:cyrstaline silver silver! SILVER!! Wake up : silver ahh im up sss ow ow ow ow ow ahh my back i need to rest *transforms back into john* : john *thinks oh silver what did you do now* hey cyrstal what happened : cyrstaline * fills john in on what happened* : john ok I get it now so what your saying is silver was so badly hurt that he had to retreat inside my body :cyrstaline yes : john ok I get it now *calls mental talk with silver* :cursesilver yes what is it :mind john the moon is out making a beautiful glow tonight now is your chance to really connect to her you love her right :cursesilver ok fine i'll come out :john *transforms into silverfang* :silver *blushing* uh i was wondering do you want to dance :cyrstaline I never learned to dance :silver oh well i can teach you you pick up a thing or two over the course of 100 years but I can teach you if you want :cyrstaline *blushes* um um uh s-sure sure :silver ok it's easy you just give me one hand and then the other and just walk in a square or i should say dance :cyrstal thanks : silver for what :cyrstal for saving me in the alley at the cave in the forest and for nearly dying just for a fox :silver *says under his breath a beautiful one at that to* oh no problem *hears slight growl* cyrstal shh :cyrstal what do hear something : silver yeah it sounds like other wolfs *sees yellow eyes* cyrstal stay behind me : cyrstal no I want to help :silver no last time you helped you ended up ucouncios ok so let me do the talking and we mite be able to go on without a fight : cyrstal wait you can speak wolf : silver well yeah i am part wolf just let me do the talking and stay behind me *gets on all fours* *tells other alpha in wolf back off i'm trying to have fun with someone i like * :alpha *says in wolf how can you have fun with the enemy* *she's not the enemy she's my friend* *after I kill you im gonna kill her* :silver * attacks with claws and fangs* :alpha *retaliates with same attack* :cyrstal *hits alpha with big stick * see silver I can help :silver * goes back on hind legs* ok fine thanks for helping but just to let you know I had the situation totally under control :cyrstaline yeah that scar on your arm says otherwise :silver ok ok ok maybe I didn't have the situation fully under control thanks for the help :cyrstal * with a smug look says your welcome.