Chereads / The New Dawn of Monkey D. Luffy / Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: Going To The Capital

Chapter 24 - Chapter 24: Going To The Capital

In Nanohana, the three brothers finally finished their meal (and the subsequent chaos) and found a quiet rooftop to plan their next moves.

"So," Sabo adjusted his hat, his expression turning serious. "What exactly are we dealing with here, Lu? You mentioned seeing the future - what happens in Alabasta?"

"Oh yeah!" Luffy perked up. "Crocodile tries to take over Vivi's country! He makes everyone fight each other with fake rain!"

"Dance Powder," Ace nodded. "We heard rumors about that."

"But this time it's different!" Luffy grinned. "Robin's on our side now; she knows all his plans! And I'm way stronger!"

"Robin?" Sabo raised an eyebrow. "Nico Robin? The archaeologist?"

"Shishishi! Yeah! She's my nakama now!"

"You recruited the Devil Child?" Ace whistled. "You do attract interesting people, Lu."

"Speaking of interesting," Sabo leaned forward, "Who taught Haki in the future,"

"Oh yeah!" Luffy bounced excitedly. "In the future, Rayleigh taught me Haki! So this time I already know how to use it!"

"RAYLEIGH?!" Both brothers' jaws dropped. "As in Dark King Rayleigh?!"

"Yep! He's super strong! Shishishi!"

"Lu..." Ace rubbed his temples. "You can't just casually mention being trained by that man's first mate..."

"Shishishi! Why not? Rayleigh's cool!" Luffy grinned, picking his nose casually.

"That's not the point!" Ace bonked him. "And stop picking your nose!"

"But Aceeeee," Luffy whined, rubbing the new bump.

Sabo chuckled at their antics before turning serious again. "So, what's our plan? We can't just let Crocodile continue his scheme."

"Oh! I know!" Luffy pumped his fists. "We kick his ass!"

"THAT'S NOT A PLAN!" Both brothers hit him simultaneously.

"But it worked last time!" Luffy protested, sporting two new bumps.

"Last time?" Ace raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! I punched him hard and sent him flying through bedrock! Shishishi!"

Sabo adjusted his goggles thoughtfully. "Well, with your Haki now, you could probably handle him alone. But what about the civil war? And the Marines?"

"Don't worry!" Luffy grinned. "My crew's super strong! And Robin knows all of Crocodile's secrets!"

"Still," Ace crossed his arms, "we should-"


"Ah! I'm hungry again!" Luffy announced.

"YOU JUST ATE ENOUGH FOR AN ARMY!" His brothers shouted with shark teeth.

"Shishishi! But fighting makes me hungry!" Luffy patted his stretched stomach.

"Everything makes you hungry," Ace sighed, though a fond smile played on his lips.

"Speaking of fighting," Sabo twirled his pipe thoughtfully, "we should probably move soon. Those Marines won't stay down forever."

"Oh yeah!" Luffy jumped up. "I need to find my crew! They're probably getting supplies and stuff!"

"Your crew..." Ace's expression turned slightly protective. "Are they taking good care of my little brother?"

"They're the best!" Luffy beamed. "Zoro's super strong, and Nami's super smart, and Usopp tells cool stories, and Sanji makes the best meat, and Chopper's an awesome doctor, and Robin knows everything, and-"

"Breathe, Lu," Sabo chuckled.

"MEAT!" Luffy suddenly shouted, his nose twitching. "I smell Sanji's cooking!"

Before either brother could stop him, Luffy stretched his arms out. "GOMU GOMU NO ROCKET!"

"OI!" Both brothers shouted as Luffy grabbed them. "WAIT-"


The three brothers soared through the air, Luffy laughing while Ace and Sabo screamed (though they'd later deny it).

"LUFFY YOU IDIOT!" Ace's flames trailed behind them.


"SHISHISHI! This is fun!"


The three brothers landed (or more accurately, crashed) onto the Going Merry's deck, creating a small crater in the wood.

"MY SHIP!" Usopp cried with white eyes.

"Shishishi! We're back!" Luffy announced cheerfully, completely unfazed by the crash landing.

"YOU COULD HAVE USED THE LADDER!" Nami punched all three brothers, leaving matching bumps.

"Scary..." Ace and Sabo muttered in unison, impressed by someone actually disciplining their little brother.

"Ah!" A new figure landed gracefully on the deck, contrasting with the brothers' crash landing.

"SABO-KUN, YOU IDIOT!" Koala's fist connected with Sabo's head, leaving a steaming bump. "Do you know how long we've been looking for you?!"

"K-Koala!" Sabo clutched his new bump. "I can explain-"

"We had to follow the trail of EXPLOSIONS to find you!" Koala's teeth became shark-like. "What happened to being discreet?!"

"Shishishi! Who's this?" Luffy tilted his head.

"I'm Koala, this idiot's partner in the Revolutionary Army," she bowed politely to the crew before turning back to glare at Sabo.

"Oh?" Ace grinned mischievously. "Just partners?"

"YES!" Both Sabo and Koala shouted, faces red.

Robin observed the newcomer with interest. "Another Revolutionary? This is becoming quite the gathering."

"Anyway," Nami clapped her hands, "we need to prepare for the desert-"

"That won't be necessary," Robin interrupted, her expression serious. "My intelligence network indicates Crocodile has accelerated his plans significantly. The rebellion is about to begin in Alubarna."

"We intercepted some Marine communications," Koala reported, her expression serious. "They're temporarily withdrawing from Nanohana, but they're sending at least three Vice Admirals as reinforcement."

"Three Vice Admirals?" Usopp's knees started shaking. "Isn't that overkill?"

"There's more," Koala continued. "There's a possibility that Garp the Fist might come personally."

"GARP?!" Most of the crew shouted in panic.

Luffy just picked his nose. "Eh, Gramps is coming?"

"G-GRAMPS?!" Koala's jaw dropped, looking between Luffy and the others.

"Oh right, you didn't know," Sabo chuckled nervously. "Garp is our grandfather... well, Luffy's by blood, mine by trauma."

"The Hero of the Marines... is your grandfather?" Koala stared at them in disbelief.

"Shishishi! Yeah! His fists of love hurt!" Luffy chirped, while Ace and Sabo shuddered at the memories.

"This... explains so much," Koala muttered.

"More importantly," Robin interjected smoothly, "it seems Crocodile is becoming careless. He's leaving obvious evidence of his involvement."

"The pressure must be getting to him," Nami observed. "Between the Marines, the Revolutionary Army, and having Fire Fist Ace show up..."

"He's probably rushing his plans," Zoro added, hand on his swords.

"The rebellion could start any moment," Vivi wrung her hands anxiously.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Sanji lit a cigarette. "Let's go kick that sandy bastard's ass!"

"YEAH!" Luffy pumped his fists. "Let's go!"

"Wait!" Chopper spoke up. "Shouldn't we make some kind of plan first?"

"Since when do Luffy's plans ever work?" Usopp muttered.

"Oi!" Luffy pouted.

"He's got a point though," Ace grinned. "Lu's more of a 'punch first, think never' kind of guy."

"Like you're any better," Sabo teased.

"Says the guy who blew up half of Nanohana," Koala deadpanned.

"That was an accident!"

"FOCUS!" Nami bonked them all. "We need to move NOW!"

"Right!" Everyone straightened up.

"Are you coming with us, Koala?" Nami asked. "Or do you need to return to your Revolutionary friends?"

Koala shook her head. "We'll stay here. There are still bounty hunters lurking around, and someone needs to protect our ship. We don't know when the Marines might show up."

"Good point," Nami nodded. "Robin, is there any shortcut to reach the capital quickly?"

"Yes," Robin replied thoughtfully. "There's a canal that divides Alabasta. It's not meant for ships, but if we take a small vessel, we could row through it."

"Row?" Usopp's shoulders slumped. "In this heat?"

"With our captain's and everyone's strength, it shouldn't take too long," Robin smiled.

"No need for that," Ace interrupted with a confident grin. "I can just drag the boat with my fire. It'll be much faster."

"You can do that?" Chopper asked with stars in his eyes.

"Of course!" Ace's fist burst into flames. "I've gotten pretty good at using my powers for transportation."

"That would certainly save time," Robin mused. "And the heat won't be an issue with your fire powers."

"Then it's settled!" Luffy bounced excitedly. "Let's go kick Crocodile's ass!"

"Hold on," Nami raised her hand. "We still need to decide who's going. We can't all fit in a small boat."

"I'm definitely going," Vivi said firmly. "This is my country."

"And I need to punch that sandy bastard!" Luffy declared.

"Someone needs to keep an eye on these idiots," Zoro sighed.

"If Marimo's going, I'm going too!" Sanji announced.

"What was that, Ero-cook?!"

"You heard me, Mosshead!"

"ENOUGH!" Nami's fists connected with both their heads. "We don't have time for this!"

"Alright," Nami took charge. "Luffy, Ace, Zoro, Sanji, Vivi, and Robin will take the small vessel. The rest of us will stay with the Merry."

"Eh? Why can't I go?" Usopp protested weakly, though clearly relieved.

"Because someone needs to protect the ship," Nami explained. "And you're our brave warrior of the sea, right?"

"O-of course!" Usopp puffed up his chest. "Leave it to Captain Usopp!"

"I should stay too," Chopper added. "In case anyone needs medical attention."

"Good thinking," Sabo nodded. "I'll stay as well. Between the Marines and bounty hunters, you might need backup."

"Shishishi! Then it's decided!" Luffy grinned. "Let's go!"

"Wait!" Nami called out. "Robin, where exactly is this canal?"

Robin pointed towards the east. "There's a hidden entrance about two miles that way. We can acquire a suitable vessel from the local fishermen."

"No need," Ace smirked, jumping down to the dock. He returned moments later with a decent-sized rowing boat. "Found this just sitting there."

"YOU STOLE IT?!" Everyone except Luffy shouted.

"Borrowed," Ace corrected with a grin. "We'll return it... probably."

"Like brother, like brother," Sabo sighed fondly.

"Alright, everyone going to Alubarna, get in!" Nami ordered. "And please try not to destroy half the country while you're at it!"

"No promises!" Luffy laughed as he jumped into the boat.

"That's what we're afraid of," Usopp muttered.

As the others boarded the small vessel, Ace's flames began to wrap around the bow like fiery ropes.

"Hold on tight!" He warned with a mischievous grin.

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Nami wondered aloud.

"Because you're smart," Koala replied dryly.


The boat shot forward like a rocket, Ace's flames propelling it at incredible speed while the others held on for dear life.

"YAHOO!" Luffy cheered.

"THIS IS NOT SAFE!" Vivi screamed.

"Since when has anything involving these brothers been safe?" Robin chuckled, using her powers to secure everyone.

Back on the Merry, the others watched the boat disappear into the distance.

"They'll be fine," Sabo said, though his tone suggested he was trying to convince himself.

"Define 'fine'," Koala deadpanned.

"Well, at least they can't cause more trouble than they already have..." Usopp offered.

Everyone stared at him.

"I just jinxed it, didn't I?"

"Yep," they all nodded.

The small vessel continued its blazing path toward Alubarna, leaving a trail of steam in its wake as Ace's flames pushed it to impossible speeds.

At a temporary Marine outpost in Nanohana's port, Captain Hina stood before a Den Den Mushi, her expression unusually tense. The snail's face mimicked the stern expression of Fleet Admiral Sengoku as his voice came through.

"This had better be important, Captain Hina," Sengoku's voice crackled through the Den Den Mushi. "I don't appreciate being disturbed during a war council meeting."

"Hina apologizes," she spoke in her characteristic third-person manner, "but the situation in Alabasta has become significantly more complicated. Fire Fist Ace has been confirmed in Nanohana."

The Den Den Mushi's eyes widened. "Whitebeard's Second Division Commander? Are you certain?"

"Yes. And there's more," Hina continued, lighting a cigarette. "He was seen with Straw Hat Luffy and a high-ranking Revolutionary Army officer. And... Hina has discovered something disturbing."

"What is it?"

"They're brothers," Hina reported. "All three of them. They were quite vocal about it during their... destructive reunion in the marketplace."

The Den Den Mushi's expression froze. "What did you say?"

"Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Luffy, and the Revolutionary - they're brothers. Hina heard it clearly."

A long, heavy silence followed.

"Are you absolutely certain about this?" Sengoku's voice had become dangerously quiet.

"Yes. They showed... familiar behavior. And their fighting styles... Hina sees similarities."

"This changes everything," Sengoku growled. "I'm sending Vice Admirals Momonga, Doberman, and Onigumo to your location immediately. And..."

The Den Den Mushi's expression shifted to one of resignation.

"I'll have to inform Garp. Though knowing him, he'll probably insist on coming himself."

"Should Hina attempt to engage them?"

"No. Maintain surveillance only. If they're truly brothers... this situation is far more complicated than we initially thought."

As Hina was about to end the call, Smoker burst into the room, his usual cigars trailing smoke.

"Captain Hina," he growled, barely acknowledging the active Den Den Mushi. "My surveillance on Crocodile has confirmed it. He's directly connected to the rebellion."

"Smoker?" Sengoku's voice came through the snail. "Explain."

"My men intercepted communications between Baroque Works agents," Smoker reported gruffly. "They're planning to trigger the rebellion in Alubarna today. And those three pirates we were tracking are heading straight there."

"The brothers?" Hina asked.

"Yeah," Smoker's expression darkened. "They took a small vessel through the canal. Fire Fist is propelling it with his powers. At their current speed, they'll reach Alubarna before us."

"Request permission to pursue," both Captains spoke simultaneously.

Sengoku's voice grew stern through the Den Den Mushi. "Denied. The nearest Vice Admiral is at least a day away from your position. You don't have the firepower to engage a Warlord and those three simultaneously."

"But sir-" Smoker started to protest.

"Listen carefully," Sengoku cut him off. "Your priority is to secure all ports and prevent any ships from leaving Alabasta. We can't risk letting any of them escape before reinforcements arrive."

Smoker's fists clenched, smoke billowing more intensely from his cigars. "With all due respect, Fleet Admiral, I'm going after them with or without permission."

"You dare to-" Sengoku's voice rose dangerously.

"They're heading straight into whatever Crocodile has planned," Smoker pressed on. "We can't just sit here and wait!"

A long, tense silence followed before Sengoku spoke again, his voice heavy with resignation. "You're as stubborn as Garp sometimes, Smoker. Fine. You can pursue them, but only with volunteers. I won't risk ordering marines into what could be a suicide mission. And understand this - there will be no backup coming."


"One more thing," Sengoku added. "While you're there, gather accurate intelligence about the situation in Alabasta. We need to know exactly what's happening with the rebellion, Crocodile's involvement, and..." he paused, "...those three brothers."

"Yes, sir."

"Don't die, Captain Smoker. The Marines need good men like you."

As the Den Den Mushi clicked off, Hina turned to Smoker. "Hina thinks you're crazy."

"Probably," Smoker grunted, already heading for the door. "Time to see who's willing to follow me into this mess."

At Marine Headquarters, Sengoku massaged his temples, dreading the conversation to come. "GARP!" he bellowed. "GET IN HERE!"

A crash echoed through the office as Garp burst through the wall, leaving yet another Garp-shaped hole.

"Can't you use the door like a normal person?" Sengoku grumbled.

"Bwahaha! Where's the fun in that?" Garp laughed, plopping down in a chair and pulling out a bag of crackers. "What's so urgent?"

Sengoku's expression turned serious. "It's about your grandsons."

"Luffy causing trouble again?" Garp munched on his crackers, seemingly unconcerned.

"All three of them are in Alabasta."

Garp froze mid-bite. "What do you mean 'all three'? Sabo..." his voice cracked slightly, "Sabo died years ago."

"He's alive, Garp. And he's with the Revolutionary Army now. My reports confirm he was seen with Ace and Luffy in Nanohana. They were... quite vocal about being brothers."

The crackers fell from Garp's hand, scattering across the floor. For once, the boisterous Vice Admiral was completely silent, his face a mix of shock, joy, and worry.

"Those stupid grandsons of mine..." he finally muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "All this time... Sabo was..."

"This complicates things significantly," Sengoku said. "A Whitebeard Commander, a Revolutionary officer, and an up-and-coming pirate - all brothers, all in one place."

"Bwahaha!" Garp's laugh suddenly returned, though it sounded slightly forced. "Those brats are going to give me a heart attack one of these days!"

"Garp, this is serious-"

"Of course it is! My grandson is alive!" Garp stood up, his usual energy returning. "I'm going to Alabasta!"

"You will do no such thing," Sengoku started, then sighed heavily. "That's what I wish I could say, but with Whitebeard's recent movements, we're spread too thin. I've already assigned Vice Admirals Momonga, Doberman, and Onigumo to handle the situation."

Garp's expression darkened. "Onigumo? That man's too extreme. He might-"

"I know," Sengoku cut him off. "That's exactly why I need you there. Keep them in check, Garp. We can't afford to turn this into a full-scale war with both Whitebeard and the Revolutionary Army."

"So you're sending me after all?" Garp's serious demeanor cracked into a wide grin.

"Don't look so pleased," Sengoku growled. "This is a delicate situation. Try to remember you're a Marine Vice Admiral first, and a grandfather second."

"Bwahaha! Of course, of course!" Garp laughed, though there was a glint in his eye that made Sengoku uneasy.

"I mean it, Garp. Don't make me regret this decision. We need to handle this situation delicately. A Warlord potentially going rogue, a country on the brink of civil war, and now your three grandsons in the middle of it..."

"Don't worry so much, Sengoku! Your goat will get indigestion!" Garp was already heading for the hole he'd made in the wall. "I'll keep things under control!"

"Use the door to leave at least!" Sengoku shouted after him, but Garp was already gone, his laughter echoing through the halls.

Sengoku slumped in his chair, feeding a cracker to his goat. "Why do I feel like I just made things more complicated?"