11:56am: Eleonore: She won’t even answer my texts!
11:56am: Eleonore: I mean I know that maybe it might have been a sore topic for her or that we didn’t agree on something
11:57am: Eleonore: But isn’t this too much???
12:00pm: Sabrina: I don’t know, El. You know how she gets when she doesn’t want to talk to someone. Maybe you should give her some time?
12:02pm: Eleonore: It’s just so frustrating because I don’t even know what I did wrong.
12:03: Sabrina: I know, but she isn’t responding to my messages either. Let’s just give her some time to cool off and listen to what her reasons were when she gets back to us.
I slammed my phoned down on my bed, unhappy with the answer Sabrina gave me to my current situation. Sure, I knew that Amanda was hot headed and stubborn sometimes, but really? To not even answer my calls was a bit much…