Chereads / The Lunchtime Girls / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

The Lunchtime Girls

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Dylan sighed as she got out of the car and walked towards the school. Another day of being popular with all eyes on her.

'Okay, Dylan. You can do this. You can do this. It's just one more day. One more day till the Easter Hols, oops I mean holidays.

Hmm, maybe Jess was right, maybe I have been reading too many old books. No, not possible. I only have half a day left, and then it's two weeks off!! Yay.

Uh oh.'

Dylan sighed as she walked through the doors. Immediately everyone looked at her and started pointing out her outfit and hair and make-up.

'Keep it together Dyl! You CAN do this! Okay?

Ugh, I hate Stonybrooke Secondary School. Everyone is obsessed with make-up and hair and hot boyfriends or girlfriends. Ugh! I wish I wasn't a popular girl. I bet if I could just wear my own clothes and my glasses, people would leave me alone! Everyone here is so annoying. I can't believe they're all obsessed with looks and TikToks.'

'Well, not everyone' Dylan thought as she looked at the posters that were still on the bulletin board, despite it being the end of the school year. She smiled as she read them all, they looked like fun.



Help save animals all over by signing up now.


President: Amanda Jane Campbell

Vice-President: Catina Cameron Campbell

Sign-up sheet for new members:

Audrey Johnston

Emily Clark

Brenda Gray

Gertrude Gilligan

Gillian Reid

Ben Crawford

Fraser Morison

John Johnston

Jane Johnston

Evan Clark

Kitty Fisher

'Catina?' Dylan thought, reading it again. 'That's an unusual name. But a bit funny really. I bet she loves cats.'

Dylan eventually moved on from the Pet Lovers Club and read the poster underneath.



Want to be an actress, director, producer, writer or filmer when you're older? Join the film-making club and try any of them!


This term's performance: Four Children and It by Jacqueline Wilson.

Directors: Judy Watson, Amy Stewarts & Jill Grove

Camera-girl: Joanna Watson

Sign up sheet for new members:

Ann-Elise Baker

Joan Henderson

Lilie Hunter

Bel Breanna

Breanna Hill

Summer Gordon

Jacqui Williams

Callisto Mackay

Kelly Quinn

Brendon Cassaway

Bob Enderly

'Wow. There's some unusual names there too.' Dylan thought, surprised. She sighed.

'I wish I could join the Drama club, I love acting. But Jess would not approve of that.

Wow, I feel sorry for this Joanna Watson person. She's stuck behind the camera so no one can see her face. But then again, she could be perfectly happy with that. Anyways, what about the Environmentalist Club?'



Help save the world from climate change.


President: Petunia Rose

Vice-President: Cinder Iris-Rosemary

Sign up sheet for new members:

Anna Robertson

Ella Jacobs

Annabelle Paterson

Annabel Ross

Hermione Greyson

Harry Greyson

Stephanie Sinclair

Stewart Taylor

Jeff Breterson

Connor Cliffson

Cassandra Cliffson

'Cinder Iris-Rosemary and Stephanie Sinclair. Wow, those really are unusual names. Cinder Iris-Rosemary sounds familiar though. Is it-no. It can't be. She moved away 3 years ago. I must have just heard it somewhere around school. Anyways, no way. Jess would not approve of this club, that's for sure. Heck, Jess disapproves of most clubs. But still, I want to look. If I can ever get away from Jess then I'll be able to join them. Next, fashion club.'



Come and order a personalised design and we'll make it. If you're good with sewing machines or designing, then be sure to sign up!


Co-Presidents: Josephine Grey & Jessica James

Assistant: Denise Grey

Sign up sheet for new members:

Evelyn John

Jane Reed

Tallulah Barney

Ella Hones

Summer Stilling

Judy Glenn

Bob Reed

Jessica Reed

'Not my thing at all.' Dylan thought sadly, lying to herself easily. 'Jess loves fashion though, she'll want me to sign up. I guess I could just say I don't want to join any clubs?

Oh who am I kidding. Fashion club would be perfect for me. I love designing and sewing, I have a lot of creativity and I'm good with scissors. But my fashion sense is completely different to Jess's. And she wouldn't like it one bit so, yeah. Next, Sports Club.'



Come and play sports as part of a team. We do all sorts: Netball, Dodgeball, Frisbee, Benchball. Anything!


Captain: Emily Reid

Vice-captain: Jolene Reid

Sign up sheet for new members:

Annabel Baker

Bella Bakerson

Grinch Hounde

Millie Enderson

Hollie Enderson

Jess-Lisa Manford

Kate Miller

Melissa Skyenford

'Not very many there so far.' Dylan thought. She reached up to grab the pen, but quickly pulled it down as she saw her Step-Sister approaching.

"Delilah! You left too quickly, you should have waited" Jess said loudly, causing everyone to stare at them. Jess smiled at Dylan before looking at the bulletin board and frowning. "You weren't thinking of signing up for any clubs, were you!?"

"Nope, not at all!" Dylan said quickly. She shuddered. "I would never, not after last time"

Jess grinned.

"Good, I'm glad to see you've learnt from the whole Music club phase"

Jess pronounced the words 'music club' as if it was a poisoned apple. Dylan sighed and nodded.

"It was a one time thing Jess, I'm never joining another club again. They just take up time you could be spending reading or actin-"

"Nuh-uh" Jess said, wagging her finger sassily. Dylan quickly corrected herself.

"I mean, putting on make-up and designing new trends"

'And reading or acting.' Dylan thought sadly.

Jess nodded.

"Very good Delilah. Now, let's head to our first class of the day. We have English. Ugh, it's a reading lesson today, I hate reading!"

Dylan sighed again and thought to herself as Jess kept on talking.

'Why does she always have to call me Delilah. Oh, right. Because POPULAR GIRLS wouldn't be called Dylan. Ugh, I hate being popular so much. I can't wait for tomorrow! Starting tomorrow, I can go to the library every day and I won't even need to lie and say I'm busy with homework, then sneak out. I can just go to the library for hours at a time and say I'm at my friends house. They won't even realise I'm not!! Yay!

How dare she. Reading is the best thing ever!! Oh but she can never know I feel this way. *sighs* just half a day left. Half. A. Day. Phew!'

"Well?" Jess asked angrily. Dylan snapped back to reality and looked around nervously.


"I said, don't you agree. Reading is just the worst thing ever!"

Dylan sighed again. She'd been sighing a lot recently. But she just couldn't stand her step-sister sometimes.

'I hate having to act like someone I'm not. I love acting, reading and singing, although I'm too scared to act or sing in public. But Jess want me to be some make-up obsessed, clothes-obsessed lunatic. Like her. Lol. Anyways, I have to answer. I might as well keep up the act because otherwise I'm going to have to deal with an angry step-sister for 2 weeks.'

Dylan shuddered again and took a deep breath.

"Oh my gosh yes, reading is, like, the worst thing EVER!"