Chereads / Woman with the Tiger Eyes in the Beast World / Chapter 282 - Marath versus Marco

Chapter 282 - Marath versus Marco

At the misty dawn in the splendid Oasis, Marco awoke from his dark dreams. The strong eagle shook his head, drank some water from the cold lake and flew up to the sky. The vicious dragon was nowhere to be heard for now and the eagle was excited to see his queen.

Marco flew as fast as he could over the mountains to the Snake Country, so he saw the tall towers of the Snake Castle within two hours. He felt his heart bouncing in his chest wildly."Sienna is there waiting for me!!!" the eagle was chanting in his head...Marco did not want to bother to go through the Castle Gate, so he just streamed right into Sienna's room through the window! "It is my week anyway!" he thought.

Sienna was still in her bed just eating breakfast, when the strong eagle appeared from the blue cold sky. For her, it looked like he was there almost magically because she was just thinking about him! Marco always looked like a strong hero when he took on his human form straight from the eagle and made Sienna's heart jump in excitement.

"Marco!" Sienna called happily and scrambled from the bed, putting her breakfast on the side table. She ran to him and kind of jumped around his neck, which made the cold eagle hug her waist tightly...

Marco felt Sienna's curvy body under the soft velvety golden nightgown. She was heated from the bed and her presence eloped in a happy cloud. 

Marco held her tightly, his hard armour pressed into soft velvet. He was inhaling her scent into him and it felt as if his soul was merging with her being. Sienna felt so nice and warm in his hands to him. He stood there with her for a few minutes, till his cold brain started to work again...

"Why are you not ready to go yet?..." he asked and kissed her lips lightly..then he let her go staring at that nightgown which entangled his primal imagination....

"I have a favour to ask you." Sienna smiled." Please stay today here with me, I promised to paint my inlaws. I need to keep my promise before I go..." She begged him cutely innocently pouting her full pink lips...

"Sure, "Marco nodded..."His brain was distracted with her lips but he just agreed because he was worried she would want to stay there longer for Sharchan again...

"But what I'm to do here?" He asked a bit unsure suddenly. He felt a little tricked but as he looked at her happy smile the feeling went away.

"Can you train with Sharchan a little, please? He needs to level up..." Sienna smiled."It will help him to fight Sarcos better later on..." she sighed. She had the feeling that Sarcos would be even harder on Sharchan after his Wetlands fiasco..." And when he finds out about S, I will be lucky if he does not kill him...I need to soften him beforehand too..." she thought her little plans as she stared at Marco.

"For sure..."Marco nodded." I will keep him busy for you..." he said coldly.

"Thank you, my love."Sienna kissed his lips softly. Marco felt her hot body under the light nightgown and could not resist squeezing her bum a bit roughly.

"Auch...!" Sienna whimpered."Don't make me bruises straight away..." she chuckled at him blushed and tried to get free from his hard embrace...

"I want to have you tonight..." Marco rasped into her hair. Her presence was heating him up!

"Sure, my strong eagle."Sienna kissed his lips. "I will be just yours tonight!" she whispered.

The bathroom door opened suddenly and Sharchan came in bare-chested covered just in a towel around his waist...he just finished his bath quickly, when he heard Marco's voice and panic filled his heart. He did not dress up and just got out to watch Sienna.

Sienna watched his muscular chest and wet long hair...the water droplets still going down his hard abs..He looked so wild and hot that she just licked her lips as she looked at him, the ecstasy of the past days flashing in her mind.

Sharchan noticed and smiled confidently."I'm so much hotter for her than him..." he thought as he looked at the cold eagle.

"Marco, so early..." he noted trying to act normally. His snake was sneaky enough not to let Marco know anything...

"As always..."Marco noted coldly."

Sienna started to feel the tension in the air building up, so she stood up to Sharchan sweetly."Marco agreed to stay here today, so you can train together and I can paint your parents."Sienna smiled at Sharchan.

"Thank you..."Sharchan nodded to Marco. He was not in the mood to be as rude as normally when he knew Marco was a chimera. Just for Sienna's sake. And he needed to get him to that training grounds...

Sharchan started to look for his clothes slowly. Sienna watched his muscles move on his tanned back as he went through the chest with clothes. He was picking a dress for Sienna first for some weird reason, but she just let him and went to finish her cold breakfast sitting on the bed with her feet down.

She glanced at Marco who still stood by the window watching her as an eagle he was. The idea of both of them in the bed passed her wild mind...!!!

"Why are you blushing?" Sharchan glanced at Sienna. He held a beautiful vine red velvet gown in his hands.

"Nothing, you both are just very handsome." Sienna was red...

Sharchan glanced at Marco and shook his head... "Wait for Tyrell, Sienna." he hissed entertained.

Sienna hid her face in her hands bursting into shy crazy laughter..." He just read my mind!!!!!" she thought a bit desperately. Her heart was shaking and her body too..." Was it a promise? Ahhh!!! Sneaky snake. I have to be more careful with him..." she thought frantically.

Marco looked at Sharchan. He did not know what was going on." I will see you at the training grounds. Get ready..both of you!" he grunted and went out of the door for a change...

Marco was walking down the corridors to make his way to the training grounds. "Aaa, King Marco. "Sharmut stopped him in his way holding his mate's waist gently..."How is our hot eagle today?"

"Hot?" Marco shook his head at the White Snake's familiarity.

"I heard so..." Sharmut chuckled and let him go. Chantelle just glanced at him and giggled...

Marco shook his shoulder and went. Outside he saw Marath and Thyasse.

"Is it that hot eagle?" he heard how Thyasse asked quietly.

"Yes, the Sea Eagle King, he has big hands for sure...!"Marath chuckled.

Marco felt weird, it was like everyone was commenting on him..."What did Sienna tell them? Or was it Sharchan? "he thought and became a bit enraged inside...he did not like people to comment on his private life...

Marco sat under a big old tree next to the training grounds and closed his eyes waiting... Suddenly he saw his mind eloped in the blue fire!

"...Marco, close your eyes and feel the heat, seal what has to be sealed...send the dragon to deep sleep, let the eagle lose all his as cold as an iceberg then, so you can survive for another day..." the beautiful woman face with long white hair was suddenly in front of his eyes chanting softly... "Will it work?" The dark manly voice was asking in the distance...

"It has too, I have to protect my baby..." the woman said longingly.

"He is not yours..." the man replied coldly.

"Now he is..." the woman's voice disappeared softly as the light wind.

Marco opened his eyes abruptly! He was utterly puzzled. The strong Sea Eagle did not have many dreams and memories and this just shocked him...

Marco tried to put his mind together when he saw Marath coming closer to him...

"Keeping your cool King Marco?"Marath asked curiously.

"Sure."Marco looked at him a bit dazed.

"There is magic around you."Said Marath. "I long to have it. Come to me when you are ready," he said.

"Sure."Marco nodded. "The bloody sorcerer is weird. I better ask Sarcos."Marco was thinking in a kind of disbelief. Whatever it was, he trusted Sarcos more...

Marath nodded and picked a sword." Would you care to spare till King Sharchan comes?" he asked him. "He might take a bit longer..."

"Why do you think?" Marco furrowed his brows.

"You left the queen with him..."Marath chuckled knowingly.

"And? What do you mean?"Marco stared at the cheeky Black Lizard.

"Don't you feel how much he loves her? He is also hot as melted iron..." Marath chuckled.

"I go fetch him them!"Marco said coldly but somehow upset.

"Shh..let them be...your time is soon anyway, so let's fight! All burning up for the little queen..." Marath smiled.

Marco furrowed his brows..." What does he know?" he thought. "Why would you fight me?" he asked coldly.

"Or are you scared suddenly, hero?"Marath provoked him a little." My mate is watching, I want to see if I'm still in shape." he smiled innocently pointing at Thyasse sitting at the bench elegantly.

"Sure." Marco nodded and took his sword out. He had no idea he just fell into the dark sorcerer's trap!

Marath and Marco fought with swords. The weapons rang loudly, piercing the crisp fresh air. The cold sun shone bright and the day was as lovely for fast fight training as it can be. But was it really training?

Marco was surprised at Marath's strength. The Black Lizard had surely a good fighting technique and was able to spar with Marco seamlessly. Marco felt that he could just let go and started to fight as normal.

"Your strength is good," Marath nodded..."keep your heart safe..."

"Why is that man so weird?"Marco was asking in his mind.

"Keep your focus and enjoy the fight, you butcher way too much. It can be a weakness when you fight with kings. How would you win over someone who you can't kill..."Marath said coldly.

"Why are you lecturing me so much?" Marco asked as he defended his fighting position quite well.

"You have a lovely queen to need to get better to keep her safe..."Marath attacked him rather viciously at a fast speed.

"If you think so..." Marco nodded and added some extra strength to his punches...but Marath always managed to dodge them somehow creating a weird distance between them.

Suddenly Marath threw his sword high into the air! It caught a black fire! Marco stopped and stared as the sorcerer started to shift into a big Black Lizard...Marco watched in a daze...The Black Lizard had a sword in its mouth, and his long tongue swished and broke the sword in Marco's hand and turned around his wrist. The huge lizard started to pull Marco into his mouth!

'What are you doing?" Marco asked a bit unsure...

'I'm going to eat you..."Marath noted coldly.

"For real?"Marco halted...

"Sure, if you don't fight," the lizard chuckled...Marco felt the long tongue pulling him in, it was sticky and bumpy and weird! He pressed with all his strength, but it did not let him go, Marco felt his body in panic for the first time in his life...he never felt so weak...he moved but it was not good enough! He felt kind of paralyzed. "Is his lizard poisonous?"Marco wondered..."This is so weird. I'm so stupid to fight with a sorcerer again!" he thought frantically. The picture of Mathyas flashed in his eyes..." He almost killed me and now his father would finish the job if I do not do something... "he thought and started to feel his body heat up differently somehow...

Suddenly the loud moan pierced the air and Marath stopped, changing into his human form in seconds chuckling... Marco picked himself up from the ground and stood up also watching where the moans came from...Marco shook his head from his daze. "Yes, it was Sienna's voice! No wonder!" he bit his lips upset..."The snake was half naked already..he took her again and let me wait..." he growled in his mind and his body was seeping out a little layer of bluish fire...

"What is going on?"Marco asked aloud staring at his hands...

"Well sounds like Sharchan is mate-parting with our little queen or are you asking about that fire?" asked Marath cheekily.

Marco glanced at the bluish fire..."What is this...? "he stared at his hands.

"Someone is dying..."Marath said coldly"...and their protective magic with them..." he almost smiled resentfully.

"What?" Marco looked at him shocked...

"Look!" Marath made a symbol in the air and the blue fire stopped on Marco's body! Marath made a little bluish ball from it and sent it away. It flew high in the sky and disappeared into the wind.

"Better?"Marath smiled at shocked Marco.

"Sure, thank you..."Marco touched his looked as if nothing happened...

"Change to eagle, Marco..."Marath noted.

"Why?"The Sea Eagle King asked rather suspiciously.

"We see if he can fight me better than your human form..."Marath chuckled rather viciously and changed into a big Black Lizard again.

Marco changed to an eagle, but Marath noted that the eagle's talons were almost dragon-like!

"He is changing already, the magic is way too weak around is reversing the spell..."Marath was thinking..."He would be a dragon with an eagle stuck inside! So much for the Sea Eagle King... Another monster...Should I kill him to end his misery or should I not?"Marath thought coldly.
