Alaric was standing at the doorway when Therrin entered the otherwise empty lobby. The iron bars in the door's small square window may have seemed unnecessary to most, but he had seen plenty of skills thieves do more with less. He did not turn to greet the healer, he simply opened the door, letting the cold breeze into the inn, and told Therrin to follow him. The lanterns hanging from their posts on the face of the inn illuminated the swaying blades of grass in the open field. The trees danced peacefully to the sound of their own woodwinds.
They made their way to the back of the inn, past the much emptier tie stall, past the outhouse, to a pile of large rocks. One of which was an undersized boulder. Alaric stopped a dozen paces from them and put his freezing hands behind his back. His eyes were beginning to water from the brisk breeze. At least that's what he told himself. Therrin stood beside him, the width of a thin man between them.
"Lovely," Therrin said as he examined the plain-looking rocks.
Alaric let out the best chuckle he could and reached into his breast pocket to retrieve a hard candy. He handed it to Therrin and went back for his own. The wrappers blew away in the wind.
"Is there a reason we're standing in the freezing cold looking at a pile of rocks, sir?"
"Do you think I'd be foolish enough to be doing so otherwise?" Alaric seldom allowed himself to joke, but Therrin had a unique impact on him. His innocence made for comfort. His charisma made for enjoyment and was just as non-threatening as his innocence. Nothing like Wicket's.
"Suppose not."
"Of course not. Here. Look closer."
The two men stepped toward the rocks. Therrin mumbled the words carved into the rock. "Alaric T. Sampson." Below Alaric's name was the year he was born. The date of his death was not yet etched. To the left of Alaric's name was his wife's, Catyria. His eldest daughter's to the left, Camila's even further down, each on much smaller rocks.
"Catyria had thirty-seven years to her name, Ceralline just nineteen."
"I'm sorry." (How often have I heard someone apologize for my loss? As if I deserve it. Too consumed with my own affairs to protect my daughter. Too busy with affairs to keep my wife's love.)
"Yes. Sorrow is how I felt for a long time. Can't say it doesn't still sting to look at their names."
"I'm sure."
"But eventually my sorrow faded, became one of three things depending on the day or what reminds me of them." He used one finger to count on his others. "Anger. Guilt. Or, if I'm lucky, fond memories. The first two have burrowed themselves so deep inside me that they often keep anything even remotely satisfying from surfacing.
"I feel the same way," Therrin said sharply. "I'm angry at the Lotus and I feel guilty for turning and running. Occasionally, Corbin will make me smile when he mentioned ma and pa. But those smiles are few and far between." He looked at Alaric solemnly. "Why are you angry?"
It had been years since he told anyone what he was about to say to Therrin. But if he was going to seize the young man's mind he had to. There was no other way to relate to the young man as deeply.
He remained silent for a moment. Worked up the courage to speak without his voice cracking.
"Ceralline was found at the bottom of a shaft inside a bell tower. Her body was ruined." He scoffed. "We were lucky she fell on her back. Gave us a chance to identify her. I can't even remember how many damn days and nights I looked for clues. Any sign of who had done such a thing. When I couldn't find anything, her death was declared a suicide. A suicide. Not even an accident. A fucking suicide. Like my sweet Ceralline would end her life on purpose. I wanted to kill everyone that dared spit the words from their filthy mouths."
"I know what that feels like. That rage."
"Aye. It is a simple trap to fall into. And I had almost dug myself out of it when I found Catyria at the bottom of the same damn shaft. Just as dead. I lost all control of myself. My emotions. My thoughts. Insecurity overwhelmed. At first, I blamed myself for not seeing the signs. But now I realize I couldn't have done anything. She had stopped loving me. Stopped respecting me. Long before Ceralline was killed. You have to have someone's respect to guide them." There were tears on Alaric's cheeks, chilled by the breeze. "No. I couldn't have done anything."
"You have mine," Therrin said quietly.
"You have my respect, sir."
"Don't be too quick to give me such an honor. Anyone would have taken you and your brother under their wing."
"That's just one of many reasons."
Alaric turned to the young man.
"You're a strong leader. You do whatever you can to help others. You're fearless. Intelligent. And above all else… you fight for an entire people. Sure you want revenge on The Lotus Queen. But I want revenge too. I figure everyone wants revenge on someone. Nothing to blame you for."
"Only mine has started a deadly war."
"There is that." Therrin smiled. Alaric allowed himself to act as though it was that which was lifting his spirits.