Chereads / CEO'S CRAZY BUT CUTE BABY WIFE / Chapter 3 - Secret plan

Chapter 3 - Secret plan

Aanandhi was sitting in the corner of the room and couldn't control her whimper. Mahima, Arunita and Prachi were all scolding her from all directions, for the stupidity which she showed to Arshad.

Mahima: No one would ever have seen such an idiot as you. You are going to be his wife in four days. But you behaved towards him as if he was rouge.

Arunita: Hey Mighty god … Does anyone behave like this or what? Don't know what he thinks about you…. She said, holding her head.

Prachi controlled her laugh, thinking about his stance. "Hope your BABY friend won't ask Cradle to sleep after our marriage". Actually, that is what Arshad is thinking about Aanandhi.

Aanandhi (Sniffing): How could he touch me? Do you know how he clutched my hand?

Arunita: So what if he touched your hand? Stupid girl…. He is going to be your husband.

Aanandhi: so what? This is unfair. I didn't even know him before and you want me to be quiet when he touches you?

Arunita: He has all the right to touch you after your marriage. Mind it.

Aanandhi: That's why I don't want to get married. She sniffed again.

Arunita: Shut up. Just shut up.. what do you think? Haa? Do you know what their status is? Don't know what virtues of your birth, Raut's want you as their daughter-in-law.

Mahima: Haa Aanandhi, Arunita is right. Please don't do anything stupid, then you will not see me alive.

Saying she left.

Arunita: Did you hear what she said? Be careful. She also left.

Prachi came and sat next to her leaning on Aanandhi's knees, which Aanandhi was hugging.

Prachi: What's your problem? Don't you see how handsome he is?

Aanandhi: Then go and marry him.

Prachi(chuckled): I will… if he wants to marry me. But his bad luck, he likes you.

Aanandhi: But, why has no one asked me what I like?

Prachi: They didn't ask you because they knew you would surely say something stupid.

Aanandhi was silent.

Prachi (making a face): but now, I'm worried about you Aanandhi.

Aanandhi: About me?

Prachi (controlling her smile): you have touched his wrong nerves. Don't know what he will do on your first night… You have been trapped by him terribly.

After meeting Arshad, Prachi believed that he would not make Aanandhi embarrassed for sure. If she threatens Aanandhi today, she will be expecting Arshad to do something which she doesn't like. But if Arshad doesn't behave so; it may give her, a good opinion about Arshad.

Aanandhi (with wide-opened eyes): What will he do?

Prachi: you made him embarrassed in front of everyone, then will he leave you that easily?

Aanandhi: why are you frightening me?

Prachi: he is your husband. He has all the rights to touch you wherever he wants.

Aanandhi bit her nail worriedly.

Prachi: Then? That's what a husband is. He will kiss you, touch you. You can't run anywhere because it's your family who is going to send you to him.

Aanandhi: You mean BAD TOUCH?

Prachi: There is nothing called BAD between husband and wife. That's why your mother is upset with you.

Aanandhi: But Mommy never allowed me to talk with any boys.

Prachi: That's the point. She never allowed you to talk with boys, but now, she herself will send you to his house. Doesn't she know that you will stay with him in his room? That's what marriage Aanandhi. You are not a child. You are going to be Mrs. Arshad Sinha Raut.

Aanandhi: Doesn't mean he can do anything without my wish.

Prachi: With your wish? Then he will become old. Poor him. Only God should save him from you.

Aanandhi pouted at her.

Prachi: Hmmm. Now you are talking like this. Let's see what you will do after your marriage?

Aanandhi: What?

Prachi: Don't I know how possessive you are? I won't forget how you cried for the whole day when I said that I would take your mother to my house.

Aanandhi: I was so small at that time.

Prachi: Ohhh really? People will laugh if you say a 16-year-old girl is a small girl. Mark my words; you are going to be possessive of him soon.

Aanandhi turned her face in the opposite direction without answering. Prachi smiled at seeing her. She believed strongly, after seeing Arshad's gesture, that he would not do anything against Aanandhi's wish.


Raut's were totally confused seeing Arshad. He was smiling and couldn't control himself. He and his bride…. Mythili was right; definitely his life is going to be amazingly different. He is going to marry a girl who has no idea about "who Arsha Sinha Raut really is and what his demands in between girls are". He couldn't accept exactly what his Sis said: "she is childish". Mythili is wrong. She was childish but a grown CHILD. He laughed. He had to wait for three long years to get that child as his wife. Seems like these three years will be the lengthiest years of his life span. Her teary face which hid behind her mother was flashing in his eyes, no matter whether either his eyes opened or closed. How can a girl look so innocent and cute like that?

Arshad never imagined that he would be waiting for his marriage day so curiously. He really was curious. What will she do, when she is left alone with him in the same room, the girl who called for help just because he touched her hand? He chuckled. Let's see what will be stored for him on his first night….

Anoop was also noticing his man, whose face was brightening like ever before. He dragged Arshad to his room and closed the door.

Arshad: What the…

Anoop: That's what I'm asking. What the hell is wrong with you?

Arshad: What are you talking about, man?

Anoop: You are smiling like an idiot dude. (Arshad rolled his eyes smilingly.) What happened? Tell me yaar. He asked excitedly.

Arshad: I met her.

Anoop: Who? (Arshad glared at him.) You mean Aanandhi? (Arshad nodded yes) Oh… my… goddddd. Really? You are so fast yaar. When did that miracle happen?

Arshad: Today morning.

Anoop: What did she say?

Arshad: She gathered whole Patna.

Anoop(frowning): For?

Arshad (raising his eyebrows): What else? To beat me.

Anoop: What!!!

Arshad explained what happened in the temple. Anoop went speechless for a while and started laughing was rolling on the bed while clutching his stomach. Arshad punched his bicep seeing his atrocity.

Anoop: What an intro yaar? Your life will be interesting as you wanted. (Arshad smiled at him.) What makes me happier is, you are not getting annoyed by her behaviour but enjoying yourself. I'm really happy ASR. I just want to see her.

Arshad: yeah, you will see her in four days, in the marriage hall.

Anoop was not fine with what Arshad said. He came downstairs where Lolita was chitchatting with Raut's.

NK: To which college did you get admission?

LO: No. 1 college in Mumbai. She said proudly.

NK (frowning): You mean in my college?

LO( nodding yes): Of course. That's why it took time.

NK: Yah, First-year admissions started in our college yesterday only.

Lolita (Disappointedly): I thought a lot of rituals would be here and I could enjoy it.

Mythili: Don't you know Chinni? He doesn't like anything. So we didn't perform any rituals.

Lolita: Can't I meet the bride before marriage?

Grandma: No daughter. Engagement was already done. Haldi will be the first day of the marriage and Groom and Bride perform it in their respective houses. There won't be sangeeth because Chinni doesn't like noise. Mehandi is there, but it's a women's ritual. We can't do it with Aanandhi as Chinni is here.

Mythili: We will draw Mehandi in our hands tomorrow. I think we should send a beautician to Solanki's house to draw Mehandi for Aanandhi.

Grandma: Haa daughter… we have to send a beautician for Aanandhi.

They saw Arshad was coming down.

Arshad: Sis, I have to go to Mumbai tomorrow morning.

Anoop (frowning): But why ASR?

Arshad: Mr. Dube called me. He is in India. He wants to sign the deal which we postponed last month.

Grandma: But Chinni, can't you say that you are in Patna?

Arshad: It's ok Grandma. I will come back tomorrow night.

Anoop: Do you want me to come?

Arshad: No no. You just came today. Take rest. I will manage.

Arshad left for his room. Anoop thought about something for a while.

Anoop: Mythili. Why not you call Aanandhi here for Mehandi tomorrow? ASR won't also be here as he is going to Mumbai?

Everyone's face lit up instantly.

Grandma: Anoop is right. We can call her here tomorrow.

LO: Wow, that's great. Then we will meet the bride.

Mythili: ok Grandma. I don't know what she would say. Let's try.

Mythili is called Solanki house. As expected, Arunita attended the call.

Arunita: Hello. Who is speaking?

Mythili: Miss Arunita I'm Mythili.

Arunita: How are you daughter?

Mythili: I'm fine Arunita. We are planning to perform Mehandi tomorrow. Can you bring Aanandhi here?

Arunita (hesitatingly): But Daughter, Arshad is there in RM..

Mythili: No no Arunita. Chinni is going to Mumbai. He will not be here tomorrow. That's why I'm called Aanandhi.

Arunita: Ohhh. Then ok. I will take her there tomorrow morning.

Mythili: Thank you Arunita.

She cuts the call. Lo gave hi-fi to NK. They were happy to meet Aanandhi. Nirupama showed a mehandi design for Aanandhi.

Niru: See here, this design is amazing. If Aanandhi joins her palms together, Arshad's full name will appear.

Naina: That will be great Mom.

Everyone liked the design.

Anoop went outside like a good boy silently and called Mr. Dube. He attended the call without delay.

Dube: How are you, Anoop?

Anoop: I'm damn busy as ASR's marriage is in four days.

Dube: Oh my god. Really?

Anoop: didn't you get an invitation card? We sent it to your Singapore office address.

Dube: Oh no. Actually, I was in Malaysia for the past one week and I came to India directly from there. I'm really sorry I disturbed ASR. I will call him and cancel the program.

Anoop: Thank you so much. But not now.

Dube: But why?

Anoop: Some rituals are going on here. It will affect you if you cancel it.

Dube: Ohhh I see. What do you want me to do?

Anoop: Call him tomorrow morning. But don't tell him that you are canceling it because of his marriage.

Dube: Sure sure. I will manage.

Anoop: Thank you so much, Mr. Dube.

Dube: Anything for ASR.

He cut the call. Anoop smiled, thinking what would happen if Aanandhi met Arshad in his DEN? Isn't it going to be fun?