Original is a ancient race of people who live for 10,000 to 1,000,000 years (so far), they cannot use Aether, as they
can only use Nether after hundreds of years of tempering their body.
Originals are basically very long living, stronger, sturdier, calmer, humans. Only 100 Originals we're recorded using Nether.
Genis is what happens when a variation of Nether gets to strong and creates a new species. It is fairly new (10,000 years). At first it was friendly with Originals, then since they can use the variation their made out of, they overtook the Originals. Genis is magic wielding humans.
Aether is basically inverse Nether. It got to strong and created Genis. That's it.
Nether is an ancient source of life. Aether is a variation of Nether. There are countless variations of Nether. It, itself is a variation. Of what, Hasn't been discovered yet.
A cold-hearted, merciless, king and assassin. He had to many children to count, only his first child was actually trained by him.
Swordmaster of Izalith, Death
A legendary Swordmaster, who comes from the hellish plane of Izalith. He would later be turned into a demon by the Gods, and become Varthruraath. He got his name by slaughtering everyone and everything, until he killed his only child, and met Genesis.
Bevere is the firstborn of Colden and also the former best friend of Genesis. His betrayal of Genesis is that he was that his best friend to kill him. He wanted to slayed by that Ancient relic of Genesis's.