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Gloom Academy

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Dizzy Blackheart has spent her whole life being prepared for evil. But she's always known that's not who she is. When she was 7, she discovered she had healing and electricity powers. She met some people that changed her life that day, and as she got older she got more powers. Powers that can be used for good. Her parents, Drizzle and Storm, the famous criminals, don't know. They think her powers haven't come in yet. But one day, her parents catch her levitating and healing her sister, and they immediately send her off to an evil boarding school. Dizzy doesn't want to leave her little sister Malice, but her parents are adamant she's going to be the leader of the next generation of evil. Once Dizzy arrives at Gloom Academy, she immediately feels out of place. But then she realises that she's not alone in being good. After making some unusual friends, Dizzy makes a huge discovery that could change history forever.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Prologue

7-year-old Dizzy stared in shock as she looked at her parents. They had just murdered a 12 year old girl with their powers. She ran over to the dead body and cried.

"NO! Nonono! Please wake up! Please wake up! PLEASE WAKE UP!"

She turned to her parents.

"Mother, father! Please! Wake her up! Please!"

"No Dizzy, that would be turning our backs on evil. And evil is in our blood, it's what we do. It's what we HAVE to do, our family has been evil forever. Besides, we get to murder, kidnap, rob, fight, everything cool. One day you'll get to be just like us, once you gain your powers and go to a school for the wicked, that is."

Her parents walked off, cackling. Dizzy sighed and bent down next to the body. A 12 year old boy suddenly appeared, calling for someone,

"Amy, Amy! Where are you-"

He paused at he took on the sight before him, then let out a scream and bent down.

"AMY! AMY! Sis can you hear me! Did you do this to her?!"

Dizzy let out a sob.

"No! I wanted to stop them! I really did, but I'm not strong enough!"

"What do you just watched two people MURDER MY TWIN SISTER! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!"

"I-I can't stop them. They'll kill me-."

She was interrupted by her mother entering the clearing.

"Nauseous, what are you doing. Still sitting by that dead body? Honestly child, if you're going to be part of the next generation of evil, then you're going to need to get used to dead bodies. Who's this??"

At the sound of her mother's voice, Dizzy had magicked a bottle of ketchup and spread it across the boys stomach, then used invisible ropes to tie him to the ground. She had then magically zipped his mouth shut and whispered for him to not move and to close his eyes. To anyone looking, it seemed as if he was dead.

Dizzy stared at her mother blankly. She hid her hands behind her back and then looked down.

"It's the girls brother. He attacked me so I stabbed him."

Dizzy's mother smiled proudly.

"That's my girl!"

"Yep! That's me! The next generation of evil, preparing to murder and kidnap and rob and fight! Everything cool!" Dizzy said unconvincingly, her voice high pitched. She rubbed her hands together nervously, jolting and trying to sit still. Her mother looked at her proudly, not noticing.

"Yep, that's right. I'm so proud of you my little devil! Let's go tell your father!"

"No!" Dizzy shouted, still staring at her hands, which were sparking. Her mum looked at her suspiciously and she grinned. "I wanted to take in the sight of my first murder. Can I have a few more minutes, please mother?"

"Alright then, I suppose that would be good after your second of weak" her mother walked off and Dizzy stared at her hands in shock.

"I have powers. I. Have. Powers. Omg! Omg omg omg!"

She was interrupted by a sharp kick on her leg.

"Ow! Right, sorry"

She quickly reversed everything she'd done and the boy sat up and stared at her in shock.

"You have magical powers. Your parents are evil villains and killed my twin sister. This is insane"

"I'm sorry" Dizzy said sadly. "I didn't want any of this to happen! I don't want to be evil like my parents!"

"So then don't be"

Dizzy stared at him in shock and dropped onto the floor.


"How old are you?"

"I'm 7 and 1 quarter"

"Really?" Andy said in surprise. "My god, that's way too young to be pressuring about stuff like that. Well, what's your name?"

"Dizzy, Dizzy Blackheart. my parents call me nauseous though, because they say I'm too energetic and make them sick"

"Well, Dizzy Blackheart. I'm Andy Davids, and that is-was my sister Amy. Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too Andy Davids" Dizzy said happily. She looked down and then sighed. "I'm really, really sorry about your sister"

"It wasn't your fault" Andy said firmly, wiping tears away and trying not to look at his sister's body. Dizzy started sobbing again.

"Yes it was" she sobbed quietly. The sadness and self-hatred in her voice was heartbreaking and Andy had tears in his eyes by the end of the speech. "It was all my fault. My parents hoped seeing a murder would help my powers kick in, and they told me to pick a spot. I picked here because I thought no one would be here. It looked abandoned on the map. But then Amy...she walked towards us...and my parents killed her...there was nothing I could do except watch"

"Hey, listen, Dizzy. It's not your fault." Andy said again firmly, wiping tears from his and Dizzy's faces. "You didn't know you had powers. But now you do! You can save people! You can stop your parents from killing them with your magic"

"Really? You think I can do that"

"Yes. I mean, look at you. You're tall, pretty, and you look innocent. And I believe you can be confident"

"Really?" Dizzy stared shyly up at him. "You really think that"

"Yes!" Andy stared into Dizzy's eyes and smiled. "Look, I know we just met, but I can immediately tell you're never going to be evil. And I think we could be friends"

"Really?" Dizzy asked loudly in surprise. "But my parents killed your sister! Aren't you mad at me!"

"Of course not, Dizzy. It's not your fault!"

Dizzy smiled up at him. Her black, green and aqua dress began to glow slightly as she stood up.

"Thank you. I-I suddenly feel...feel powerful. Like I can do anything...even-Yes, I have to try"

She paused and bent over Amy's body. She raised her hands and electricity started to flow through her. Her hair flew into the air and her fingers had blue and pink sparks shooting out of them. She floated a few inches off the ground and pointed at Amy's body. Suddenly all of the blood floated back into her and stitches began appearing. Amy slowly opened her eyes and groaned.


Andy smiled in delight and threw his arms around her. Amy sobbed into his shoulder as he whispered.

"Amy! Amy oh thank god! I thought I'd lost you forever!"

"No, Andy. You can never lose me, remember. A twins for life."

Amy saw Dizzy and screamed.

"You! You're the one who nearly killed me!"

Andy covered her mouth anxiously and nodded to the path he had come from.

"My house is over there, come on. Quickly!"

He helped Amy and Dizzy up and the three of them walked to the A twins house. When they got there, Dizzy slowed down and Amy sighed.

"Hey, kid. Look, I don't know anything about you, but I can tell you're not a murderer, so let's talk inside, okay?"

"Okay!" Dizzy grinned and accepted Amy's outstretched hand. The two of them ran together and caught up with Andy, then walked through the front door.

Amy and Andy were immediately bombarded with questions and hugs from their parents. Andy looked at Amy and began to tell his parents the lie they'd agreed on.

"Amy got lost and hit her head on a tree, and was unconscious. Then Dizzy found her and woke her up, she was talking to her to calm her down when I arrived. We brought Dizzy back since her parents are busy for a bit"

After answering a few more questions, Andy & Dizzy helped Amy limp to her room, where Andy explained everything that had happened.

"So Dizzy saved me?" Amy asked. She placed her hand on Dizzy's and smiled. "Thank you. I don't know what I would have done without Ands. I owe you everything! You saved my life! Thank you so much Dizzy! You know, I think we could actually be good friends. Do you have a cell phone?"

"No" Dizzy answered. Amy sighed and Dizzy grinned as she remembered something. "But I do have these!"

She lifted up 3 mirrors, each plain white. Amy & Andy frowned.

"What are they?" They said in unison. Dizzy laughed.

"These are basically the magic-users cell phones. See. If you tap on the centre it comes up with a password written in a special witches code that only we know, although I can teach you. And there's no games or anything, but we can contact each other. If you tap twice, then you say the name of who you want to call, it'll call that person's mirror. And you can say a letter and it'll type it in a message, then send it to who you want to. So easy!"

"Yeah, that is easy!" Amy said, throwing her phone to the side. She picked one up, and it immediately changed to her favourite colour, orange. Andy picked up the second one and it did the same.

Amy held it to her chest and whispered.

"I love it!"

Dizzy grinned.

"We can keep in contact using these, and no one will ever know. Here"

She handed them a copy of the witch code, then sighed.

"I have to go now, mother and father will probably want me to look after my little sis Mali while they go rob a bank or something"

She sat in the windowsill and picked up her mirror. She whispered "I'm really glad I met you guys" before dropping from the window and disappearing. Andy and Amy gasped, talking excitedly about the strange girl who had magically saved Amy's life and then dropped from the window.

Little did they know how much of an impact they had on her life...

Or that 4 years later it would lead her to a terrifying discovery...