What the fuck has the world brought me to?
I thought bitterly, waiting outside Al Arab Jumeirah. You might be wondering what I was doing there, Outside the most luxurious of hotels in Dubai that people like me dare not even look at?
Very well. Let me just go probe for my time machine and take you back in time with me to show you how unfair the world has been to me.
'What? But that is impossible!' I slammed my hands on the table, feeling my anger getting the best out of me, my force making the table tremble beneath my hands.
Everyone except professor Edward flinched back at my immature outburst. I didnt even care what they thought of my actions, I had stopped caring for over 2 years now.
I wasn't always this bratty you know, but there is just something very wrong with this world, it forges even the purest of souls into bitches. After all, no one's born a bitch.
'I am really sorry Ms Dobrev. But you have indeed failed in all your subjects'. He spoke in a clear, professional voice. I felt the world around me spin making me collapse on the very chair I got up from.
I've never failed. Never. I was too used to being a young scholar, a go-getter. It's just that God thought, "oh, she's happy", smirked down at me from the heavens above, snapped his finger and made me sick and said, "there you go! Better", and not just for a short period, but two fucking months. During my fucking exams.
'But you guys said you would mark me according to the average marking system! I would've given my exams if you would've told me that I would fail otherwise' I said, looking accusingly at every professor present in that room. Feeling tears drench my face.
'Sweetie it's alright, marks are not everything' prof Sprout said soothingly. Expecting that her words would calm me down. Instead, it made my insides boil with anger. No one understood how hard I work every single day, and for what? To fail?
'Of course, it does, why else would I be working my pretty ass off this entire time?' I snapped and instantly regretted it as I realized I had hurt her. She was only trying to calm me down, besides it wasn't her fault I was failing.
'Sorry' I mumbled softly, feeling hopeless, looking down as tears fell from my cheeks, landing on my thighs with an inaudible thud. Smashing to nothingness.
'Is there nothing that can be done?' my voice was soft and was breaking just a little. But before anyone could respond, a familiar voice said in a clear loud voice behind me.
'I can help you, dear.' The headmistress of our college said, entering the room. When she was finally beside me, she squeezed my shoulder gently. I looked up at her with an almost optimistic expression. Though my vision was blurry from the tears, I saw her smile kindly down at me which warmed my entire being.
'But you will have to work hard for that. I have a friend of mine who recognizes your courage and has a job for you. Helping her would also be a great step towards prosperity for our university' Only then did I notice someone beside her. I wiped my eyes to clear my vision. She was a brunette and was in her late 30's, maybe.
'Why me?' I whispered. Turning my gaze back to our headmistress, confused.
'Because that job requires for you to be brave and intelligent my dear, which of course you are.' The brunette replied on behalf of my headmistress, smiling.
'Will that help improve my grades?' I asked, crossing my fingers underneath my skirt.
'I can make arrangements for your examination, yes.' She smiled warmly at me.
I sighed and wiped my face with the back of my hand. How bad can helping her friend be?
'What do you need me to do aunty?' I said standing up, determined to do what was about to come.
Well? Are there no bounds to people's cruelty?
Turns out that the brunette was Ginny Spears urf The most enthusiastic reporter of the Khaleej Times. (For those who don't know what the Khaleej times are- It's the official newspaper of UAE.)
She wanted me to interview Alec Lightwood. Maybe because she was too scared to do that on her own and definitely because I am the best.
Alec was the notorious heir of THE Emirates. His father fucking owns UAE and is the most powerful businessman in the world. Alec is the only son of the Lightwood family urf the future leader of The Emirates.
Talk about being born into money and power. I scoffed.
'How am I supposed to interview a zillionaire! I ain't even a reporter!' I remember asking this to my aunt urf the headmistress.
'It's your problem now munchkin. I can't give you everything on a silver plater just because I am your aunt right?' She had told me when everyone was out of our earshot. Using that end-of-discussion tone of hers.
Tell me, just tell me please. How is exposing your only niece to the most dangerous slash unpredictable slash horny guy a favour? No please tell me! And how was I supposed to do what no one else could?
'Ahhhhh!' I whined, not caring if I sounded like my 6-year old self.
'It's all your fault' I pointed accusingly at the sky where your 'God' is supposed to be. I sighed and adjusted my dress for the hundredth time.
'Fuck them. I am going in.' I said. I mean how much do you expect a pretty woman to wait? It's illegal you know.
I made my way towards the hotel and practically died when I saw the interior. Every part of that hotel screamed money. And I swear I felt my wallet twitching in fear.
'Take me to Mr Lightwood. Now.' I said in an authoritative voice, as I approached the reception.
'He is busy' The receptionist said in an apologetic tone.
Busy doing what? Fucking?
I looked around, only to find myself staring at 7 guards. Damn the security is tight, I cannot just barge in.
Okay. Think Jess think!
'Fine. Can you please tell me which way the washroom is?' She pointed towards the north. I made my way towards where she had pointed. My heels made clinking sounds whenever my heels kissed the ground floor.
I pretended to head towards the washroom, then changed ways when she was out of sight and made my way towards the vent. Trust me if you wanna go here and there unnoticed, use the vent. But make sure it's a clean one you know?
Right now all I wanted to do was find that Lightwood bitch and get this interview over with
I removed my heels, picked them up and crawled my way into the VIP suite.
'I am gonna ask you for the last time. Where are the documents.' I heard a deep, sexy voice boom beneath me, making me stop on my track, or well, on my vent.
Well, Mr Lightwood certainly won't mind me falling off from his vent delayed, he anyhow made me wait for 30 ducking minutes. I could certainly enjoy the show here for a minute or two.
I peeked through the hole to see what was going down there.
Ohhhh! I whistled softly as I saw a typical tall dark man. A mafia? I thought excitedly, he was holding a bloody knife as he continued tormenting a man, sitting on a chair. No scratch that, TIED to the chair.
I heard the deafening scream, laced with fear and sprinkled with pain coming out of that man's mouth, surrounding the whole room. And vent. Definitely the poor guy.
'Tell me, and I'll let you live.' The man holding the knife said threateningly yet casually while playing with the knife. Definitely a danger guy.
'I-I-I don't know' he stammered. Shaking so violently I thought he was experiencing an earthquake.
'Ahhhhhhhh' he cried out, as the danger guy gouged the poor man's eyes out, making me clasp my mouth shut with my hands so that I didn't cry out. Okay! I have seen action movies where they torture and stuff but this.... This was chilling. And heartless, how can someone do that to somebody without feeling like a monster.
That's it. I can't see any more of this!
I started backing away when my heel got stuck on one of the holes on the vent. Fuck vents. I reached over my heel to free it from the wrath of that wretched hole, when...
Clunk. Thud.
I groaned in pain, falling right on my butt. Rubbing my left butt which was throbbing as I fought to get up and before I could grieve about the possibility of my precious butt flattening because of my fall, I was surrounded by guys pointing their guns at me.
Ohhkkaayy... How did I not notice this battalion of well dressed, scary looking guards? And damn, their clothes alone cost so much that they could pay my rent for an eternityยก
'Who dares to interrupt me?' The danger guy thundered, turning to look at who the fuck was foolish enough to interrupt him. In other words, me. He raised an eyebrow at me, a sexy smile playing on his lips.
Why does God have to make such a beauty a psychopathic torturer?
'I am sorry Mr Lightwood, we will escort this impudent girl out' a guy who was pointing his gun at me snarled.
Oh, he did not!
'Impudent? You son of a bitch!' I knocked his hold on his gun with one smooth kick with my good leg and smacking him on his face with the back of my hand.
You choose the wrong girl to disrespect buddy. But before I could feel proud, I heard the guns loading, while I unsuccessfully tried not to flinch.
'No. Leave us alone. And Rayn?' The danger guy looked at that asshole who I just smacked. 'Never speak without permission again. Or you know what the consequences would be' he growled at him.
'Y-yes Mr Lightwood' he stammered, looking like he was about to break down any minute. I had to bite my lips to keep myself from giggling. But then with a start, I realised that I was to interview this guy.
Fuck. My. Life.
'Well, my dear friend, we will continue our session later. I have someone else to take care of' he turned to pat the poor guys head, who was bleeding so heavily I doubt he would even be alive when they 'met' again.
He turned his gaze back on me, his eyes demanding attention, which I didn't give. Not that I didn't want to look at him, who would not want to appreciate a composition of authentic art? For all I knew, if my circumstance were not this frightening, I would've settled in for a bucket full of popcorn while I ogled him head to toe. But I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of dominance, so I kept my gaze down.
Everyone left without another word, dragging the poor guy with them, Leaving me and that psychopath alone so that he could "take care" of me.
Thank you, aunty!
I am about to get brutally tortured by the man you wanted me to interview!