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Jora's Crow

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The year is 2052, almost thirty years after The Clash, or The Apocalypse as some like to call it. Jora, a man who once had a loving family, a great job and a dream home, has now lost everything that he once knew and loved. The one and only reason he hasn't given up is Revenge. He doesn't really know against who or what, but he is on a quest to find out, and once he does he is going to make sure that person, being or creature pays for the death of those who he loved and lost. His path won't be so simple though, as his life twists and turns when a glimmer of hope shines through the darkness of his new life and a forced recruitment pulls him into a life he never imagined he would have.

Chapter 1 - The End and The Start

In the year 2022 many natural disasters began to take place. As much as they tried, many scientists couldn't figure out why. They researched and investigated but most of them couldn't really figure out why or what caused these climate changes or natural disasters and how they could stop them. What was worse, many strange beings began to appear too. Beings only described in ancient mythology, holy books and fairy tales such as Angels, Demons and mythical creatures. Those who found these creatures were quickly silenced by all means and the evidence of these creatures was discreetly hidden or destroyed. Every high ranking and trusted figure of authority did everything in their power to ensure that anything and everything that happened with in their respective area was taken care of. This didn't matter though, as the years passed and the balance of natural energy became tipped, growing points of energy began to create portals known as Doors. These Doors could lead anywhere, from parallel universes to unknown timelines, some beautiful and peaceful, others dangerous and hell like. These Doors were controlled, shut and sealed by strange beings called Silver Stars, humanoid figures shrouded in Shadows and always dressed in black from head to toe. They neither belonged nor responded to any government or authority, but they did work with special classified units from each country to ensure the safety of the people as sometimes these Doors allowed dangerous creatures through. The special units would hide the events from the public eye while the Silver Stars ensured there wasn't much to cover up.

At some point these Doors began to increase in number and strength until they were no longer Doors but Outbreaks. These were harder to control, shut and seal. They caused greater damage and higher energy leakage. They were always controlled at some point but not without them leaving destruction in their path. Many of these were concealed under the guise of power plants blowing up or bomb threats gone wrong but that never solved the problem of the ever increasing Outbreaks.

All of that changed when the Great Clash happened. Many called it The Apocalypse, but in actuality it was the crash of three alternative realities with the current one. The current physical existence of those who survived The Clash, crashed and crumbled as mythical beings became a new reality. Humans, Angels, Demons and such were all thrown into a new life as they tried to learn how to live in the ashes of burnt and deteriorate cities.

With these new species and races of creatures came Four Lords also known as the Four Great Powers. The Lord of Light, The Lord of Balance, The Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Paths. After the raging war between these Four Lords, that lasted years, a treaty was formed in an effort to reach an Era of Peace. This treaty proclaimed that the world would be separated into four Regions. Each Region would belong to one of the Great Powers. The North West region was given to The Lord of Balance, the South West region was given to The Lord of Paths, the North East region was given to The Lord of Light and the South East region was given to The Lord of Darkness. The lands and their people were renamed based on their region as new laws and customs became a part of their everyday life.

{January 10,2022- 11 months before The Clash}

Cling. Clash. The sound of clashing metal and lighting vibrated around the empty clearing in the depths of a forest in the middle of nowhere. Sparks fluttered as they flew in the chilly night air and then fizzled out as they touched the damp ground. Bright lightning bolts and puffy clouds of smoke swirled in a twisted mess as a group of hooded figures stood silently in a circle around the spectacle. They raise their hands up in unison and the twirling mess began to distort and bend as the hooded figures took matching steps forward. The lighting bolted in different directions as it struggled to continue it path outward before it completely dissipated into black smoke and a loud thunder like noise could be heard emanating from the place where it once stood. The hooded figures then quickly placed hundreds of tiny metallic like orbs around the bare burnt hole left on the once lush green ground. They began to mutter between themselves and to the tiny orbs which began to rotate in a perfect circle, creating a buzzing sound and a dim light as they rolled around the perimeter of the burnt hole.

Standing a feet meters away, in the shadows of the forest treeline, stood a tall broad man dressed in a crisp black suit. He watched the scene before him, slowly dragging in a large puff from his cigarette before blowing it out in a billowing cloud of smoke mixed with his warm breath. One of the hooded figures slowly turned to look straight at him and then separated from the rest of the group while signaling orders at them with strange hand motions. The figure then slowly walked towards the man, it's steps making a crunching sound on the wet grass and damp mulch. "Everything good?" The man asked the figure as it closed the distance between them and stood quietly next to him looking back at the rest of the figures still standing around the burnt hole or running into the pitch black forest. "As good as can be, Elijah." Came the soft voice of the young woman under the black hood. Elijah had never seen her face or knew her true name but he knew that everyone called her Celest and that she was the leader of the group, The Silver Stars. He also knew she was human and a mother base on one occasion when she accidently dropped a heart shaped silver locket that contained the badly faded picture of two little girls. She was also the only one who would speak to anyone from his special unit, as the rest would only stare or ignore direct contact. "And what would that mean?" Elijah asked as a grim feeling crawled through him and he pulled in another drag from his cigarette. "It's getting worse Elijah, you know that. It's also getting harder to shut and seal the Doors. On top of that the Doors are becoming more constant." The woman answered in a clam cool voice.

Elijah sighed and held his crumpled pack of cigarettes towards her but she raised a hand in a thankful wave, motioning she didn't want one. They stood quietly, still staring at the figures now picking up the metallic orbs with white handkerchiefs, before the woman sighed and side eyed him. "When was my meeting set?" She asked Elijah who ran a large tanned hand over his lush brown hair. "The boss said he's too busy, to tell you to take a rain check." Elijah answered looking down at her as she stood a good foot shorter than him. "Between you and me, the higher ups say you worry too much and there is no real need for a meeting. Plus, the boss has his hands full right now, with his daughter's scandal and everything going on right now." Elijah whispered to Celest as she continued to stare at her group and Elijah quickly glanced at the black car parked a few feet away, his colleagues hidden behind the black tinted windows. "This matter should be more important then a twenty some year old that can't keep her mouth shut and her drugs in check. The people need to know so they can prepare. They deserve to know." Celest said angered but unmoving so as not to give hint to the men in the car that she was angry or be perceived as a threat to Elijah.

He on the other hand let out a loud roaring laugh and pulled in a last drag from his cigarette before throwing the small cotton stump on the ground and stomping on it. "Celest, if the people knew everything they deserve to know, chaos would run rampant on the streets. Anarchy would flourish stronger than the weeds around us. Anarchy, I say." He continued still laughing a bit more quietly. Celest stared and waved at the hooded figures who were all looking back at her in alarm. They nodded and went back to standing in a small circle, talking between themselves.

"Elijah.."She began, ready to argue but he waved her off with his large hand. "Nah, young lady. I'm not getting into it with you again. Let it go." He said and turned around to walk back to the hidden black car a few feet away. "Asshole." She muttered under her breath and he chuckled as he walked away. "I love you too, Celest. Say hi to the girls for me," Celest looked over her shoulder at his retreating form as it disappeared into the car and sighed in frustration. She knew he was aware of her daughters because of the incident with the locket. She also couldn't stay mad at him and his calm demeanor, it wasn't his fault his superiors were neglectful of the possible horrifying events that could unfold at any moment.

"We're ready Celest." A figure with a deep voice said as it approached her. The figure was that of a man, taller than her and just as broad as Elijah. His light blue eyes shone against creamy pale skin as they stared at her with a strange gleam to them. Celest didn't notice this though as she looked down at the thick black leather utility belt around her slim waist. She checked each pocket and patted them still caught in thought. The man quickly looked up as the sound of the tires on the retreating car caught his attention. They crunched over damp leafs and small pieces of broken wood and then the black car completely blended into the pitch darkness of the dark forest. He sneered angrily at the sight before looking calmly back down at Celest.

"Alright, let's head out." Celest said finally looking up at the man, her hazel eyes crinkling a bit at the ends as she gave him a small smile hidden underneath her black face mask. The man nodded, a smile also forming on his hidden lips and followed her as she walked back to the rest of the group, signaling that they were heading out. The rest of the group gathered around and behind her and the man as they walked into the opposite direction of the clearing and into the dark depths of the lonely forest. "Was the meeting set?" One of the taller figures asked in a rough voice. "No Oliver. It wasn't." Celest answered in a clipped tone. "Why not?" Came the soft girly voice from one of the smaller figures. "Inadequacy." Answered a slightly deeper female voice. "Exactly. Thank you Misa." Celest answered looking back at the figure who was slightly taller than her. "So...what now?" Asked a boyish voice next to her. "What do you mean, what now? Now we continue to do our jobs to the best of our abilities, like we always have." Came the answer from the man with the light blue eyes, causing everyone to nod as they continued to walk further and further into the darkness of the silent forest.