to place it face down in its designated slot. There." I pointed and Laura placed the card face down.

"The jinx card you place face down is the card protrego, which can nullify one attack from your opponent's character card. It is up to you when to use it. Timing and strategy is a must in this game okay." I explained to everyone near.

"Now let us continue with your battle phase. Let's say you attacked the face-down defense position character card on your opponent's field. You need to indicate that you are attacking. You can speak aloud or you can move your card like this." I hold the card down with one finger and slide it to bump just a little to the opponent character card.

"Did you get that?" they nodded. Even some of the crowd nodded.

"Now you can flip it up the same position to see what character did you attack. Of course, it was the giant dung beetle with an atk of 800 and def 1000. Your werewolf card has a higher ark than the opponent's character def, so the dung beetle will die and be put in the graveyard like this." I placed the character card in Cho's graveyard.

"But as an example, let's say the face-down card has more def than the attacker's ark power like this treant, which has 2500 def power. So your werewolf card with an ark power of 1400 will be hurt and it will be lessened to your own life points. So 2500 less 1400 is 1100. So your current life points will be 2900." still following?" I asked.

"Okay, let us step back a couple of moves when Laura is just about to summon the loner werewolf. Once she places the character in its slot you can now activate your Lynx card the quicksand because it is a normal way of summons. It will go to the graveyard by doing that. Then Laura will not have any character in her field and you can attack her directly."

"So that is the basics. Okay, let's start a new game. Reset and shuffle your cards again if you have questions I will guide you to the whole process."

The game was played, many questions arose and I explained them all. Even then audiences took parts and want to have a turn to battle.

It became a sensation overnight.