Zain wondered why Zelta would be crying now. She had already quit crying about her late mother, why would she continue again, thought Zain, maybe she had been thinking about her mother.
"Zelta please stop crying, you're making me want to join too. And perhaps, crying can't bring her back, it just cages you in pain, remember?" said Zain, but Zelta cried the more.
"It's okay, I'm here, Alec and Tobin are here too, we've got you," said Zain.
"That... That's not it, Gideon's dead. Gideon is dead, and there's nothing I can do to bring him back. And it's all...all my fault," said Zelta with a raspy voice, sniffing her watery nose continuously.
Zain was short of words now, totally shocked to hear this from Zelta.
"How? I mean, how come, how come you know it, how sure are you?" asked Zain.
There was no further response from Zelta, who continued crying.
Zain went back up, to inform Tobin and Alec, about the current tragedy.