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The Protector: Book Three

Kara and Gabriel find themselves in all to familiar world. One stricken with Chaos and destruction and must find the right way to navigate their ways through it along with their friends. However, alot of things have changed and it will not be so easy to get through the world, along with the past that will forever haunt them This book is the third installment to my Protector series. I hope you all enjoy. If there are spelling errors, I do apologize and will edit in time! I hope you all enjoy my work as this story is very important to me!

Chapter 1 - Chapter One: The Love

It had only been three months since Aurora's death, and the Underworld found itself an unsettled. Raven and Shawn had been taking care of Penelope whilst Kara and Gabriel had been unseen or heard from since the battle. It was assumed that they needed their time by Raven and Shawn who would do their best to give them space.

" Gabriel.." Kara smiled, kissing him softly on his lips, laying naked within his arms. They had been laying in bed for the entire day, resting and making up for all the time they had lost with one another.

" Yes Princess" Gabriel smiled, pulling her even closer to him. Kara smiled at his words, she was was his, completely. And she couldn't be happier about that. " I'm not a princess anymore, I am a Queen " She giggles, staring into his deep golden eyes. They had permanently changed to that color since the battle with Aurora. At first it was strange but she had gotten use to it since then. His eyes were treasures that were so easy to get lost deep within. They use to make her feel projected, but she now felt strong under their gaze. She knew her place was by his side. She was his mate and she never wanted to be anyone else's.

"My Queen " Gabriel relents which made Kara giggle happily. " I was going to say that we should probably get out of bed" Kara advised which Gabriel simply groaned at. " I think we deserve a break though" Gabriel had liked that things had slowed down since Aurora's death. He finally had everything he ever wanted and had no intentions of moving more than he had too.

" We have to get up. We have to find the survivors. Supposedly my people fleed to the mountains. And I have to believe that some of your people survived as well. There is no way that they all died.." Kara tried to think positively but they both knew how ruthless the Vampires could be.

" Out of bed" A familiar voice calls from behind Gabriel as the mattress flips over, knocking them both to the floor.

Gabriel and Kara try to unwrap themselves from the sheets to see who knocked them out of bed, and see a small creature standing on top of the bed. " Gooblin.." Kara sighed. They had not seen him in a while and Kara had wondered where he had gotten off too and was relieved to see that he was okay.

" Out of bed now. You both do stuff" Gooblin smiled and hopped off the bed, waddling out of the room and down the hall. Kara and Gabriel tried to gather themselves and get back to their feet. " Its like we have a child " Kara laughed as she walked over and looked in the mirror, seeing she looked unwell, she looked slightly drained but she had also not been eating as well as she should have because most of her time was given to Gabriel.

" Well, I think we should take the kid to the adoption agency " Gabriel snarled as he lifted the mattress and put it back into its proper place. " Oh he isn't that bad" Kara argued as she looked around the room, not being able to locate her clothes.

" Yeah I guess " Gabriel sighed as he sat down on the bed. Kara finally managed to spot her pants, thrown across the window seal and she walked over to retrieved them.

" Speaking of kids. Should we don't know how..with..your..ya know? " Kara struggled to ask. She had been curious about discussing children with Gabriel but had never found the right time. " You mean with us being mates now?" Gabriel looked up, surprised that Kara had brought up something he had wanted to discuss for a while as well. Kara put on her pants and looked to Gabriel, slightly offended. " Well we are more than mates..we are a couple. We are..well..I don't know what the mate thing implies per say but from what I do's really serious. So I'm thinking a serious commitment. Which means..marriage? " Kara knew how important the mating process was. And she had believed a serious relationship with marriage potential would be involved.

" Well, With my people. The selection of a mate is stronger and far beyond marriage. The ceremony is also something that we do, but that is simply for a transfer of title" he explained. Kara nodded, listening as she picked up a shirt that had been ripped off by Gabriel and sighed before tossing it to the ground. " Well we are suppose to unite the Underworld, so perhaps the ceremony isn't the worst thing to do. I know where I stand and you know where you stand. But the people need the ceremony for their own certainty I'd imagine" Kara continued looking for a shirt that had not been ripped to shreds by Gabriel. " Yeah I would agree" Gabriel nodded as he watched Kara becoming increasingly frustrated at not being able to find a wearable shirt. " I tried to tell you to not put shirts on..." Gabriel laughed. " Yeah well I can't walk around the palace naked..little gooblin eyes could pop up at anytime " She realized that her Kingdom was very much in solitude, everyone was gone so whilst she could technically do what she wanted, she didn't want to risk it. " But back to the kids situation" Kara tried to bring the main subject into focus, Gabriel grabs a shirt from under the bed and heads over to Kara. " I want Kids.." Gabriel smiles down at Kara as he hands her the shirt. " I do too.." She returns the smile as she takes the shirt from him.

Meanwhile, Gwen and Nate had settled themselves into the town, making it their permanent home. They had decided to be together, and much to both of their surprise, Gwen had found herself pregnant. It didn't take too long after their first time for Gwen to realize the signs.

Nate had been going out and gathered whatever food he could find for Gwen so that she was able to eat well. Most of the animals that had survived the barrage of attacks were big enough to provide a decent meal. Nate had hopes that there would be more the further he traveled though. With the numbers of Lycans reduced, it would technically mean there would be more places to hunt.

" Honey I'm home " Nate laughed jokingly as he stepped into their house, the same one they first met in, throwing a giant deer like creature on the ground as Gwen comes around the corner. She was flushed with red and her gut was swollen slightly. " No Sir. You are not dumping that shit on my floor" She shouts at Nate who picks up the creature immediately. " Yeah yeah, I forgot " He apologizes as Gwen walks over and helps him carry it to a tub if sorts in the corner. It was made from wood and had a drain where the blood could leave the home without leaving a mess.

Gwen had never really wanted a housewife life style. She was a warrior and she wanted battle. Though she also would not risk her baby for the sake of the glory and thrill.

" You know..I was thinking about..when we have our first one..we should try for more " Nate suggested, double checking the creature once it had been placed down in the tub.

" Excuse me? This one isn't even out and you are already talking about more? " Gwen opposes but Nate waves his hands to dismiss her concerns. " No, I'm really excited for our first child. But I feel like..we could have so many. Our own little family ya know? " Nate smiled at the thought of tons of little pups running around.

" I am going to be honest here. When we first met, we went at each other pretty hard despite how complicated things were. And whilst they aren't complicated anymore, and I'm happy with you. Being pregnant..Whilst I'm the fucking worst " She confesses. She felt so limited on the things she could do or wanted to do. Nate got to have all the fun and she wanted to at least have some time in between kids to get her energy out.

" I do want more kids..but I think we should maybe wait in between. Give a girl a break here " Gwen tries to cheer Nate up who seems slightly saddened by the news.

" I understand. I know I get excited a little too much sometimes and I'm sorry..I just. I know it's really quick and stuff. Everything was so rushed and yet..I'm happy. Hell you know me. I haven't touched a bottle in months. And I want a life with you. You make make me better" He confesses. It was true, he had not touched a bottle in months and had really stepped up to provide and do whatever he could to make sure Gwen was happy. And that was a gesture that she truly appreciated. The pregnancy wasn't planned but they were both doing their best and Gwen felt happy. Not content, but actually happy with Nate.

Though it was rushed, Gwen felt secure with Nate. She knew that he cared for her. He had been doing so much to make her comfortable and she truly appreciated it. " You make me better too, Nate" Gwen smiled and kissed him softly. She had not truly thought of Kara since her and Nate became official. She had truly moved on. And with the baby on the way, she finally had everything she could ever need. Though, her thoughts did occasionally trail back to her parents. They would never approve of her laying with Lycan much less getting impregnated by one. They would see it as a disgrace as dating outside of Vampires was an unspeakable crime. But at the same time, they barely cared for her. They seemed to only really care about her brothers and even then, the love was limited. But if making an example out of her would keep vampires from acting out of line, they would do what they felt was necessary to them.

Meanwhile, in her small hut, Lysette found herself drinking hard and falling further and further down the hole of depression. She missed her sister, and whilst she was happy for Gabriel, their people had been annihilated. And that was something that Lysette truly struggled to accept. She had walked away from her people for so long and then finally took her place..and saw them prosper. Only to lose them all in the end. This was a cold hard truth that crushed Lysette.

As she sat in her chair, drinking away the painful memories, the door to her hut flew open. A petite figure stood in the door way, covered in the cold rain that had recently started falling from the sky.

" Lysette" a young female voice spoke out. " Cassie.." Lysette sat up, seeming to recognize the person. There, before Lysette, stood a young woman, who looked to be in her twenties. She had dark skin, that resembled the night sky, matched her deeply blue bright eyes that shined like small stars. Her hair was long, and was the color of fire. A fusion Red, orange and yellow all mixed within it, showing her firery spirit.

Cassie walked over and hugged Lysette tightly, being slightly taller than her but much more petite than Lysette who hugged back. " I thought you were dead.." Lysette confessed as they broke their embrace. " I would've been, but I was out hunting and took refuge in a cave. My brother's are gone now though. I found them..or what was left of them" Cassie's smile had been stolen away from her, she did not wish to talk about them.

" Well I'm glad you are safe now. Come on, let's get you warmed up and something to drink and eat " Lysette brings Cassie over to one of the chairs by the fireplace and sits her down. She then walks over and grabs some of her rationed food and a bottle of alcohol and hands it to Cassie. " I'm sorry but this is all I have at this time " Lysette apologizes but Cassie waves her off. " Its fine. Its more than enough" She takes the food and begins eating.

" So what happened? " Cassie asked, referring to the Skyfall which Lysette explained as best as she could. Cassie looked interested at first to Lysette and then looked back down at her now empty plate.

" So..our King..married Kara? The Witch Queen? The child of the one who killed his parents and got most of our people killed " Cassie could not understand this logic whatsoever. Lysette sighed, knowing how bad it sounded but tried to explain it. " I know. But Kara isn't responsible for what her mother did. And you know as well as I do, that Gabriel can choose who wants. You can't help who you fall in love with. "

" Yeah. Well I guess I just don't know why he would choose her" Cassie sighed and took a sip of her drink. " I mean he had other options " she whimpered as she downed the strong alcohol.

" Yes well, you could have had a chance with him at one time if you had not walked away so quickly" Lysette had known Cassie from an Early age. Her father was one of the tribe leaders who was killed long ago in a war with the Vampires that has long since been forgotten by most. Leaving Cassie and her 4 brothers to fend for themselves. Their mother had no interest in raising them, and was casted out of the joined tribes. Cassie, was one of the suitors Gabriel could have picked from. But she spent most of her time away from the Kingdom wether she was hunting or training herself in combat.

" Well, it's not like I'm saying I wanted to be with him. I was one of many possibilities. But personally, no offense, I was never really into him" Cassie explained which made Lysette laugh. " You barely knew him. He spent eighteen years on earth and when he came back, you were nowhere to be found. He has grown into a really respectable King. I'm proud of him " Lysette boasted though Cassie didn't seem that impressed. " Well good for him. I just don't see the point of marrying a Witch. They have been nothing but trouble" She growled as she drank from the bottle again. This time, even longer than before.

" Well, love doesn't make sense but it is all we have these days" Lysette smiled and then added " So come to think of it. What are you planning on doing now? The kingdom has been..well..I'm sure you've seen it. " Lysette clinches her fist at the thought of what happened.

" I don't know. I was thinking about actually getting the hell out of here and finding a way to earth. This place isn't a Lycans world now. I figure it is time to move on " Cassie admitted which shocked Lysette. " You would really travel to earth? That is so far away.." Lysette was saddened at the thought she wouldn't be able to see Cassie again. " Well you could come with me. I highly doubt you are needed here anymore.." Cassie offered which Lysette thought about but decided against. " Gabriel could need me. I need to be here for him"

Can I see chuckled at this as she looked around the room. " Yeah, because it looks like you're really helping him a lot here. Staying in the hut all by yourself. Drinking away the memories. Come with me Lysette. We could go and find us a whole new life there. We could find us some hot guys and maybe get laid and it would be great. " Cassie smiled and Lysette laughed. " If you wanna go then you can go. But I want you to be careful. The last thing I need is to lose you too"