silver this day started like any other with me destroying a robot making breakfast and giving cystaline a hug for making me the happiest mythic in the known universe but on this day she asked my to tell her how me and john met this time tho she wanted to have the long version i told her everything here is that story
:cyrstaline so i want the long version this time how'd you and john meet :silverfang oh ok here's the long version than well let's see here it was about 100 years ago :cyrstal wait your 100 years old :silver well yeah i'm immortal just like you but i'm actually 126 anyway if you can just stop talking I can tell you the story of how we met the year was 1926 i was happy in my den when I heard this screaming then john fell into my den and cents I was hungry i charged him so he ran so i gave chase he fell of the cliff so I teleported down but I just couldn't kill him but he was dying so I gave him mercy cursing him with my power
At first he didn't know how to feel he was scared :john please don't make me kill my family :silver i'm not gonna do that :john ok can other people see you take up half my face in the mirror :silver yes but I can make it to where they don't: john pleas do :silver ok :john so what's your name :silverfang my wolf name is silverfang :john ok im just gonna call you silver for short :silver ok fine :john so how does this whole curse thing work :silver well you can transform into me but i'm in control :john ok silver transform :silver no wait not now *transforms* oh great turn back *transforms back* :john neat that's pretty cool :silver wait there's a catch your now immortal :john thats awesome :silver no it isn't that means you have to watch all your loved ones die in front of you :john oh well than shit (56 years later) :john get out of my body YOU MADE ME WATCH MY FAMILY DIE let me die :silver I told you that you can't get rid of me :john *crys pulls out gun * *bang* what why am I not dead :silver i told you you cant commit suicd the death cant be caused by you it has to be at the hand of another and you can't ask them walk into traffic or jump off a building or tie a rope and hang your self ok so just stop :john fine ill stop silver