For the last 6 months, he has been scavenging food surviving off what he can find, Hoping...hoping to find any sign of life unsure of why the robots would do this and destroy life
Over the time he had spent living like this he had traversed the distance of most of the city which he estimated to be around 500km in length and over time his stats of the BIOTECH SYSTEM had risen quite a bit his stats read as follows"
INVENTORY: basic clothes set, Knife, sneakers, water bottle x2, canned beans x2
His speed, Stamina and agility had improved over the last 6 months due to all the hiding he had to do from the robots.
'Oh? So my name's Sebastian' he thought to himself. One day whilst walking he noticed something...Something different
someone was running they appeared to be in a black cloak something that would blend in with the darkness easily they were about 50m away from him. confused he talked for the first time in a long time." HEY!" Sebastian shouted.
The figure disappeared around a corner
Sebastian feeling that this was his only chance to know if he was one of the only people left alive was fleeting fast
He sped up with the stats he had gained fr the Biotech system over the last 6 months helping him. Once he turned the corner he could see the figure, Once he heard them out of breath he knew he wasn't the only one left alive.
He tackled the figure and they both went tumbling. Suddenly the figure spoke "Hey, that hurts why'd you have to tackle me" a masculine-sounding voice said.
"s-sorry I've just missed seeing living things like just seeing robots and that's about it for most of your memory is quite boring," Sebastian said exhaustingly.
"I don't believe I've seen you in our colony or with any other colony as a matter of fact
I would remember you as all entrances and exits to the colony are heavily guarded and recorded" the unknown man mentioned.
"I'm not sure what happened I came from a hospital around the centre of the city
and had robots mention something about experimentation and they thought I was dead that's the only reason I escaped, Since I left the hospital I've been sneaking around not sure how to fight and that's when I ran into you"
"Oh wow, So you're one of those test subjects that I've heard a lot about," the unknown man said in slight awe at meeting someone so unheard of."Test subjects?" he replied
"When this all began the began slowly they began taking humans to experiment on them to learn more and more they began changing different aspects of it I assume you have a sort of system right? that's what I've heard about the results of the experiments" the man replied
Sebastian sat down attempting to take in what was happening 'I was a test subject???!'
'wheres my family? did I even have a family'
all these thoughts were running through his head.
"anyways since you're a test subject you must be special so I'm going to take you to the base if that's okay? by the way, my name is Daniel"
Daniel said smiling at the stranger before him.
"I'm Jonathan" he replied smiling happily to have heard of other people in this world. Jonathan and Daniel walked to the base talking, Jonathan learning throughout.
"Ok see we've arrived" Daniel mentioned whilst being in an empty area.
"I don't see it? Am I missing something"
Jonathan smiled and walked around 5m into the centre of a dirt patch and kicked it 10 times to which a voice could be heard "PASSWORD" they shouted which could be heard Clearly. Suddenly a metal clang could be heard and something that sounded like a squeaky door could be heard and a thatch opened around the size of 50m.
A man could be seen standing at the top of what appeared to be a staircase. Jonathan peered down seeing that the staircase stretched around 1km down.
"Welcome back," the man said smiling.
"I see someone new, might I ask who this is."
the man appeared to have a long beard and looked to be quite old