"My lord, a man named Rafael is requesting a meeting with you. He came with that group from Calistoga." The commander's voice broke through the tense atmosphere in Count Edwin's war room.
After two days of relentless requests, the commander finally relented and brought Rafael's request to the Count's attention.
"Rafael... Oh, him? What does he want?" Edwin asked without looking up from the reports scattered over a massive map. He had just concluded a grueling two-hour discussion with his advisors and commanders about the current state of the war.
For reasons still unclear, the enemy's invasion of the southern part of the kingdom had slowed down significantly. Scouts and spies reported signs of unrest within the enemy ranks, though they were still advancing—just much more slowly.
For Edwin and his men, this was a welcome development, even if the cause remained a mystery.
"He said he's created something new and wants to show it to you. I saw it myself, sir, and believe me when I say that I've never seen anything like it before," the commander explained, his tone betraying a hint of admiration.
"Fine, bring him here," Edwin said, still focused on his map and reports, his hair slightly disheveled from the stress of the ongoing conflict.
The door opened, and Rafael walked into the room. He was greeted by the sight of a large table in the center, covered with maps and documents. At the far end was a smaller desk for the Count, behind which a fireplace was built into the wall.
Edwin was seated at the large table, holding a parchment in his left hand, alternating between it and the map as if trying to piece together a complex puzzle.
"Speak quickly. Why do you want to see me?" Edwin asked, the only reason he granted Rafael a moment of his time being the personal request from his chief commander and the possibility that Rafael might marry Avice in the future. Even though the title of Baron was lower than his own, it was still a noble title.
"Sir, I've created a device that always points in a certain direction. I call it a compass. Please, take a look." Rafael attempted to approach the Count, but the commander beside him intervened, taking the object from Rafael and handing it to Edwin.
At first glance, the compass seemed trivial—a wooden object pointing somewhere? But as Edwin noticed how the flat needle consistently pointed in the same direction, no matter how he turned the object in his hands, his curiosity was piqued.
"I don't know how you made this, but I don't see what use it has—except maybe as a toy for children. Wait, how does it work? How does it keep pointing in a certain direction? And what are these letters for?" Edwin's skepticism turned to intrigue.
"The needle always points north, and this has immense value! Imagine being lost in the middle of a forest—where should you go? Now imagine being on the ocean, with no land in sight. Which direction should you go?" Rafael explained, his voice steady and confident.
Edwin's expression became thoughtful as he toyed with the compass. "This... This is actually incredible! How did you make this? We could make a fortune selling these to sailors." His eyes gleamed with newfound enthusiasm.
"Are you sure, sir? I can't see how such a thing can be functional," the commander interjected, still doubtful.
"But of course! If you had something that could save your life, wouldn't you take it? Every captain will want at least one of these, if not two," Edwin countered, more convinced than ever of the compass's potential.
Rafael waited for the perfect moment to make his next move. "I'm pleased that you see the value in this, my lord. That's why I'm not just here to show you this creation of mine, but to propose a deal that will greatly benefit us both."
"Come closer and speak," Edwin said, now fully interested in what Rafael had to offer.
"I am a scientist, someone who experiments and creates new things."
"Sci—what? Wait, are you using witchcraft to make this? Did you sell your soul to a demon?" Edwin stood up abruptly, suspicion flashing in his eyes.
"No, not at all. Look at the flat needle inside the compass—it's iron. It's simple, really. I found a rock that attracts other metals, and after much testing, I created the compass. There's no magic involved, just science."
"Then what are these inscriptions?" Edwin asked, still examining the compass.
"Those are just the first letters of the cardinal directions: North, South, East, and West," Rafael explained.
"Continue," Edwin urged, now even more intrigued.
"As I was saying, I enjoy experimenting and creating new things. My proposal is this: provide me with the resources I need to continue my work, and I will create many more inventions for you. To clarify, I'm a proponent of knowledge."
"It's through knowledge that the Romans built their cities and roads. It's through knowledge that magnificent churches are constructed. And it's through knowledge that I was able to create the compass you're holding now."
"It is with new ideas and inventions that we will win this war," Rafael declared, his voice filled with determination as he spread his arms wide. His passionate speech seemed to ignite a spark in both men's eyes that wasn't there before.
"Hahahahaha... I like this guy, I really do! Now, about your deal, what do you want in return?"
Should I ask for power? Or just money? Rafael pondered briefly. Avice doesn't seem to have a good relationship with him, so asking for power might do more harm than good.
"I want money. To bring my ideas to life, I'll need a substantial amount. Also, for everything I create and you sell, I'll earn a portion of the profits. And I want a new room, just for me, where I can concentrate on my work."
"Aren't you asking for too much? We've been kind enough to let you live inside our walls, giving you a place to sleep and food. Don't think you can go around making demands and doing whatever you please," the commander spoke on Edwin's behalf.
"Think about my offer. First the crossbow, now the compass—what else might I create in the future? I assure you, I have many more ideas I want to explore." Rafael ignored the commander and kept his gaze fixed on the Count.
Let's fucking go! Rafael thought, elated as the day came to an end. He had just inspected his new "laboratory," where he would continue his research, particularly in finding the right ingredients to make gunpowder.
Ella, Avice, and everyone else must be halfway to the capital by now. I hope everything is okay on their side.