Summary: Following the death of Sirius, Harry finds himself as the newly named Lord Black forced to honor a marriage contract with Amelia Bones. With the power gained from the Black family ring and the backing of the Bones family, Harry realizes that he has more control over his fate then he thought. How will no longer being kept in the dark and a family to fight for change Harry's destiny?
Rating: M
Word Count: 124,029
Status: Complete
Chapter 1: A Second Chance
It was in the early morning hours after the battle at the Department of Mysteries when a sweaty Harry Potter woke up from a nightmare. He reached for his glasses on the nightstand next to his bed and looked around to recall where he was. When he realized he was in a room at Grimmauld Place instead of at Hogwarts he panicked briefly before the events of the day before flashed quickly through his mind and he let out a howl of agony and tightly squeezed his eyes shut, hoping desperately that none of it was real. He quickly covered hos mouth, hoping he hadn't woken Ron who was sleeping in another bed on the other side of the room. When heard Ron still snoring, he sighed a sigh of relief and laid back down.
"How could I have been so stupid?" he thought "I should have known it was a trap. He died because of me." Just then a large regal owl flew into the room and dropped a large envelop on his lap and then flew back out as quickly as he had flown in. If there wasn't a letter resting in his lap Harry would have thought he'd imagined it.
"LUMOS" said Harry sleepily as he sat up against his pillow and picked up the envelop. He was surprised to see the official Gringotts seal at the top of the envelop.
Harrison James Potter
Grimmauld Place
"Harrison?" whispered Harry. "That's strange. Maybe Gringotts has made a mistake," he thought.
"It is not a mistake pup. That's your given name. Open the letter."
"Sirius!" Harry shouted and then covered his mouth. He looked around the room, hoping to see Sirius standing in the corner, but no one was there. He sighed in disappointment and then looked back down at the letter. After several more minutes, he finally opened it.
Dear Harrison James Potter,
This letter is to inform you that there will be a private will reading for Sirius Orion Black at Gringotts Bank at 11 AM tomorrow morning 15 June. As the sole beneficiary it is imperative that you attend the will reading as it cannot happen without you. Please do not bring anyone else with you as this meeting is meant to be private. This letter will act as a portkey to get you to the Black Account manager's office. It will activate at 10:55am.
Wills and Probate Department
"Sole beneficiary? Does that mean what I think it means?" thought Harry. Suddenly his heart sank and his eyes welled with tears. The letter made the loss of Sirius real and his heart ached.
"He's really gone!" Why? Why him? Why am I always left alone? Why does everyone I care for die? Why can't I protect them?" Harry thought to himself while he cried.
"You're not alone pup. I'll be here for you as long as you need me."
"Sirius?" Harry whispered; this time aware of Ron sleeping nearby.
"Yes, it is me pup, but you can't see me. Don't worry you're not crazy." Harry could hear Sirius laughing in is head.
"Fate has given me a second chance to help you with the task ahead of you. When it is complete I will move on to the next great adventure as Albus likes to say, but for now I am sharing your mind."
"I am so sorry Sirius." Thought Harry. "It is my fault that you are dead. I should have known better."
"Don't blame yourself Harry. I don't blame you. The blame should lie solely with Bellatrix and with Voldemort. You couldn't have stopped me from being there to protect you. Forgive yourself, life is too short to not let go of the past.
"I'll try Sirius." Said Harry with a sigh
"While I'm with you I will help you in any way I can Harry. I can help you train, teach you some new spells, teach you about pureblood society and what will be expected of you now that you are a Lord. I will do everything I can to make sure you are successful in taking down Voldemort, and one way or another I promise you I will help you find love and happiness." Harry smiled contently at that and suddenly his heart felt much lighter. It wasn't the same as having Sirius here, but he was glad to have him with him for a little while at least.
"Wait?! Did you say Lord?"
"Yes, you are already the heir of the Potter Lordship but since I have named you as my heir you will inherit the Black lordship as well. As of tomorrow you will officially be Lord Black, which will make you an adult in the eyes of the wizarding world. This will allow you to also take up the Lordship for House Potter." Said Sirius cheerfully.
"Wow, that's a lot to take in." Harry thought.
"But Sirius, I don't know anything about being a Lord?"
"Don't worry Pup, I'll tell you everything I know, and I know there are a couple of useful books in the Black family vault you can take when you go to Gringotts tomorrow. Sleep for now, I know you are exhausted. We can talk more when you've rested." With that Harry felt his eyelids get heavy as he realized how tired he really was. He laid back down and quickly drifted back to sleep.
Harry slept until almost noon and was glad that no more nightmares plagued him. He felt more rested then he had in months. He got dressed and went down to the kitchen for something to eat. Harry walked into the kitchen to see the Weasley clan sitting around the large wooden table in the center of the room with various Order members, while Mrs. Weasley fluttered around the kitchen preparing food. Everyone stopped their conversations and looked in his direction when he walked in. This caused Mrs. Weasley to stop what she was doing and look around the room to see what had caused the sudden silence. When she saw harry her eyes widen. She quickly finished summoning the food to the table and then walked over and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.
"Harry dear, I'm so glad you're alright. Now, eat up. You looked half starved." Molly yelled as she pushed him towards the table and started loading food onto the plate that appeared in front of him. Everyone else took this as the sign to begin and started loading their own plates. Quickly the room filled with noise again and Harry was grateful to get lost in the noise of the conversations going on around him. When most people had finished eating, he told them about the letter from Gringotts and needing to go to Sirius's will reading tomorrow morning. Molly immediately said they would all go and started making plans, but Harry firmly but gently let her know that the letter expressly said he was to go alone since the will could be read to him and no one else. Molly pursed her lips in dissatisfaction but relented not wanting to upset the goblins.
Harry spent the rest of the day lying in bed talking to Sirius. He had excused himself from the others feigning tiredness. Sirius told him all about the history of the House of Black, what it meant to be a Lord, and what would be expected of him over the next few days and months. He also told him anything he could remember about the House of Potter, but unfortunately, he didn't know much.
"Don't be so down pup, after the reading ask them to take you to both vaults. There should be a house history so you can learn more, and I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't some of your parents' belongings, journals, etc. in the vault." This cheered Harry up. He could finally have some things of his parents.
"Oh, and make sure you ask about marriage contracts. Best to get that out of the way early. I know there are none for House Black, but I have no idea about House Potter." Harry bolted upright at this.
"What?" he squealed. "What do you mean marriage contracts?"