King Otun, Ajoke, Prince Awade, Banjoko and four other servants followed the basement. The eight of them were ready to leave. With the help of Shade and Sanmi, of course. They climbed to the top of the hall while Shade held one of the twin, golden eggs and stretched her arm outside. The five Ninki Nankas outside could feel it's light. As if they perceived it, the creatures gathered the front door. Waiting for it to fall. Of course, it could. Their roar filled the cold night sky and waited for Shade to point out the twin egg once again. Since they were chained, they moved together in circles.
Sanmi burnt the rope at the edge of the gun powder with the lamp at hand. It sparkled like a squib while he threw it at them.
The whole building shake as if it was from the sky. The mythical beasts squeaked while it fell on their Shelly backs. One fell to the ground but it stood up in split of seconds. Still strong and ready.
Ajoke and the others that followed, looked up. The walls at the basement creaked a little and sands from the top of the building powdered on their faces. They wiped it off and moved forward.
Sanmi threw another one and the loud, jolting sensation. The boom was more like a gunshot than a thunderclap.
The old albino man in invisible cloak whom was asleep woke up to the disturbing noise. He raised his face from the empty plate and peeped through the broken, wooden door.
"Yes, they're up again." Shade told Sanmi and then threw another gunpowder.
They ran from the front of the door not to die, and dragged themselves in chains. The Ninki Nanka rushed into the darkness and somehow, they would think twice before coming back.
Following the secret passage, Sanmi threw the gunpowders at the basilisks as far as they could reach. This way, they ran farther than ever. Awade and the rest got to a clear road and also ran into the darkness.
"Okay, it's quiet now. Hopefully they're save now." Shade suggested.
"Good. Let's get inside." Sanmi told Shade, they walked back downstairs.
'Grrnnnn! Grrrrnnnnn!! Gggrrrnnnnn!!!'
The smoke hovered on their Shelly bodies in the darkness. They were tried finding their way back into the castle and somehow perceived the smell of humans. The five of them started growling and hissing into the darkness. One of them who seemed to be the leader looked around for a clue.
Meanwhile, Shade and Sanmi got back into the giant's hall. They were happy for the fact that it worked. Their plan worked.
"Where did you get this strange powder?" She asked him.
"I don't know... God knows. I got it from a traveller, I think he said he was from East Africa." He recalled.
"Did they make it?" The chief asked.
"Yes, we hope so. At least, we were able to threaten them."
"You know, I don't care about these people. All we need to do as people from ilé Ife is to come up with a better plan, you know. To save our land." Todun suggested to them.
"So I'm thinking, when they're all tired and off minded, I'd steal the twin golden eggs and you'll deliver it to the beasts, okay?" He pointed to the naked man.
Excitement laced his his eyes while listening to Todun, speak.
"Aww! Thank you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I won't disappoint."
Asa was standing in front of the burning fire, though, the woods and coals were dying.
"The eight of them ought to have gotten far." Shade brought up while adjusting the remaining firewood.
"Are you sure they got to a distance before you stopped throwing the gunpowder?" Asa asked, concerned.
With this, they looked at each other and Shade rose to her feet. "I think so. We all tried our best."
Listening to the quietness, everyone waited for their return. Hopefully, they get to the neighboring city and find enough help.
Atata was chatting with another dwarf, Kola, when Todun interrupted.
"Hello dwarfs!" As if he wanted to chat with them but they gave him a grave stare and a wide smile curved on his face.
"Uhmmm... Don't worry then–" he walked away and the other two continued their silent chatting.
Todun went back to the naked man and the chief. Since they were seated together, as usual.
"I don't t..hink I can go." The naked man shivered. Almost chocking on his voice. "I'm s..cared."
"Of course you can do this. I have the golden twin eggs here." He held them in his hands so they would see.
"That Asa girl watches me too closely. I do not trust her with all of these. She's not even royal and she wants to be a leader!"
"Don't worry about her now, as long as these golden eggs are in our possession, she and her people are useless." He chew on his thumb nails and an evil grin took over his facial expression. "I'd make everyone think we're on their side so we'd just sleep while you, would deliver it." He ended his words facing the naked man.
"Nooo!! Nooooo!!!" A loud screeching cry roared from outside. Asa stood immediately to the sound of it. Her heart like Titanic, sank into the ocean as she looked at the direction.
"No, no... It's not what I'm thinking, is it?"
Shade quickly climbed the chair to check.
Her lips dropped in shock. The five Ninki Nankas were back to the spot, again. But this time, the eight of them that went out knelt at the middle of the mythical beast. They encircled them.
"Help meeee!! Nooo!!!" One of the slaves screamed at the top of her lungs while she buried her face to the ground without being dead. Then it lifted it's limb and scratched down her body. She dropped dead immediately. And others cried louder, in shock.
The other Ninki Nanka roared up to the sky and flames oozed out of their nostrils.
"I don't want to die!!"
King Otun cried out loud but he dared not to fright. He never planned to die like this, at least, he needed a befitting burial. King Otun muttered courage to be bold, For once in his lifetime, he should be bold. Prince Awade and Ajoke buried their faces unto to ground, crying too. But silently, within.
Prince Awade raised up his face. At least, he tried. He took a step and... Failed. Ajoke could feel her poor heart, racing within her ribcage.
'Is this the fate if the gods?' she raised her gaze to the dark sky and sighted the sinking moon. Shade turned to Asa with unsteady breath. She nodded hear head, signalling to Asa that they wouldn't make it.
"Nonono...." She cried out loud, horrified. The two slaves left rushed to hold her back while she struggled to reach for the window.
"Leave me alone! I need to save them. Get your hands off me!"
While she fought to be left alone, Prince Awade raised his gaze towards the window. As if he heard her voice, as if he heard her wails, a solemn tear rolled down his cheek. He couldn't fathom why he came here at the first place. Perhaps, it was destiny. All the fun, fights, love, and crushes were all destined to happen in just one night And among his brothers, he lived the longest.
Dad would literally go insane when he hears this.' the thought played on his mind and the next thing he noticed, was that a sharp claw pierced through his skin. He dropped to the ground, dead.
After him was king Otun.
"Get out of my way! I said leave me alone!" She slapped their gahds off her body but shade made sure that Asa wasn't able to get to the window.
"Get out of my face!" She jerked off.
"No, stop!"
"You can't do anything about this, Asa! Please, listen to me!" Shade begged holding Asa closely so she won't let go.
"Ahhh! Ahhhh!" Banjoko grunted. Hitting them away with his strength, he brought out his sword.
With a little effort, he slashed it over the Ninki Nanka's face and it started bleeding. Others coughed out fire on his body and his clothes, caught fire. Despite the hotness, he still fought with his sword at hand. Banjoko kicked them away from Ajoke as they got closer. He tried to resist their strength over his and stood up again. Before he could stand to his feet, the four mythical beasts scratched him down. One was already weak and bleeding, so it staggered.
Atata staggered the same way and fell to the ground in a thud. He couldn't believe his brother just sacrificed himself for nothing. Tears lingered down his eyes while he heard their cries from outside. It was horrible and devastating.
Banjoko died and Ajoke knew she was the next person. It was only her left with the beasts and her eyes looked at the window. One more time. Of course, she didn't want to go. But Asa gave her no choice. Asa find her way to climb the chair. Her gaze caught one of the Ninki Nanka's who looks bigger and she guessed it was their leader. Anger spread on her face while she pointed her bow at it. Fixing an arrow to it and ready to strike. She threw about ten arrow all at once but it barely felt it.
Ajoke watched Asa from the window . They both shared an eye contact without saying goodbyes. Lost in thoughts, Ajoke got hit and scratched too. She dropped to the ground lifelessly as blood gushed from her back.
The hungry beasts snarled at the silence in sky. Wanting more human flesh to devour.
Tears welled up in her eyes as pain massively lanced through her nose. She hated the situation even more. Now, it her fault everyone died. Her friends and family. Even the king of Ilé Ife is now dead. She chewed on her chapped bottom lip that quivered and it tasted blood. Her shoulders dropped in resignation as the tears crept out of her eyes, making her mouth salty-watery. Asa could feel her world was spinning. The sound of wailings went blur into the distance. All Asa could hear were the screeching cry from the Ninki Nanka. She sat to the chair to think. Voices were like echos but she could only hear one that minute.
Her own voice, her own thoughts. Her own plans.